Speaker Bio

Jeong Eun Park, MS, LMFT (zie/he)
Jeong Eun Park, MS, LMFT (Zie/He) is a licensed marriage and family therapist living on stolen land on Turtle Island. Zie is occupying Anishinaabe and Dakota territories known by the colonizer name Minnesota since zie was brought to Turtle Island as a commodity in 1971 as a Korean adoptee.
Currently, Jeong Eun is a doctoral student at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign with the goal of a Doctorate in Education (EdD) with an emphasis on Diversity and Equity. Jeong Eun also is a show producer of Transcendence Cabaret, a primarily BI&POC trans/non binary/two spirit troupe, one of a handful of such on Turtle Island. Jeong Eun is a state trainer with the National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI MN) with their In Our Own Voice (IOOV) program. Jeong Eun works within zir communities which includes trans/non binary, kink and leather, polyam, fellow adoptees, and sex workers.
To follow him, his Twitter handle is @ridingburritos, Instagram is @bab5mom, and his troupe page is transcendencecabaret.com