Event 0 Title Lactation Room
Type Lactation Room
Description A welcoming space designed to provide comfort and privacy for individuals who are breastfeeding or expressing milk.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway 9
Startson 2024-06-11 00:00:00
Endson 2024-06-11 23:59:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1249
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1019
Room Name Midway 9
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1249&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1249__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
1 Title Quiet/Processing Space
Type Quiet/Processing Space
Description Calling all introverts and those in need of low-stimulation peace and quiet. We are thrilled this year to be offering an intentional place to settle at this year's annual conference. This room will be a designated area to express some excited energy or find your balance. Stop by to unwind, decompress, get creative, and recharge.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway 8
Startson 2024-06-11 00:00:00
Endson 2024-06-11 23:59:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1250
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1018
Room Name Midway 8
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1250&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1250__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
2 Title Breakfast (on your own)
Type Breakfast
Description Enjoy breakfast at one of the great surrounding restaurants in the area!
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Startson 2024-06-11 07:30:00
Endson 2024-06-11 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1272
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1272&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1272__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
3 Title The Embodied SAR: Reassessing the Role of Embodiment in Sexuality (Part 1)
Type SAR Session
Description The Embodied SAR is an experiential, group-based process that facilitates participants in expanding their awareness of how various aspects of their sexual attitudes, beliefs, values, and practices both influence and are influenced by one's experience of and relationship to their body.
Rationale: Embodiment involves awareness of somatic feeling, body movements, and the relationship of one's own body to other bodies. When individuals become disembodied they are likely to lose their connection to their sexual selves. In order to work effectively with sexual concerns, professionals must examine the connection between interpersonal context, social identity and its impact on sexuality.
It is intended that after participating in this SAR, attendees will:
1. Identify relevant frameworks that are relevant to professional growth and development.
2. Explore methods of applying relevant frameworks to one's personal and professional practice.
3. Examine various experiences of embodiment and implications on sexuality.
4. Recognize how identity and social perception may contribute to body disconnection.
5. Develop practical components of embodiment for individual and clinical use.
6. Demonstrate an increased awareness of personal attitudes, values, feelings and beliefs about an array of sexual and social identities.
7. Develop greater comfort when addressing and discussing sexual identity topics.
8. Discuss how their sexual feelings, values, reactions, and beliefs may be impacting their ability to work with multicultural groups in professional settings.
9. Describe at least three (3) examples of ways intersectionality is relevant to sexuality professions.
10. Examine the relationship between dominant social narratives and the maintenance of sexual ethics, normalcy, and sexual politics.
11. Articulate the ways in which one's personal sexological worldview has developed over time; compare and contrast the unique components of one's own sexological worldview to those of other professionals within the field;
12. Recognize how discomfort with diverse sexual practices may contribute to barriers in the delivery of educational, health, social, and behavioral health services.
13. Recognize how internalized stereotypes influence our perception of sexual health, wellness, identity, and behavior.
14. Clarify the aspects of sexual knowledge and self-awareness that present areas for further professional exploration.
15. Develop practice perspectives that promote understanding and respectful interactions with individuals who hold different and possibly competing worldviews.
Intended Audience: All Audiences
There will be an hour break during the session for attendees to grab lunch on their own.
Objective Identify relevant frameworks that are relevant to professional growth and development.|Explore methods of applying relevant frameworks to one's personal and professional practice.|Examine various experiences of embodiment and implications on sexuality.|Recognize how identity and social perception may contribute to body disconnection.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway 5
Startson 2024-06-11 09:00:00
Endson 2024-06-11 17:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 7.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1252
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1015
Room Name Midway 5
Accreditation Bodies Accreditation Accreditation Body AASECT
Credit Hours 7
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1252&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1252__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Speakers Speaker 0 Prefix
Firstname Rafaella
Lastname Smith-Fiallo
Designation LCSW, CSE
Biography Rafaella Smith-Fiallo, LCSW (she/ella) is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Sexuality Educator, and therapist who is passionate about helping others go through a journey of healing as they find a healthy perception of their sexual selves. With over 10 years of experience in different healing spaces, she has built a reputation as a compassionate, patient, and professional educator, speaker, and therapist. In 2015, she co-founded Afrosexology, a pleasure based sex education multimedia platform that creates content centering pleasure and liberation. In 2018, she opened her therapy private practice, Healing Exchange, with the intention to provide a space "where dialogue leads to healing and discovery” and supporting clients with their relationship, sex/uality, and trauma experiences. In 2023, she expanded into a group practice offering therapy, sex education and coaching, as well as community workshops and professional development. In recognition of the positive impact she's had in the community, her work with Afrosexology and Healing Exchange has been featured in numerous media outlets including the New York Times, The Washington Post, HuffPost, Teen Vogue, Vibe Magazine, Broadly, and much more. Learn more about her and her work at www.rafaellafiallo.com.
Email rsf@healingxchg.com
Member Number 1249772
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Rafaella%5FSmithALLFiallo%5F1329%2Ejpg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 1
Confirmed Flag No Response
1 Prefix
Firstname De-Andrea
Lastname Blaylock-Solar
Suffix MSW
Designation LCSW-S, CST
Biography De-Andrea Blaylock-Solar (she/her) is Missouri’s first Black AASECT-Certified Sex Therapist and a supervisor for social workers seeking clinical licensure in the State of Missouri. She has worked in the field of behavioral health for 20 years. As a graduate of Saint Louis University, she majored in social work and minored in theology before completing a Master of Social Work degree at Washington University in St. Louis. As the owner of Sankofa Sex Therapy, LLC, she works with individuals and those in all types of relationships and provides therapy from a Christian perspective when requested. De-Andrea likes to say she holds space for clients to dismantle bad theology so they can have good sex. She conducts workshops about sexuality, intimacy, and sensuality, and is a member of the Leadership Collective of the Women of Color Sexual Health Network (WOCSHN). She also serves as a Facilitator with Theater of War Productions, completing two off-Broadway runs of the critically acclaimed Antigone in Ferguson.
Email deandrea.blaylock@gmail.com
Member Number 1197732
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/DeALLAndrea%5FBlaylockALLSolar%5F1272%2Ejpg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 2
Confirmed Flag No Response
4 Title Lactation Room
Type Lactation Room
Description A welcoming space designed to provide comfort and privacy for individuals who are breastfeeding or expressing milk.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway 9
Startson 2024-06-12 00:00:00
Endson 2024-06-12 23:59:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1197
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1019
Room Name Midway 9
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1197&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1197__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
5 Title Quiet/Processing Space
Type Quiet/Processing Space
Description Calling all introverts and those in need of low-stimulation peace and quiet. We are thrilled this year to be offering an intentional place to settle at this year's annual conference. This room will be a designated area to express some excited energy or find your balance. Stop by to unwind, decompress, get creative, and recharge.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway 8
Startson 2024-06-12 00:00:00
Endson 2024-06-12 23:59:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1193
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1018
Room Name Midway 8
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1193&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1193__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
6 Title Breakfast (on your own)
Type Breakfast
Description Enjoy breakfast at one of the great surrounding restaurants in the area!
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Startson 2024-06-12 07:30:00
Endson 2024-06-12 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1273
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1273&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1273__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
7 Title Registration: Badge Pick-up and Information
Type Registration
Description Welcome, attendees!
For a seamless badge pickup and onsite registration experience,
Step 1: Please come to the registration area to print your badge containing your unique QR code that was emailed to you.
Step 2: Grab your tote bag, which includes your lanyard, badge holder, and important conference information.
Step 3: Don't forget to visit the badge swag station to customize your badge with ribbons and pronoun pins.
Enjoy the conference!
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway West Foyer
Startson 2024-06-12 09:00:00
Endson 2024-06-12 17:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1202
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1032
Room Name Midway West Foyer
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1202&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1202__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
8 Title The Embodied SAR: Reassessing the Role of Embodiment in Sexuality (Part 2)
Type SAR Session
Description The Embodied SAR is an experiential, group-based process that facilitates participants in expanding their awareness of how various aspects of their sexual attitudes, beliefs, values, and practices both influence and are influenced by one's experience of and relationship to their body.
Rationale: Embodiment involves awareness of somatic feeling, body movements, and the relationship of one's own body to other bodies. When individuals become disembodied they are likely to lose their connection to their sexual selves. In order to work effectively with sexual concerns, professionals must examine the connection between interpersonal context, social identity and its impact on sexuality.
It is intended that after participating in this SAR, attendees will:
1. Identify relevant frameworks that are relevant to professional growth and development.
2. Explore methods of applying relevant frameworks to one's personal and professional practice.
3. Examine various experiences of embodiment and implications on sexuality.
4. Recognize how identity and social perception may contribute to body disconnection.
5. Develop practical components of embodiment for individual and clinical use.
6. Demonstrate an increased awareness of personal attitudes, values, feelings and beliefs about an array of sexual and social identities.
7. Develop greater comfort when addressing and discussing sexual identity topics.
8. Discuss how their sexual feelings, values, reactions, and beliefs may be impacting their ability to work with multicultural groups in professional settings.
9. Describe at least three (3) examples of ways intersectionality is relevant to sexuality professions.
10. Examine the relationship between dominant social narratives and the maintenance of sexual ethics, normalcy, and sexual politics.
11. Articulate the ways in which one's personal sexological worldview has developed over time; compare and contrast the unique components of one's own sexological worldview to those of other professionals within the field;
12. Recognize how discomfort with diverse sexual practices may contribute to barriers in the delivery of educational, health, social, and behavioral health services.
13. Recognize how internalized stereotypes influence our perception of sexual health, wellness, identity, and behavior.
14. Clarify the aspects of sexual knowledge and self-awareness that present areas for further professional exploration.
15. Develop practice perspectives that promote understanding and respectful interactions with individuals who hold different and possibly competing worldviews.
Intended Audience: All Audiences
There will be an hour break during the session for attendees to grab lunch on their own.
Objective Identify relevant frameworks that are relevant to professional growth and development.|Explore methods of applying relevant frameworks to one's personal and professional practice.|Examine various experiences of embodiment and implications on sexuality.|Recognize how identity and social perception may contribute to body disconnection.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway 5
Startson 2024-06-12 09:00:00
Endson 2024-06-12 17:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 7.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1203
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1015
Room Name Midway 5
Accreditation Bodies Accreditation Accreditation Body AASECT
Credit Hours 7
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1203&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1203__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Speakers Speaker 0 Prefix
Firstname Rafaella
Lastname Smith-Fiallo
Designation LCSW, CSE
Biography Rafaella Smith-Fiallo, LCSW (she/ella) is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Sexuality Educator, and therapist who is passionate about helping others go through a journey of healing as they find a healthy perception of their sexual selves. With over 10 years of experience in different healing spaces, she has built a reputation as a compassionate, patient, and professional educator, speaker, and therapist. In 2015, she co-founded Afrosexology, a pleasure based sex education multimedia platform that creates content centering pleasure and liberation. In 2018, she opened her therapy private practice, Healing Exchange, with the intention to provide a space "where dialogue leads to healing and discovery” and supporting clients with their relationship, sex/uality, and trauma experiences. In 2023, she expanded into a group practice offering therapy, sex education and coaching, as well as community workshops and professional development. In recognition of the positive impact she's had in the community, her work with Afrosexology and Healing Exchange has been featured in numerous media outlets including the New York Times, The Washington Post, HuffPost, Teen Vogue, Vibe Magazine, Broadly, and much more. Learn more about her and her work at www.rafaellafiallo.com.
Email rsf@healingxchg.com
Member Number 1249772
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Rafaella%5FSmithALLFiallo%5F1329%2Ejpg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 1
Confirmed Flag No Response
1 Prefix
Firstname De-Andrea
Lastname Blaylock-Solar
Suffix MSW
Designation LCSW-S, CST
Biography De-Andrea Blaylock-Solar (she/her) is Missouri’s first Black AASECT-Certified Sex Therapist and a supervisor for social workers seeking clinical licensure in the State of Missouri. She has worked in the field of behavioral health for 20 years. As a graduate of Saint Louis University, she majored in social work and minored in theology before completing a Master of Social Work degree at Washington University in St. Louis. As the owner of Sankofa Sex Therapy, LLC, she works with individuals and those in all types of relationships and provides therapy from a Christian perspective when requested. De-Andrea likes to say she holds space for clients to dismantle bad theology so they can have good sex. She conducts workshops about sexuality, intimacy, and sensuality, and is a member of the Leadership Collective of the Women of Color Sexual Health Network (WOCSHN). She also serves as a Facilitator with Theater of War Productions, completing two off-Broadway runs of the critically acclaimed Antigone in Ferguson.
Email deandrea.blaylock@gmail.com
Member Number 1197732
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/DeALLAndrea%5FBlaylockALLSolar%5F1272%2Ejpg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 2
Confirmed Flag No Response
9 Title Boundaries in Eight Dimensions: A Framework in Service of Consent
Code 241
Type Pre-Conference Workshop
Description The Eight Dimensions of Boundaries is a tool to make the invisible visible, a strategy for communication as an act of exchange. The tool highlights that all individuals are part of intersecting groups, communities and institutions, offering opportunities to reinforce personal sovereignty, including as it relates to relational dynamics, gender, sexuality and pleasure. Through highlighting the overlap of boundaries' psychological and concrete nature, the framework is a response to dominant social constructs of what constitutes a "healthy" boundary.
Intended Audience: All Audiences
There will be an hour break during the session for attendees to grab lunch on their own.
Objective Define boundaries through application of the multidimensional framework using the corresponding visual tool.|Identify eight ways in which identity, intersectionality and power influences boundaries.|Practice applying the framework to communication styles for the purpose of fostering consent within a range of relationships and sexual activities.|
Prerequisite Boundaries are not just barriers, but are safe-enough parameters for necessary vulnerability. Boundary exploration asks, "Who am I, who are we? Who is another, others?" Boundaries also ask, "What are my needs and wants, what are your needs and wants?"
Influenced by organizational psychology (Alderfer, 1980; Berg, 2016), the Eight Dimensions of Boundaries began its development unexpectedly in 2019 in the context of outpatient psychotherapy in response to clients stating "I need to set boundaries." The addition of the visual tool came in a 2020 collaboration with a colleague.
The eight dimensions (and interlinking elements to the next domain, communicated here within parenthesis) are: Time (Schedules & Rhythms); Location (Five Senses); Physical (Proximity & Autonomy); Activity (Goals & Intents); Disclosure (Overt & Covert); Resources (Exclusivity & Availability); Energy (Responsibility); Roles (Duration & Frequency), linking back to Time.
The visual tool is a venn diagram that emphasizes the interlinking of the elements. Borrowing from Alderfer (1980), the dimensions are "conceptually distinct but dynamically interdependent."
The framework is offered within an orientation of consent and choice (Fielding, 2021; Martin & Dalzen, 2021; Paulsen, 2009; Steele, Boone & Hart, 2017). Boundary needs are informed by trauma and survival responses. Polyvagal theory (Dana, 2018) posits that humans are wired for near constant social engagement, continuously assessing within our relationships for cues to safety or cues to danger. The presentation interweaves this position as it relates to the influence of power and privilege, particularly as it impacts marginalized identities, and therefore is a direct influence on what makes a boundary safe-enough and secure. Maintaining that constructs such as sexuality, gender and trauma are not static, boundaries inherently shift over time and across cultural, familial, political, historical, regional, class/socio-economical, racial, ethnic and physical context. The tool encourages adapting our ability to "see" ourselves and others together in interdependence (Hemphill, 2021; Junker, 2020).
In trainings, visual slides accompany the content, with focus on eliciting feedback and engagement from the attendees as a means to highlight a variety of responses and viewpoints. Rather than a didactic lecture from an "expert", the encouragement of participation models the use of the tool to promote exchanges and reflection between people and groups. Beyond "professional" roles/settings, the framework aids other skills aimed at clarifying and communicating needs, wants and experiences–including sexual acts, relational dynamics, gender expression–through a shared ability to consider an expansive range of what constitutes a boundary.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Regency B
Startson 2024-06-12 10:00:00
Endson 2024-06-12 15:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 200
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 4.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1097
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1023
Room Name Regency B
Accreditation Bodies Accreditation 0 Accreditation Body AASECT
Credit Hours 4
1 Accreditation Body APA
Credit Hours 4
2 Accreditation Body NBCC
Credit Hours 4
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1097&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1097__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code C
Name C. Socio-cultural, familial factors (e.g., ethnicity, culture, religion, spirituality, socioeconomic status, family values) in relation to sexual values and behaviors
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code D
Name D. Issues related to sexual orientation and/or gender identity: heterosexuality; issues and themes impacting lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual people; gender identity and expression
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code E
Name E. Intimacy skills (e.g., social, emotional, sexual), intimate relationships, interpersonal relationships and family dynamics
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
3 Code F
Name F. Diversities in sexual expression and lifestyles including, but not limited to, polyamory, swinging, BDSM and tantra
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
4 Code J
Name J. Sexual exploitation including sexual abuse, sexual harassment and sexual assault
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
5 Code SC2
Name SC-B. Theory and methods of sexuality counseling approaches to specific populations (e.g., youth, older adult, couples, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities, ethnic/ cultural/ faith-based populations).
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
6 Code SC3
Name SC-C. Theory and methods of different approaches to intervention in relationship systems.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
7 Code SE4
Name SE-D. Theory and methods of approaches to sexuality education with specific populations (e.g., youth, older adults, couples, ethnic/ cultural/ faith-based populations, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
8 Code ST1
Name ST-A. Theory and methods of sex-related psychotherapy, including several different models.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
9 Code ST3
Name ST-C. Theory and methods of approach to intervention in relationship systems experiencing sex and intimacy problems.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker Prefix
Firstname Anne
Lastname Thompson
Designation LPC
Biography Hi! I’m Anne Thompson (she/they), a therapist specializing in trauma-specific and gender-informed treatment for female, femme and gender expansive experiences of trauma and dissociation, working with the spectrum of trauma-related disorders ranging from single incident PTSD to complex trauma and dissociative disorders. EMDR scaffolds my approach to treatment, along with ego state therapy and the conviction that joy is permitted alongside pain.
I entered the world of sex therapy in 2022 and am nearing eligibility to apply for certifcation. My most significant overlap integrating trauma treatment and sex therapy is consent!
My work history includes management and supervisory roles within community mental health settings. I presently teach adjunct in Antioch University New England’s Clinical Mental Health Counseling program. Outside of the therapy room, I can be found playing saxophone in a HONK! band, drawing and bookmaking, as well as delighting in walks, hikes, food and sleep.
Email annethompsonlpc@gmail.com
Member Number 1432869
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Anne%5FThompson%5F1938%2Ejpeg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document 0 Title Boundaries Workshop AASECT 2024 Slides
Document Tag
Filename 1000_0_Thompson_241.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3614/1000_0_Thompson_241.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
1 Title Boundaries handouts AASECT workshop 2024
Document Tag
Filename 1000_0_Thompson_241_0611_204106.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3614/1000_0_Thompson_241_0611_204106.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
10 Title Sexuality Educator Antiracist Training (SEAT)
Code 130
Type Pre-Conference Workshop
Description The Sexuality Educator Anti-racist Training (SEAT) empowers sexuality educators of all racial identities with skills to confront, interrupt, de-construct, and challenge racism in personal attitudes and sexuality education instruction. SEAT is an answer to the question, "What do I do when a racist incident happens under my supervision- whether I or someone else was the source of harm?" This experiential training is developed from a pluralistic viewpoint, designed to go beyond centering "white supremacy culture" standards.
Intended Audience: Educators, Supervisors
There will be an hour break during the session for attendees to grab lunch on their own.
Objective A. Utilize a feedback loop to be trauma responsive when challenging one's internalized anxiety.
B. Model at least 1 way to be antiracist regarding sexuality education instruction.|C. Prioritize trauma responsiveness regarding 1 event of racism and sexuality.
D. Deconstruct 2 behaviors that are framed as resistance.|E. Describe three effective response strategies when a student or school community member has been hurt or wronged by bias. (PLSSE Indicator 4)
F. Describe three strategies educators can use to acknowledge and proactively work to mitigate the impact of bias on their students' sexual health and multiple, intersecting identities. (PLSSE Indicator 5)|
Prerequisite Purpose and Brief Background:
Racism permeates all levels of society and because it does, racism is entrenched in the sexual health field. From the conception of the field, racism is present throughout reproductive health, exploration of sexually transmitted infections, studying sexual behaviors, and permeates various other sexuality discoveries.
Interpersonal racism takes place between individuals and involves use of slurs, practice of biases, or actions filled with hate. This particular form of racism can exist between peers, teachers, and others in classroom and workshop settings. Educational spaces consist of individuals in one place learning together, and there exists individual racism which is the attitude, belief, or action that an individual uses to perpetuate racism. Institutional racism is experienced at the organizational level, where there is racist policy and biased practices that create inequity between marginalized and white groups of people to create advantages for white people in the organization. Systemic racism is the arc that covers society and institutions where privilege benefits white people and people of color are disadvantaged.
Educators are inevitably going to be involved in institutions and systems and must understand the racism present, perpetuated, and quite possibly thriving. While there is no way to be 100% antiracist because racism on some level will always exist, SEAT is meant to promote identifying and interrupting racism throughout various levels of sexuality education across all types of curricula.
Key features of SEAT:
SEAT uses Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality, and Sociocultural Learning Theory as frameworks to center the educational needs of Black, Indigenous, people of color (BIPOC). Using these frameworks aims to help educators model, engage, and use critical analysis to question, shift, and deliver educational content. SEAT curriculum also includes trauma responsiveness as a core component in training to help educators identify key places during instruction that can be triggering/harmful and evaluate where more educational and relational support is needed.
Key takeaways:
This training is designed to move through the experiential learning cycle so that participants can address affective responses in a space with a more knowledgeable other, gain skills to use outside of this training, and apply those skills to reduce harm, interrupt cycles of systemic and individual racism during sexuality education instruction, and utilize trauma responsive care.
SEAT's content include these processes:
- Guided self-identification of participant's fears, reactionary thoughts and behaviors
- Generating specific behavioral intervention tools via action/effect feedback loop
- Applying a combination of cultural humility and dispositional humility via decision tree analysis
- Creating a foundational building block to envisioning liberatory sex ed
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway 7
Startson 2024-06-12 10:00:00
Endson 2024-06-12 15:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 130
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 4.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1095
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1017
Room Name Midway 7
Accreditation Bodies Accreditation 0 Accreditation Body AASECT
Credit Hours 4
1 Accreditation Body APA
Credit Hours 4
2 Accreditation Body NASW
Credit Hours 4
3 Accreditation Body NBCC
Credit Hours 4
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1095&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1095__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code C
Name C. Socio-cultural, familial factors (e.g., ethnicity, culture, religion, spirituality, socioeconomic status, family values) in relation to sexual values and behaviors
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code N
Name N. Learning theory and its application
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code O
Name O. Professional communication and personal reflection skills
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
3 Code SE3
Name SE-C. Ethical issues in sexuality education.
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
4 Code SE4
Name SE-D. Theory and methods of approaches to sexuality education with specific populations (e.g., youth, older adults, couples, ethnic/ cultural/ faith-based populations, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker 0 Prefix
Firstname Crystal
Lastname Ellis
Suffix MPH
Designation MPH, CSE
Company Planned Parenthood Great Rivers
Title Sexual Health Training Coor.
Biography Crystal Ellis (she/her) was born and raised in South Los Angeles, California, earning a Bachelor's Degree in Kinesiology- Exercise Science from California State Polytechnic University- Pomona. Her graduate studies at Washington University in St. Louis' Brown School of Social Work and Public Health focused on improving community access to whole foods in food deserts, such as Ferguson, Missouri, as well as comprehensive sexual health and education. Crystal is an AASECT Certified Sex Educator, founder of Crystallized Sexuality, LLC, and Sexual Health Training Coordinator at Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri (PPSLRSWMO). She has experience working within AIDS Service Organizations (ASO), City Government Infectious Disease Departments, and incorporates sexuality education into art museum programming at Contemporary Art Museum – St. Louis for World AIDS Day every December 1st. Crystal is an advocate for people impacted by HIV/AIDS, and incorporates the "pleasure activist" philosophy into sexuality education for all ages. Her topics of interest include older adult sexuality, BDSM/Kink, and sexuality portrayed within pop culture, music, TV, and film.
Email info@crystallizedsexuality.com
Member Number 1295395
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Crystal%5FEllis%5F1948%2Ejpg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
1 Prefix
Firstname Michelle
Lastname Linschoten
Suffix MSW/MPH
Designation MSW/MPH
Company Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri
Title Director of Education
Biography Michelle started in sex education as a Planned Parenthood of Louisiana's teacher’s assistant in 2008; they fell in love and have been either practicing or studying sex education since then! For the last 6 years, Michelle has been the leader of the Education Department at Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri. Michelle is passionate about sex education and its role in liberating our futures. She can't pick a "favorite" group to work with, but is always honored to serve as a trainer amongst peers.
Email michelle.linschoten@ppslr.org
Member Number 1197807
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Michelle%5FLinschoten%5F1951%2Ejpg
Role Label Co-Presenter
Sort Order 1
Confirmed Flag No Response
11 Title What Every Sex Therapist Needs to Know about Pelvic Dysfunction
Code 238
Type Pre-Conference Workshop
Description Most sex therapy training do not go in-depth into working with pelvic pain/dysfunction clients leaving a sex therapist feeling helpless and stuck, resulting in these clients being referred out to pelvic pain physical therapy as the one and only solution. In this workshop, we will help you understand more about pelvic dysfunction through a detailed discussion of the anatomy of the pelvic bowl, the various other body systems chronic pelvic dysfunction can impact, detailed look at the comorbidity diagnosis, the importance of talking to clients about their menstrual cycles, the penis and pelvic floor, and the impact pelvic pain has relationships
Intended Audience: Counselors, Therapists, Supervisors, Medical Professionals
There will be an hour break during the session for attendees to grab lunch on their own.
Objective Identify the main anatomical parts of the pelvic bowl and pelvic bowl co-morbidity diagnoses|Explain the role the pelvic bowl plays in sexual functioning and dis-functioning.|Identify the role chronic pelvic pain plays in a client's mental health and relationships|
Prerequisite Pelvic pain/dysfunction is a broad umbrella label for many diagnoses, from vaginismus, endometriosis, autoimmune diseases, nerve dysfunction, labrum tears, erectile dysfunction, etc. And most medical providers refer their patients to a sex therapist for general mental health support or sexual dysfunction specifically, and yet most sex therapy certification programs include very little on pelvic pain and that small bit tends to only address pain with sex and encourages students to have pelvic PTs to refer clients to. But what happens when it is the pelvic PTs that are referring the client to a sex therapist? The goal of the presentation is for attendees to leave with more confidence in working with pelvic pain clients.
My presentation is designed to give a broader background on pelvic pain, including:
-the anatomy of the pelvic bowl, including the pelvic floor muscles and their role in orgasm and the pudendal nerve and its role in genital sensation;
-research on the number of people impacted by pelvic pain;
-a detailed look at comorbidity dx associated with pelvic pain;
-how dysfunction in one body system can impact and lead to dysfunction in other systems, including sexual dysfunction;
-how pelvic pain impacts mental health;
-and the research on the impact of pelvic pain and relationships.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Regency A
Startson 2024-06-12 10:00:00
Endson 2024-06-12 15:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 200
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 4.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1096
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1022
Room Name Regency A
Accreditation Bodies Accreditation 0 Accreditation Body AASECT
Credit Hours 4
1 Accreditation Body APA
Credit Hours 4
2 Accreditation Body NBCC
Credit Hours 4
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1096&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1096__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code B
Name B. Developmental sexuality from a bio-psycho-social perspective across the life course
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code G
Name G. Sexual and reproductive anatomy/physiology
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code H
Name H. Health/medical factors that may influence sexuality including, but not limited to, illness, disability, drugs, mental health, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, pregnancy termination, contraception, fertility, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infection, other infections, sexual trauma, injury and safer sex practices
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
3 Code I
Name I. Range of sexual functioning and behavior, from optimal to problematic including, but not limited to, common issues such as: desire discrepancy, lack of desire, difficulty achieving or maintaining arousal, sexual pain, penetration problems and difficulty with orgasm
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
4 Code SC2
Name SC-B. Theory and methods of sexuality counseling approaches to specific populations (e.g., youth, older adult, couples, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities, ethnic/ cultural/ faith-based populations).
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
5 Code SC3
Name SC-C. Theory and methods of different approaches to intervention in relationship systems.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
6 Code SC4
Name SC-D. Theory and methods of decision-making concerning sexually related medical interventions.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
7 Code SC5
Name SC-E. Ethical issues in sexuality counseling.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
8 Code SE4
Name SE-D. Theory and methods of approaches to sexuality education with specific populations (e.g., youth, older adults, couples, ethnic/ cultural/ faith-based populations, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
9 Code ST2
Name ST-B. Techniques of sex-related assessment and diagnosis of the ‘Psychosexual Disorders’ described in the current edition of the DSM.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
10 Code ST3
Name ST-C. Theory and methods of approach to intervention in relationship systems experiencing sex and intimacy problems.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
11 Code ST4
Name ST-D. Theory and method of approach to medical intervention in the evaluation and treatment of psychosexual disorders.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
12 Code ST5
Name ST-E. Principles of consultation, collaboration, and referral.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker Prefix
Firstname Jessica
Lastname Kruckeberg
Designation LMFT, CST
Company Areas of Growth Counseling PLLC
Biography Jessica Kruckeberg is a licensed marriage and family therapist, an AAMFT approved supervisor and an AASECT certified sex therapist. Jessica owns a group practice in Centennial, CO that specializes in working with individual and couples who are living with chronic pelvic pain. Jessica is also an affiliate faculty member in the Division of Counseling and Family Therapy master’s program at Regis University in Thornton, CO.
Email jessica@areasofgrowth.com
Member Number 1402958
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Jessica%5FKruckeberg%5F1962%2Ejpeg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document Title Presentation
Document Tag
Filename 1000_0_Kruckeberg_238.pptx
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3613/1000_0_Kruckeberg_238.pptx
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
12 Title Lunch Break (on your own)
Type Lunch
Description Enjoy lunch at one of the great surrounding restaurants in the area!
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Startson 2024-06-12 12:00:00
Endson 2024-06-12 13:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1204
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1204&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1204__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
13 Title Exhibitor Set-up
Type Session
Description Set-up will begin on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, at 1:00 PM and must be completed by 5:00 PM.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway West Foyer
Startson 2024-06-12 13:00:00
Endson 2024-06-12 17:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1268
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1032
Room Name Midway West Foyer
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1268&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1268__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
14 Title Psychedelics and Sexuality SIG Meeting
Type Special Interest Group (SIG)
Description This special interest group is a resource for AASECT members interested in learning how psychedelic medicines can be incorporated in the healing and exploration of sexuality. Members will discuss ethical concerns and considerations in care when incorporating or integrating psychedelics in practice. This SIG will provide support, share resources, and a space to learn from each other's experiences and wisdom.
CE Credit
Special Interest Group participation does not count toward CE credit.
This is an AASECT members-only event. Registration is not required.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway 4
Startson 2024-06-12 15:00:00
Endson 2024-06-12 16:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1206
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1014
Room Name Midway 4
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1206&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1206__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
15 Title Volunteer Orientation
Type Special Event
Description Conference Volunteers check-in, tour the hotel and gain information to help make the conference a success! We appreciate your support.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway 7
Startson 2024-06-12 15:00:00
Endson 2024-06-12 16:30:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1210
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1017
Room Name Midway 7
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1210&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1210__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
16 Title Western Region Meet-up
Type Special Interest Group (SIG)
Description Join us for the Western Region Meet-up, where like-minded individuals from the Western region will come together to discuss trends, share insights, and network with one another. This meet-up is a great opportunity to connect with professionals from the region and build valuable relationships. Don't miss out on this chance to engage with the Western Region community and gain new perspectives on the latest developments in our industry.
CE Credit
Meet-up participation does not count toward CE credit.
This is an AASECT members-only event. Registration is not required.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway 3
Startson 2024-06-12 15:00:00
Endson 2024-06-12 16:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1205
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1013
Room Name Midway 3
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1205&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1205__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
17 Title AASECT Certification Roundtable
Type Session
Description The Certification Roundtable session offers participants the opportunity to engage with the chairs of various Certification Committees, allowing them to ask questions and gain insights into each discipline. Each chair will be stationed at their respective table, ready to address inquiries specific to their area of expertise, fostering a dynamic and interactive learning environment. This is open to all conference attendees interested in AASECT Certification!
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Pegram
Startson 2024-06-12 16:00:00
Endson 2024-06-12 17:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1211
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1021
Room Name Pegram
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1211&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1211__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
18 Title First-Time Attendee Mixer
Type Special Event
Description Attending a conference for the first time can be an exciting yet nerve-wracking experience. That's why we're thrilled to offer a dedicated space for all first-time attendees at the 2024 AASECT conference!
Join us for icebreakers, low-key games, and the valuable opportunity to get to know fellow peers joining the AASECT conference for the first time. We look forward to welcoming you and making your first conference experience truly memorable!
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Pegram
Startson 2024-06-12 17:00:00
Endson 2024-06-12 18:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1209
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1021
Room Name Pegram
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1209&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1209__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
19 Title Conference Welcome
Type Special Event
Description Join Conference Committee Chair, Chris Belous, and Program Committee Members as they extend a warm welcome to kick off the conference and set the stage for an exciting event ahead!
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Regency Ballroom
Startson 2024-06-12 18:00:00
Endson 2024-06-12 18:45:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1221
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1035
Room Name Regency Ballroom
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1221&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1221__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
20 Title Schiller Plenary: Hope in in the Age of Fear-Based Politics: The Fight for LGBTQ Rights
Type Plenary Session
Description Join Representative Zooey Zephyr for a conversation about building relationships and making change in an era where fear-based politics seek to make bogeymen out of LGBTQ people and other marginalized communities. This talk will discuss Representative Zephyr's path to politics, strategies for identifying areas where change can be affected, and advice for how to center kindness while holding those who seek to do harm accountable for their actions. The talk will include political theory as well as specific strategies to achieve these goals.
Intended Audience: All Audiences
Objective Participants will learn about the role fear has played in attacks on LGBTQ rights and how to approach folks driven by bear-based politics|Participants should be able to recognize how to distinguish between stated purposes of legislation and their actual impacts|Participants should have concrete steps for sustainably fighting for change within their communities & organizations |
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Regency Ballroom
Startson 2024-06-12 18:45:00
Endson 2024-06-12 20:15:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 1.50
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1222
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1035
Room Name Regency Ballroom
Accreditation Bodies Accreditation 0 Accreditation Body AASECT
Credit Hours 1.5
1 Accreditation Body NASW
Credit Hours 1.5
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1222&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1222__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Speakers Speaker Prefix
Firstname Zooey
Lastname Zephyr
Biography Representative Zooey Zephyr represents Montana’s 100th House District in the Montana House of Representatives and is the first trans woman to hold public office in the state of Montana. Throughout her time in office, Representative Zephyr has been a fierce advocate for affordable housing, healthcare, and human rights throughout Montana.
Prior to the legislature, Representative Zephyr worked at the University of Montana, where she oversaw the administration of the university’s curriculum approval process. She also worked as an activist, helping people file discrimination claims, drafting human rights policies for the city of Missoula, and working as a de-escalator at protests to ensure protester safety.
When the Legislature is not in session, Representative Zephyr works with people across Montana, the nation, and the world to help them get involved in the fight for progressive policies.
Email zooey@zooeyzephyr.com
Member Number 5249385
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Zooey%5FZephyr%5F2201%2Ejpg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 1
Confirmed Flag No Response
21 Title Welcome Reception & Exhibits!
Type Special Event
Description Discover and engage with industry-leading exhibitors and fellow attendees as you navigate the Exhibit Hall during this exclusive evening session. Enjoy a variety of delectable light hors d'oeuvres while taking advantage of valuable networking opportunities. Additionally, quench your thirst with a visit to the cash bar as you make new connections and strengthen existing ones. This is an excellent chance to forge relationships and gather insights in a relaxed and inviting environment.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway West Foyer
Startson 2024-06-12 20:15:00
Endson 2024-06-12 21:30:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1212
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1032
Room Name Midway West Foyer
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1212&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1212__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
22 Title Lactation Room
Type Lactation Room
Description A welcoming space designed to provide comfort and privacy for individuals who are breastfeeding or expressing milk.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway 9
Startson 2024-06-13 00:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 23:59:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1198
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1019
Room Name Midway 9
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1198&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1198__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
23 Title Quiet/Processing Space
Type Quiet/Processing Space
Description Calling all introverts and those in need of low-stimulation peace and quiet. We are thrilled this year to be offering an intentional place to settle at this year's annual conference. This room will be a designated area to express some excited energy or find your balance. Stop by to unwind, decompress, get creative, and recharge.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway 8
Startson 2024-06-13 00:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 23:59:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1194
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1018
Room Name Midway 8
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1194&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1194__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
24 Title Breakfast with the Exhibitors
Type Exhibits
Description Enjoy a variety of continental breakfast delights to energize you for a day filled with learning and networking.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway West Foyer
Startson 2024-06-13 07:30:00
Endson 2024-06-13 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1216
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1032
Room Name Midway West Foyer
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1216&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1216__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
25 Title Exhibit Hall
Type Exhibits
Description Thank you to our 2024 Conference Exhibitors! Make sure to swing by each booth and check out the latest innovations, education, and products.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway West Foyer
Startson 2024-06-13 07:30:00
Endson 2024-06-13 17:30:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1215
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1032
Room Name Midway West Foyer
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1215&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1215__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
26 Title Registration: Badge Pick-up and Information
Type Registration
Description Welcome, attendees!
For a seamless badge pickup and onsite registration experience,
Step 1: Please come to the registration area to print your badge containing your unique QR code that was emailed to you.
Step 2: Grab your tote bag, which includes your lanyard, badge holder, and important conference information.
Step 3: Don't forget to visit the badge swag station to customize your badge with ribbons and pronoun pins.
Enjoy the conference!
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway West Foyer
Startson 2024-06-13 07:30:00
Endson 2024-06-13 16:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1213
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1032
Room Name Midway West Foyer
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1213&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1213__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
27 Title Poster Session A - Research & Therapy
Type Poster Presentation
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway West Foyer
Startson 2024-06-13 08:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 1.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1098
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1032
Room Name Midway West Foyer
Accreditation Bodies Accreditation Accreditation Body AASECT
Credit Hours 1
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1098&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1098__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code B
Name B. Developmental sexuality from a bio-psycho-social perspective across the life course
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code C
Name C. Socio-cultural, familial factors (e.g., ethnicity, culture, religion, spirituality, socioeconomic status, family values) in relation to sexual values and behaviors
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code D
Name D. Issues related to sexual orientation and/or gender identity: heterosexuality; issues and themes impacting lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual people; gender identity and expression
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
3 Code E
Name E. Intimacy skills (e.g., social, emotional, sexual), intimate relationships, interpersonal relationships and family dynamics
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
4 Code F
Name F. Diversities in sexual expression and lifestyles including, but not limited to, polyamory, swinging, BDSM and tantra
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
5 Code H
Name H. Health/medical factors that may influence sexuality including, but not limited to, illness, disability, drugs, mental health, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, pregnancy termination, contraception, fertility, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infection, other infections, sexual trauma, injury and safer sex practices
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
6 Code I
Name I. Range of sexual functioning and behavior, from optimal to problematic including, but not limited to, common issues such as: desire discrepancy, lack of desire, difficulty achieving or maintaining arousal, sexual pain, penetration problems and difficulty with orgasm
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
7 Code J
Name J. Sexual exploitation including sexual abuse, sexual harassment and sexual assault
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
8 Code M
Name M. Pleasure enhancement skills
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
9 Code N
Name N. Learning theory and its application
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
10 Code O
Name O. Professional communication and personal reflection skills
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
11 Code P
Name P. History of the discipline of sex research, theory, education, counseling and therapy
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
12 Code Q
Name Q. Principles of sexuality research and research methods
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
13 Code SC1
Name SC-A. Theory and methods of personal/individual counseling.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
14 Code SC2
Name SC-B. Theory and methods of sexuality counseling approaches to specific populations (e.g., youth, older adult, couples, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities, ethnic/ cultural/ faith-based populations).
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
15 Code SC3
Name SC-C. Theory and methods of different approaches to intervention in relationship systems.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
16 Code SE1
Name SE-A. Sexuality education training will include, but is not limited to: theory and methods of general education (including curriculum development, delivery and evaluation).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
17 Code SE2
Name SE-B. Theory and methods of sexuality education (including curriculum development, delivery and evaluation).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
18 Code SE4
Name SE-D. Theory and methods of approaches to sexuality education with specific populations (e.g., youth, older adults, couples, ethnic/ cultural/ faith-based populations, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
19 Code SE5
Name SE-E. Theory and methods of different approaches to sexuality education delivery (e.g., small group work, one-on-one education, large group lectures or interaction, online delivery or use of other electronic means)
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
20 Code ST1
Name ST-A. Theory and methods of sex-related psychotherapy, including several different models.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
21 Code ST2
Name ST-B. Techniques of sex-related assessment and diagnosis of the ‘Psychosexual Disorders’ described in the current edition of the DSM.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
22 Code ST3
Name ST-C. Theory and methods of approach to intervention in relationship systems experiencing sex and intimacy problems.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
23 Code ST4
Name ST-D. Theory and method of approach to medical intervention in the evaluation and treatment of psychosexual disorders.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
Presentations Presentation 0 Title A Group-Based Act Intervention On Reducing Gender-Based Minority Stress for Transgender Veterans
Code 325
Type Poster Presentation
Description The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of face-to-face delivered group-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) interventions in terms of effectiveness and feasibility. The goal is to address a range of psychological issues associated with gender-based minority stress that go beyond traditional diagnoses. The hope for the group is to create a safe place for acceptance and validation of transgender experiences while providing psychoeducation and practice on increasing psychological flexibility needed to build resiliency against chronic gender-based stress.
Objective OBJECTIVE(S):
There is a need for research on how trans-affirmative care can be delivered to transgender veterans in an ef| | |
Prerequisite RESEARCH PLAN:
Due to an insufficient number of transgender veterans available for randomization into intervention and control groups, a program evaluation will be conducted.
Transgender veterans will be recruited from BHIP (Behavioral Health Interdisciplinary Program) of the Bay Pines VA. Veterans will be screened for group appropriateness. A maximum of eight members will be enrolled. All participants will be asked to complete the same set of measures prior the first session and immediately after the last session. The group-based intervention will be delivered by a post-doctoral fellow in psychology under supervision. The 12-week group format will be based on Accepting Gender: An ACT Workbook for Trans and Non-Binary People by Alex Stitt.
Transdiagnostic approaches target underlying processes common to various psychological problems (Hayes, Wilson, Gifford, Follette, & Stroshal, 1996). Co-occurring trauma-related symptoms are likely to be responsive to transdiagnostic approaches that target underlying processes, such as psychological flexibility (Hayes, et al., 1996). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is a transdiagnostic behavioral intervention with established efficacy in treating depression, anxiety, substance abuse, suicidal ideation, and chronic pain (Hayes, et al., 1996; Ruiz, 2010).
During this time of sociopolitical strife, there is a need for effective psychological interventions to enhance well-being and help build resilience to chronic gender-based stress. ACT-based group interventions have been found to be effective in promoting overall-wellbeing and psychological flexibility (Bandolin, et. al, 2023; Kao, Li, Mak, & Cheung, 2023) and a promising approach to treat psychological distress experienced by transgender individuals (Chu, et. al, 2023; McKenzie & Taylor, 2019).
We expect for the group-based ACT intervention to reduce symptoms related to gender-based minority stress and help participants engage in more committed actions consistent with their values. The hope of this study is to demonstrate that acceptance and commitment therapy groups make a satisfactory method of promoting psychological flexibility while reducing chronic gender-based minority distress in transgender veterans.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway West Foyer
Startson 2024-06-13 08:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Parent Poster Session A - Research & Therapy
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1116
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1116&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1116__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code C
Name C. Socio-cultural, familial factors (e.g., ethnicity, culture, religion, spirituality, socioeconomic status, family values) in relation to sexual values and behaviors
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code D
Name D. Issues related to sexual orientation and/or gender identity: heterosexuality; issues and themes impacting lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual people; gender identity and expression
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code J
Name J. Sexual exploitation including sexual abuse, sexual harassment and sexual assault
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker Prefix
Firstname Melissa
Lastname Fernandez
Suffix Doctorate of Psychology, Clinical
Designation PsyD, LMHC
Company CWY VA Medical Center
Biography Dr. Melissa Fernandez is currently immersed in a transformative post-doctoral fellowship in Clinical Psychology at Veterans Affairs, where she works with veterans who identify as transgender and nonbinary, as well as veterans struggling with negative health outcomes and trauma. In this role, she facilitates group and couples therapy sessions, offering crucial support and guidance in navigating complex health, chronic pain, and ability issues, while helping the exploration of gender identity, sexual health, and intimate relationships. While not yet a certified sex therapist, Dr. Fernandez is actively pursuing certification through the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT). She blends her burgeoning expertise in sexuality with her comprehensive training in trauma treatment to provide holistic care to her clients. She is deeply committed to advocating for the social welfare of gender minorities and other marginalized populations. As an outspoken ally, she strives to create inclusive spaces where all individuals feel validated and respected in their identities. Dr. Fernandez has held a license in mental health counseling for 10 years. In addition to her work at Veterans Affairs, she maintains a small client caseload in private practice, offering personalized therapy sessions tailored to the unique needs of each individual or couple. Through her empathetic approach and dedication to ongoing professional development, she empowers clients to overcome obstacles and cultivate fulfilling lives. Outside of her professional pursuits, Dr. Fernandez is an avid advocate for social justice. She enjoys Latin dancing, spirituality, meditation, cooking, gardening, bio-hacking, art appreciation, nature, and travel; finding inspiration and renewal in her commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of others.
Email drfernandezapcs@gmail.com
Member Number 1462715
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Melissa%5FFernandez%5F2105%2Ejpg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
1 Title How Much of Romantic Chemistry is Sexual Attraction?
Code 196
Type Poster Presentation
Description Two-hundred and ninety-eight undergraduates (82% female, 81% heterosexual, and 71% white/non Hispanic) at three universities completed an anonymous, voluntary 33-item survey on romantic chemistry. Thirty-nine percent of the respondents reported that sexual attraction was the primary factor responsible for chemistry in a romantic relationship. Intellectual banter (63%), similarity of age/race/values (47%) and being ready for a new love connection (40%) were identified as other, more important factors. While a third of the respondents could not explain their "romantic chemistry, others suggeste
Objective Identify the relative contribution of sexual attraction to romantic chemistry| | |
Prerequisite Two-hundred and ninety-eight undergraduates (82% female, 81% heterosexual, and 71% white/non Hispanic) at three universities completed an anonymous, voluntary 33-item survey on romantic chemistry. Thirty-nine percent of the respondents reported that sexual attraction was the primary factor responsible for chemistry in a romantic relationship. Intellectual banter (63%), similarity of age/race/values (47%) and being ready for a new love connection (40%) were identified as other, more important factors. While a third of the respondents could not explain their "romantic chemistry, others suggested "energetic alignment," "brain wiring," "soul matching," "similar vibe" and "smell" as important factors. Gender, sexual orientation, and racial differences will be identified. The symbolic interaction/social exchange theoretical frameworks are used to explain the findings. Limitations of the research will be identified.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway West Foyer
Startson 2024-06-13 08:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Parent Poster Session A - Research & Therapy
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1112
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1112&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1112__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code B
Name B. Developmental sexuality from a bio-psycho-social perspective across the life course
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code C
Name C. Socio-cultural, familial factors (e.g., ethnicity, culture, religion, spirituality, socioeconomic status, family values) in relation to sexual values and behaviors
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker 0 Prefix
Firstname David
Lastname Knox
Designation PhD Marriage and Family
Company Best Value Textbook
Title Professor of Sociology
Biography David Knox is professor of sociology at East Carolina University, where he teaches Sociology of Human Sexuality, Sociology of Intimate Relationships, and Families/Relationships/Society. He is the co-author (with Susan Milstein) of HUMAN SEXUALITY: Making Informed Decisions (2024) published by Best Value Textbooks. He is also a relationship therapist/mentor and the author of 140 professional articles. He regularly presents research at annual conferences with undergraduates, graduate students, and colleagues. He is married with three children and five grandchildren.
Email davidknox2@yahoo.com
Member Number 5249539
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/David%5FKnox%5F2010%2Ejpg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
1 Prefix
Firstname I. Joyce
Middlename Joyce
Lastname Chang
Suffix Ph.D.
Designation Ph.D.
Company University of Central Missouri
Title Professor
Dr. I. Joyce Chang received her doctorate in Human Development and Family Sciences and her master’s degree in Interdisciplinary Studies (Psychology, Women Studies, & Statistics) from Oregon State University. Before beginning her career at the University of Central Missouri, she taught at universities in Oregon and Washington. Her primary research interests are high-risk behaviors, relationship development, and the impact of technology on families.
Dr. Chang is a legacy member of the National Council on Family Relations and has received awards and recognitions for excellence in teaching, research, service, and advisement from universities, and professional organizations. Dr. Chang has collaborated with international colleagues and taught/lectured in Sweden, Taiwan, and the Netherlands.
Email chang@ucmo.edu
Member Number 5249427
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/IALLJoyce%5FChang%5F2024%2Ejpg
Role Label Co-Presenter
Sort Order 1
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document 0 Title Romantic Chemistry and Sexual Attraction _Knox and Chang
Document Tag
Filename 0800_0_Chang_196.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3808/0800_0_Chang_196.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
1 Title Presentation
Document Tag
Filename 0800_0_Knox_196.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3634/0800_0_Knox_196.pdf
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Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
2 Title Racial and Gender Differences in Sexual Preoccupation
Code 161
Type Poster Presentation
Description We examined the racial and gender differences in sexual preoccupation. Consistent with the literature, results indicate that male participants reported higher sexual preoccupation than female participants. Additionally, non-White participants had greater scores of sexual preoccupation than White participants; however, we did not find evidence to support the interaction effect between gender and racial identity on sexual preoccupation.
Objective Identify gender and racial differences in sexual preoccupation| | |
Prerequisite Introduction
Sexual self-concept is the perception of one's own sexual feelings and behaviors, which is a primary determinant of sexual health (WHO, 2006). Sexual preoccupation is one of the three factors that shape sexual self-concept (Snell & Papini, 1989). Sexual preoccupation is a cognitive unit of sexual compulsivity that involves images, fantasies, and thoughts excessively concentrated on sexual content (Lloyd et al., 2007; Quadland, 1985). These thoughts are intrusive and often cause anxiety and distress (Lloyd et al., 2007). Many studies found that men report higher levels of sexual preoccupation than women (e.g., Heaven et al., 2003; Snell & Papini, 1989; Wiederman & Allgeier, 1993), yet there is scarce research about racial differences. The objective of the present study was to obtain a timely update on gender differences in sexual preoccupation. Additionally, we incorporated racial identity into our analyses due to a lack of previous work examining racial differences in sexual preoccupation. The latter analysis is further supported by the National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIHMD; 2000)' call to diversify research with racial/ethnic minorities to address the barriers to accessing culturally sensitive healthcare.
We collected data from 496 American participants using the Prolific data collection platform. Gender and racial distribution of participants are as follows: male (n = 243, 49%), female (n = 251, 50.6%); White (n = 343, 69.2%), non-White (n = 152, 30.6%). Participants completed a demographic survey and the Snell Sexuality Scale (Snell Papini, 1989).
A 2 (gender: male versus female) x 2 (White versus Non-White) ANOVA results indicated a significant main effect of gender and racial identity on sexual preoccupation. Male participants (M = 30.36; SD = 8.42) had greater scores of sexual preoccupation than female participants (M = 24.84 SD = 9.85), F(1, 477) = 33.34, p < .001. Non-white participants (M = 28.84; SD = 8.91) scored higher on sexual preoccupation than White participants (M = 26.99, SD = 9.80), F(1, 477) = 4.32, p = .04. There was no interaction between gender and racial identity.
This is the first study to reveal gender differences concurrently with racial differences in sexual preoccupation. The results indicated that men reported higher sexual preoccupation than women, and non-White participants reported greater sexual preoccupation than White participants. While non-White participants do not represent a homogenous group, McCuistan et al. (2023) highlighted that the sexual health disparities among racial/ethnic minorities stem from the inequalities and systemic barriers in the healthcare system. Regarding access to culturally sensitive and gender-affirming healthcare and sex education, the results of this study may broaden the perspective of educators and healthcare providers about racial and gender differences in sexual self-concept.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway West Foyer
Startson 2024-06-13 08:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Parent Poster Session A - Research & Therapy
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1109
Pre Test Url
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Canceled False
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Accreditation Bodies
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Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1109__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code C
Name C. Socio-cultural, familial factors (e.g., ethnicity, culture, religion, spirituality, socioeconomic status, family values) in relation to sexual values and behaviors
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code H
Name H. Health/medical factors that may influence sexuality including, but not limited to, illness, disability, drugs, mental health, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, pregnancy termination, contraception, fertility, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infection, other infections, sexual trauma, injury and safer sex practices
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code I
Name I. Range of sexual functioning and behavior, from optimal to problematic including, but not limited to, common issues such as: desire discrepancy, lack of desire, difficulty achieving or maintaining arousal, sexual pain, penetration problems and difficulty with orgasm
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker 0 Prefix
Firstname Idil
Lastname Ugurluoglu
Designation MS
Company Ball State University
Biography Idil is a third-year international Ph.D. Candidate in the Counseling Psychology program at Ball State University. Her research interests are primarily focused on the mental health and relationship experiences of bisexual individuals. She specializes in providing counseling services to individuals with racial/ethnic and LGBTQIAA+ identities. Her primary mission centers around empowering people to help them build supportive communities where they are recognized and valued as who they are. With a passion for social engagement and a firm belief in the power of collective support, she aspires to create environments where people can find a profound sense of belonging and empowerment.
In her free time, Idil enjoys exploring music. Her favorite TV shows of the moment are Sex Education and Insecure.
Email idil.ugurluoglu@bsu.edu
Member Number 1462440
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Idil%5FUgurluoglu%5F1911%2Ejpg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
1 Prefix
Firstname Alexander
Lastname Tatum
Designation PhD, CST
Company Ball State University
Title Assistant Professor
Biography Alex Tatum (he/him) is a researcher, therapist, and educator specializing in human sexuality and sexual and gender minority (SGM) psychology.
He holds an undergraduate degree in computer science from the University of Virginia, a master’s degree in mental health counseling from Georgia State University, and a Ph.D. in counseling psychology from Loyola University Chicago.
Alex completed his postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Minnesota Medical School where he acquired specialized training in sex and gender issues including erectile dysfunction, compulsive sexual behavior, relationship distress, and transgender identity and transition concerns. He is a Certified Sex Therapist (CST) through the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT), a licensed health service provider in psychology (HSPP) in Indiana, and a licensed clinical psychologist (LCP) in Illinois. As a therapist, he supports clients by adopting evidence-based holistic approaches to integrate intersecting identities (e.g., LGBTQ, BIPOC, polyamorous, kinky) with relationship and sexual concerns. He thoroughly enjoys building collaborative working relationships that empower clients to enact the change they would like to see in their lives.
As an assistant professor at Ball State University, he teaches graduate-level coursework to masters and doctoral students in supervision and human sexuality. He directs the SHINE Lab at BSU, where he maintains an active research program exploring barriers to relationship and sexual satisfaction, and antecedents of SGM mental and physical health disparities. Perhaps his greatest joy as an academic is mentoring graduate students as they develop and refine their research interests.
Email atatum@bsu.edu
Member Number 1331123
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Alex%5FTatum%5F1924%2Ejpg
Role Label Co-Presenter
Sort Order 1
Confirmed Flag No Response
2 Prefix
Firstname Jessi
Lastname Schroeder
Designation MA
Biography Jessi is a second-year doctoral student in the counseling psychology program at Ball State University. Her research interests center around the correlates of sexual health with a current focus on the interplay of sexual health, disability, and BDSM participation. Currently, she is providing counseling services for individuals and couples under the supervision of licensed psychologists and counselors as part of her training in Indiana. Jessi emphasizes a values-oriented and strengths-based approach in her work and strives to cultivate self-compassion and meaning from an anti-oppressive, intersectional, and holistic lens.
Email jbeaver@bsu.edu
Member Number 1445525
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Jessi%5FSchroeder%5F1925%2Ejpg
Role Label Co-Presenter
Sort Order 2
Confirmed Flag No Response
3 Prefix
Firstname Alexandra
Lastname Whitman
Designation MA
Biography Alex is a scholar-activist, sexuality educator, and first-year doctoral student in the Ph.D. program at Ball State University. With a background in TV development, she shifted to the mental health field where she provided research support for a sexual psychophysiology lab, contributing towards research in sexual functioning and sexual violence labels. She then developed programming and curriculums in sexuality education, sex therapy, and ethical non-monogamy for an organization training mental health professionals in sexuality topics. She has a passion for provocative and honest dialogue about sexuality and culturally responsive counseling. Her current research interests include but are not limited to, the intersections of culture and sexuality, destigmatizing individuals on the LGBTQIA+ spectrum, neurodivergence, diverse relationship structures, and kink/BDSM.
If you’re interested in her sexuality educator work, check her out on Zillennial Therapy!
In her free time, Alex enjoys her evolving puzzle addiction, reading queer graphic novels, and taking road trips to unknown places.
Email ialexwhitman@gmail.com
Member Number 1266999
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Alexandra%5FWhitman%5F1909%2Ejpeg
Role Label Co-Presenter
Sort Order 3
Confirmed Flag No Response
4 Prefix
Firstname Nawar
Lastname Albarak
Suffix M.S.Ed, M.A.
Biography Nawar Albarak (she/her) is a PhD in Counseling Psychology at Ball State University, she is specializing in sex therapy. Nawar is a certified crisis counselor in her home country, Kuwait, and is currently practicing as a doctoral level counselor at Ball State University’s Community Practicum Clinic where she serves a diverse population presenting with a wide range of clinical needs. Nawar received a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Northeastern University, a Master of Science in Education in The Interdisciplinary Studies of Human Development from the University of Pennsylvania, and a Master of Art in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Ball State University. Nawar is a seasoned international student in the US and has also established a career in counseling and advocacy in Kuwait where she grew up and where all her friends and family continue to live. Nawar’s clinical and research interest are on being an inclusive trauma-informed counselor, sexual violence, gender-based violence, LGBTQ+ minority stress in the Arabian Gulf, and human sexuality. Nawar is an active advocate in Kuwait against gender-based violence, violence against women, human rights, and mental health. Nawar co-founded an organization named Eithar in Kuwait which focused on women’s rights issues in the country. She has also served as a project manager and crisis counselor at Abolish Article 153, an organization focused on abolishing laws that decriminalize gender-based violence in Kuwait. Nawar is an active member of SHINE Lab: Sexual Health, Identity, and Network Empowerment at Ball State University.
Email nawar.albarak@bsu.edu
Member Number 5238124
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Nawar%5FAlbarak%5F2143%2Ejpg
Role Label Co-Presenter
Sort Order 4
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document 0 Title Presentation
Document Tag
Filename 0800_0_Ugurluoglu_161.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3627/0800_0_Ugurluoglu_161.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
1 Title Presentation
Document Tag
Filename 0800_0_Schroeder_161.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3629/0800_0_Schroeder_161.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
3 Title Sexual Orientation and its Association with Anal Pleasure Among Women
Code 361
Type Poster Presentation
Description Sex is often studied in the context of risk rather than pleasure. Data from the second OMGYes Pleasure Report, focusing on women's experience of anal stimulation, was analyzed with logistic regression to assess for the association of sexual orientation with pleasure from internal and external anal stimulation while controlling for other sociodemographics. Gay/lesbian and bisexual women were more likely than straight women to report pleasure related to internal and external anal stimulation from multiple sources. Understanding anal pleasure may help women engage in more satisfying, safer sex.
Objective At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to identify the different sources of pleasure for internal and e| | |
Prerequisite Anal sex is often studied and discussed in the context of risk (Gana & Hunt, 2022; Hess et al., 2016), not pleasure. According to the National Survey of Family Growth about a third of women in the United States engage in anal sex (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017). Though risk is a factor in any sexual encounter, pleasure is as well (Maynard et al., 2009). Of relevance to the current study, lesbian women are more likely to orgasm than straight women (Garcia et al., 2014) indicating that sexual orientation may be a factor in sexual pleasure and empowerment for risk management (Mahar et al., 2020). This study examines the relationship between sexual orientation and anal stimulation while accounting for sociodemographics. Anal stimulation was divided into two categories, internal and external, with four subcategories: one's own finger, a partner's finger, a sex toy, or a penis. SPSS v. 29.0 was used to run chi square and logistic regression on data from the second OMGYes Pleasure Report (Perkins, 2021), an online survey of 3017 woman forming a nationally represented sample, focusing on women's experience of anal stimulation (Hensel et al., 2022). Women who tried anal stimulation in at least one of the eight anal stimulation categories were included (n = 2190). When designating straight women as the reference group, bisexual women were more likely to report pleasure from the four external anal stimulation (EAS) groups, specifically, from one's own finger (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]=2.21, p<.001), a partner's finger (AOR=2.2, p<.001), a sex toy (AOR=3.00, p<.001), and a penis (AOR=1.93, p=.001). Gay/lesbian women were approximately twice as likely to report pleasure from EAS from one's own finger (AOR=2.55, p=.005) and a sex toy (AOR=2.18, p=.027). Gay/lesbian women (AOR=2.95, p=.004) and bisexual women (AOR=1.98, p<.001) were more likely to report pleasure from internal anal stimulation (IAS) with their own finger. Bisexual (AOR=2.00, p<.001) and queer women (AOR=5.6, p=.02), were more likely to report pleasure from IAS with a partner's finger. Gay/lesbian (AOR=2.47, p=.014) and bisexual (AOR=2.49, p<.001) women were more likely to report pleasure from IAS with a sex toy. Bisexual women were more likely to report pleasure from IAS with a penis (AOR=1.78, p=.004). There are meaningful differences in the rates at which gay/lesbian, bisexual, and queer women experience pleasure from anal stimulation compared to straight women. For the majority of the eight categories of anal stimulation, straight women were significantly less likely to find internal or external anal stimulation pleasurable. Understanding how sexual orientation is associated with anal pleasure may help all women engage in more satisfying sex, safer sex practices (Mbarushimana et al., 2023; Zaneva et al., 2022), and orgasm more readily (Frederick et al., 2018). Limitations: Dataset does not explicitly include trans women.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway West Foyer
Startson 2024-06-13 08:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Parent Poster Session A - Research & Therapy
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1111
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
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Canceled False
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Accreditation Bodies
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Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1111__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code C
Name C. Socio-cultural, familial factors (e.g., ethnicity, culture, religion, spirituality, socioeconomic status, family values) in relation to sexual values and behaviors
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code D
Name D. Issues related to sexual orientation and/or gender identity: heterosexuality; issues and themes impacting lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual people; gender identity and expression
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code E
Name E. Intimacy skills (e.g., social, emotional, sexual), intimate relationships, interpersonal relationships and family dynamics
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
3 Code F
Name F. Diversities in sexual expression and lifestyles including, but not limited to, polyamory, swinging, BDSM and tantra
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
4 Code I
Name I. Range of sexual functioning and behavior, from optimal to problematic including, but not limited to, common issues such as: desire discrepancy, lack of desire, difficulty achieving or maintaining arousal, sexual pain, penetration problems and difficulty with orgasm
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
5 Code M
Name M. Pleasure enhancement skills
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker Prefix
Firstname Liz
Lastname Haas
Suffix BA, MSW
Company University of Michigan Sexual Health Certificate Program
Title Assistant Director
Biography Liz Haas, LMSW ACSW CST CSE, is an experienced clinical social worker dedicated to advancing sexual health and education. With 18 years of clinical social work experience and 13 years specializing in sexual health, Liz brings a wealth of expertise to her field.
Her clinical background includes extensive work at the Ann Arbor Veterans Affairs Hospital, where she provided comprehensive care in Primary Care Mental Health Integration and Substance Use Disorders Clinics. Here, Liz implemented evidence-based interventions addressing a spectrum of issues, including sexual health, chronic pain, sleep, depression, anxiety, grief, trauma, personality disorders, and substance use problems. Notably, she served as a VA trainer for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Chronic Pain, contributing education, training, and research in this area.
Her commitment to education extends to her role as a lecturer at the University of Michigan School of Social Work, where she shares her knowledge in social work practice, therapeutic assessment, CBT-based interventions, trauma-informed therapies, Motivational Interviewing (MI), and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Furthermore, she is the Assistant Director of the University of Michigan Sexual Health Certification Program, shaping the next generation of professionals in this critical field.
Email lizmhaas@yahoo.com
Member Number 1197280
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Liz%5FHaas%5F1264%2Ejpeg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document Title Presentation
Document Tag
Filename 0800_0_Haas_361.pptx
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3633/0800_0_Haas_361.pptx
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
4 Title Sexual Self-Concepts Among Sexual Minority Men with Childhood Sexual Abuse Histories
Code 392
Type Poster Presentation
Description This study sought to further understand sexual self-concepts among young sexual minority men with childhood sexual abuse histories. Sixteen (N = 16) participants were interviewed utilizing a hermeneutical phenomenological conceptual framework and methodology. Three themes were found: (1) body image concerns; (2) penile insecurities; and (3) desire for romantic attachment. This study extend previous research on emotional and mental components and has implications for mental health professionals who are likely to interact with childhood sexual abuse survivors who are sexually diverse.
Objective 1. Increase knowledge on the sexual self-concepts among young sexual minority men with a previous history of childhood sexua|2. Identify mental health consideration when providing clinical services to childhood sexual abuse survivors who are sexual m| |
Prerequisite Sexual self-concepts are people's positive and negative perceptions as sexual beings. This study aimed to further understand sexual self-concepts among young sexual minority men with childhood sexual abuse (CSA) histories. Participants were recruited electronically through announcements posted on social media and phone applications. Sixteen (N = 16) participants were interviewed utilizing a hermeneutical phenomenological conceptual framework and methodology. Three quarters (75%) of the sample were White, 19% were Black, and 6% Asian. The ages of participants ranged from 18–27 years with a mean of 22.5 (SD = 2.7) years. Seventy-five percent (75%) identified as gay and 25% as bisexual. Salient themes were developed and analyzed with the assistance of NVivo. Three themes were found: (1) body image concerns;(2) penile insecurities; and (3) desire for romantic attachment. Findings highlight several perceived factors related to sexual self-concepts that could benefit from consideration when providing mental health services. The dominant emotional-mental sexual health concerns reported in this study were related to body image. Mental health providers should initiate detailed conversations about the nature and extent of body image concerns. Clinic-based programs that target body image perception should consider reaching out to males and address gender specific concerns. Future research is needed to examine the power dynamic related to penile size and to assist sexual minority men in effectively communicating their needs and desires to their sexual partners. Many participants discussed difficulty with romantic attachment due to the perceived hookup culture oftentimes promoted by social media sites and social networking applications. This study questions whether this mentality is suggestive of a CSA perception, developmental phenomenon of the age cohort, an aspect of a gay subculture or the larger gay community. Further awareness about the paradigm of body image and healthy relationship development could assist in improving mental health concerns among this group.
Lastly, 72 men qualified for this study, but not all desired to participate. Non-participation could be a potential obstacle to service-seeking behavior or utilization of clinical services among individuals that have experienced severe childhood trauma. Effort should be made to explore potential non-participation in clinical mental health services and allocate different strategies to recruit underrepresented groups. Given that the impact of CSA is traumatic and associated with psychological instability, this study raises attention to mental health factors related to self-esteem, self-worth and intimacy.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway West Foyer
Startson 2024-06-13 08:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Parent Poster Session A - Research & Therapy
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1263
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1263&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1263__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code B
Name B. Developmental sexuality from a bio-psycho-social perspective across the life course
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code D
Name D. Issues related to sexual orientation and/or gender identity: heterosexuality; issues and themes impacting lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual people; gender identity and expression
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code E
Name E. Intimacy skills (e.g., social, emotional, sexual), intimate relationships, interpersonal relationships and family dynamics
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
3 Code F
Name F. Diversities in sexual expression and lifestyles including, but not limited to, polyamory, swinging, BDSM and tantra
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
4 Code H
Name H. Health/medical factors that may influence sexuality including, but not limited to, illness, disability, drugs, mental health, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, pregnancy termination, contraception, fertility, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infection, other infections, sexual trauma, injury and safer sex practices
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
5 Code J
Name J. Sexual exploitation including sexual abuse, sexual harassment and sexual assault
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
6 Code O
Name O. Professional communication and personal reflection skills
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
7 Code SC2
Name SC-B. Theory and methods of sexuality counseling approaches to specific populations (e.g., youth, older adult, couples, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities, ethnic/ cultural/ faith-based populations).
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
8 Code SE4
Name SE-D. Theory and methods of approaches to sexuality education with specific populations (e.g., youth, older adults, couples, ethnic/ cultural/ faith-based populations, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
9 Code ST3
Name ST-C. Theory and methods of approach to intervention in relationship systems experiencing sex and intimacy problems.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker Prefix
Firstname Bobbie
Lastname Emetu
Designation PhD, MPH, MA, AMFT, APCC
Company California State University Northridge
Biography Dr. Bobbie Emetu is an Professor of Public Health Education at California State University-Northridge, Department of Health Sciences within the Public Health Program. She received her Ph.D. from Indiana University-Bloomington, School of Public Health. Since many structural, social, and behavioral challenges exist for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning (LGBTQ+) emerging adults, Dr. Emetu’s overall research trajectory is to improve the sexual wellbeing among this population. Her research focuses on sexual transmitted infection (STI) and HIV/AIDS risk behaviors. She has conducted projects that encompassed community-based participatory research, mental health, health behavior, and healthcare utilization. She has taught multiple courses on public health, human sexuality, and HIV/STI prevention. Dr. Emetu has worked extensively in educating the community and providing STI and HIV/AIDS education. She serves on the Los Angeles County Lesbian, Bisexual and Queer (LBQ) Women's Health Collaborative. Within that capacity, she has conducted a plethora of trainings focused on caring and the mental health needs for LBQ women at various organizations within Los Angeles County. Dr. Emetu continues to conduct applied research and engage in advocacy within the areas of sexual and mental health, healthcare utilization, and disease prevention.
Email bobbie.emetu@csun.edu
Member Number 1401312
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Bobbie%5FEmetu%5F2092%2Epng
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document Title Sexual self-concepts among sexual minority men with childhood sexual abuse histories
Document Tag
Filename 0800_0_Emetu_392.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3782/0800_0_Emetu_392.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
5 Title Shame as a Moderator of Attachment and Sexual Satisfaction
Code 124
Type Poster Presentation
Description Shame is an intensely painful emotion, adversely impacting mental health and social relationships. The present study addressed a gap in the literature through testing a moderated mediation model focusing on how shame proneness relates to insecure attachment and sexual satisfaction. Results indicate that sexual self-esteem mediated the relationship between insecure attachment style and sexual satisfaction. Shame proneness moderated the relationship between avoidant attachment and sexual satisfaction. Findings provide implications for therapists working with shame-prone clients.
Objective At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will be able to describe how shame proneness changes the relationship be| | |
Prerequisite OBJECTIVE: The role of shame has been studied individually in relation to both attachment and sexual satisfaction, but the relationship between all three of these variables has yet to be addressed. Prior research examining attachment and sexual satisfaction suggests sexual self-esteem mediates the relationship between attachment and sexual satisfaction. The current study hypothesized that shame proneness would moderate the relationship between insecure attachment and sexual satisfaction. Additionally, we hypothesize that sexual self-esteem will mediate the relationship between insecure attachment and sexual satisfaction.
METHODS: The current study recruited a demographically representative sample from the United States based on age, gender, and race (n = 384) through Prolific to take part in an online survey. The survey included measures related to participants' attachment insecurity, shame proneness, sexual self-esteem, and sexual satisfaction. Participants completed an informed consent, followed by a psychological battery assessing the aforementioned constructs.
RESULTS: Preliminary analyses demonstrated most variables were related to each other in the hypothesized directions, ranging from r = .15-.46. There was no relationship between shame proneness and sexual satisfaction, r = .03. Results showed the following: anxious attachment and avoidant attachment were negatively associated with sexual self-esteem, avoidant attachment was negatively related to sexual satisfaction, and sexual self-esteem was positively related to sexual satisfaction. Sexual self-esteem fully mediated the relationship between anxious attachment and sexual satisfaction, but only partially mediated the relationship between avoidant attachment and sexual satisfaction. Shame proneness interacted with avoidant attachment to create a significant moderating effect on sexual satisfaction. Participants who reported low shame proneness had a negative relationship between avoidant attachment and sexual satisfaction. This negative relationship became less severe as participants reported higher shame proneness.
CONCLUSIONS: The model analyzed in the present study revealed that higher levels of shame proneness weakened the negative relationship between avoidant attachment and sexual satisfaction. Higher degrees of sexual satisfaction among shame prone individuals may indicate the manifestation of a defensive response against the perceived painful messages that a shame prone and avoidantly attached person would internalize as a function of their shame prone, avoidantly attached nature. These findings replicate the little prior research identifying sexual self-esteem as a mediator of insecure attachment and sexual satisfaction and confirms that sexual self-esteem is much more closely tied to anxious attachment than avoidant attachment, thereby leaving greater room for extant variables (e.g., shame proneness) to associate with avoidant attachment.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway West Foyer
Startson 2024-06-13 08:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Parent Poster Session A - Research & Therapy
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1256
Pre Test Url
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Post Test Url
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Canceled False
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Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1256&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1256__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code C
Name C. Socio-cultural, familial factors (e.g., ethnicity, culture, religion, spirituality, socioeconomic status, family values) in relation to sexual values and behaviors
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code E
Name E. Intimacy skills (e.g., social, emotional, sexual), intimate relationships, interpersonal relationships and family dynamics
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code I
Name I. Range of sexual functioning and behavior, from optimal to problematic including, but not limited to, common issues such as: desire discrepancy, lack of desire, difficulty achieving or maintaining arousal, sexual pain, penetration problems and difficulty with orgasm
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker 0 Prefix
Firstname Jessi
Lastname Schroeder
Designation MA
Biography Jessi is a second-year doctoral student in the counseling psychology program at Ball State University. Her research interests center around the correlates of sexual health with a current focus on the interplay of sexual health, disability, and BDSM participation. Currently, she is providing counseling services for individuals and couples under the supervision of licensed psychologists and counselors as part of her training in Indiana. Jessi emphasizes a values-oriented and strengths-based approach in her work and strives to cultivate self-compassion and meaning from an anti-oppressive, intersectional, and holistic lens.
Email jbeaver@bsu.edu
Member Number 1445525
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Jessi%5FSchroeder%5F1925%2Ejpg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
1 Prefix
Firstname Alexander
Lastname Tatum
Designation PhD, CST
Company Ball State University
Title Assistant Professor
Biography Alex Tatum (he/him) is a researcher, therapist, and educator specializing in human sexuality and sexual and gender minority (SGM) psychology.
He holds an undergraduate degree in computer science from the University of Virginia, a master’s degree in mental health counseling from Georgia State University, and a Ph.D. in counseling psychology from Loyola University Chicago.
Alex completed his postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Minnesota Medical School where he acquired specialized training in sex and gender issues including erectile dysfunction, compulsive sexual behavior, relationship distress, and transgender identity and transition concerns. He is a Certified Sex Therapist (CST) through the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT), a licensed health service provider in psychology (HSPP) in Indiana, and a licensed clinical psychologist (LCP) in Illinois. As a therapist, he supports clients by adopting evidence-based holistic approaches to integrate intersecting identities (e.g., LGBTQ, BIPOC, polyamorous, kinky) with relationship and sexual concerns. He thoroughly enjoys building collaborative working relationships that empower clients to enact the change they would like to see in their lives.
As an assistant professor at Ball State University, he teaches graduate-level coursework to masters and doctoral students in supervision and human sexuality. He directs the SHINE Lab at BSU, where he maintains an active research program exploring barriers to relationship and sexual satisfaction, and antecedents of SGM mental and physical health disparities. Perhaps his greatest joy as an academic is mentoring graduate students as they develop and refine their research interests.
Email atatum@bsu.edu
Member Number 1331123
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Alex%5FTatum%5F1924%2Ejpg
Role Label Co-Presenter
Sort Order 1
Confirmed Flag No Response
2 Prefix
Firstname Alexandra
Lastname Whitman
Designation MA
Biography Alex is a scholar-activist, sexuality educator, and first-year doctoral student in the Ph.D. program at Ball State University. With a background in TV development, she shifted to the mental health field where she provided research support for a sexual psychophysiology lab, contributing towards research in sexual functioning and sexual violence labels. She then developed programming and curriculums in sexuality education, sex therapy, and ethical non-monogamy for an organization training mental health professionals in sexuality topics. She has a passion for provocative and honest dialogue about sexuality and culturally responsive counseling. Her current research interests include but are not limited to, the intersections of culture and sexuality, destigmatizing individuals on the LGBTQIA+ spectrum, neurodivergence, diverse relationship structures, and kink/BDSM.
If you’re interested in her sexuality educator work, check her out on Zillennial Therapy!
In her free time, Alex enjoys her evolving puzzle addiction, reading queer graphic novels, and taking road trips to unknown places.
Email ialexwhitman@gmail.com
Member Number 1266999
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Alexandra%5FWhitman%5F1909%2Ejpeg
Role Label Co-Presenter
Sort Order 2
Confirmed Flag No Response
3 Prefix
Firstname Alysse
Lastname Wiggins
Suffix B.S.
Company Ball State University
Biography Alysse Wiggins (she/her) is graduating with her MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and Social Psychology in the summer of 2024 at Ball State University. She is entering the doctoral program at Ball State University and studying sexual and gender minorities issues utilizing EEG methodology.
Email Alysse.wiggins@bsu.edu
Member Number 1478545
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Alysse%5FWiggins%5F2214%2Epng
Role Label Co-Presenter
Sort Order 3
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document 0 Title Poster Presentation
Document Tag
Filename 0800_0_Wiggins_124.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3806/0800_0_Wiggins_124.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
1 Title Presentation
Document Tag
Filename 0800_0_Schroeder_124.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3770/0800_0_Schroeder_124.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
6 Title The Impact of Internalized Transphobia on Sexual Assertiveness and Sexual Satisfaction
Code 380
Type Poster Presentation
Description The constructs of sexual satisfaction and sexual assertiveness have been largely understudied within transgender and gender diverse (TGD) populations. In order to begin addressing the gaps in the literature, this study seeks to examine the relationship between these constructs and the additional component of internalized transphobia. This research seeks to inform community sex education and therapeutic practices in order to enhance the sexual wellbeing, and thus the overall wellbeing, of TGD individuals.
Objective At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to describe the relationship between sexual assertiveness, sexua| | |
Prerequisite Though there is ample research on the sexual satisfaction and sexual assertiveness of cisgender individuals, these constructs remain understudied for transgender and gender diverse (TGD) individuals. Current research suggest there are interpersonal and relational factors leading to high rates of sexual dysfunction for TGD individuals, yet much of the current research on the sexual functioning of TGD individuals has primarily focused on changes in sexual functioning post gender affirming medical treatments. Given the rates of sexual violence and prevalence of HIV in this population, it is paramount that factors influencing these rates, such as sexual assertiveness, be researched in order to gain a deeper understanding of the population. This could inform the creation of preventative measures that can be incorporated into community sex education and therapeutic treatments. The present study is seeking to answer the following questions: Does sexual assertiveness predict sexual satisfaction in TGD individuals? Does internalized transphobia predict sexual assertiveness in TGD individuals? Does internalized transphobia moderate the relationship between sexual assertiveness and sexual satisfaction?
Prior to collecting data, the recruitment procedures, recruitment materials, and methodology were distributed to TGD scholars and community members to gather and incorporate their feedback. The final survey was distributed on social media platforms. The survey included the collection of demographics, the Internalized Transphobia sub scale of the Gender Minority Stress and Resiliency scale (Testa et al., 2015), the New Sexual Satisfaction Scale (Štulhofer et al., 2010), the Sexual Assertiveness Questionnaire (Loshek & Terrell, 2015), the genital, chest and other secondary sex characteristics sub scales from the Gender Congruence and Life Satisfaction scale (Jones et al., 2019), and an additional scale developed for this study to collect information about the sexual experiences of TGD individuals that were not captured within the chosen measures. The participants were TGD adults, spoke English and had at least one prior partnered sexual experience. A total of 205 people participated, including 76 individuals that identified as non-binary, 75 individuals that identified as a woman and 54 individuals that identified as a man. A hierarchical multiple regression analysis will be conducted to test for the main effect of sexual assertiveness on sexual satisfaction (H1), the main effect of internalized transphobia on sexual assertiveness (H2) and the interaction effect between internalized transphobia and sexual assertiveness on sexual satisfaction (H3). Sexual assault history, relationship status, gender of partner/partners, genital gender dysphoria and chest gender dysphoria will all be entered into Model 1 as control variables with sexual assertiveness. The full results and conclusions from this study will be completed and presented with the poster.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway West Foyer
Startson 2024-06-13 08:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Parent Poster Session A - Research & Therapy
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1115
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1115&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1115__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code D
Name D. Issues related to sexual orientation and/or gender identity: heterosexuality; issues and themes impacting lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual people; gender identity and expression
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code E
Name E. Intimacy skills (e.g., social, emotional, sexual), intimate relationships, interpersonal relationships and family dynamics
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code I
Name I. Range of sexual functioning and behavior, from optimal to problematic including, but not limited to, common issues such as: desire discrepancy, lack of desire, difficulty achieving or maintaining arousal, sexual pain, penetration problems and difficulty with orgasm
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
3 Code M
Name M. Pleasure enhancement skills
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
4 Code SE4
Name SE-D. Theory and methods of approaches to sexuality education with specific populations (e.g., youth, older adults, couples, ethnic/ cultural/ faith-based populations, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
5 Code ST3
Name ST-C. Theory and methods of approach to intervention in relationship systems experiencing sex and intimacy problems.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker Prefix
Firstname Madilynn
Lastname Rutherford
Suffix BS, EdM
Designation EdM
Biography Madilynn DeLane Rutherford (she/her/hers) is a doctoral psychology intern at the Brattleboro Retreat and a doctoral candidate in Counseling Psychology at the University at Buffalo SUNY in Buffalo, New York. Madilynn will be graduating with her PhD in Counseling Psychology in August 2024. Madilynn received her BS in Psychology with a minor in Neuroscience from Texas A&M University. During undergrad, she researched the use of mindfulness meditation for the treatment of chronic pain. She went on to receive her Master of Education at the University at Buffalo where she is continuing her doctorate in Counseling Psychology. Madilynn’s doctoral dissertation research is examining the relationship between internalized transphobia, sexual assertiveness and sexual satisfaction for transgender and gender-diverse adults.
Madilynn has received clinical training and supervision in multiple treatment settings including the Rochester Center for Sexual Wellness, the Psychological Services Center of the University at Buffalo, the University at Buffalo Counseling Center, and the Canisius College Counseling Center. Madilynn has also completed training in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy through the psychotherapy training institute and private practice, Open Like Blue Sky.
Madilynn currently lives in her converted school bus home in the mountainous forests of Southern Vermont. She will be completing a two-year post-doc position at Learning Solutions, a private practice in Northampton, Massachusetts. Madilynn plans to continue living in Vermont and will eventually open her own private practice. She plans on specializing in trauma, sex therapy, perinatal mental health and LGBTQ+ mental health.
Email mdruther@buffalo.edu
Member Number 1345946
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Madilynn%5FRutherford%5F1920%2Ejpg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document 0 Title Rutherford Handout
Document Tag
Filename 0800_0_Rutherford_380.docx
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3637/0800_0_Rutherford_380.docx
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
1 Title Rutherford Poster Presentation
Document Tag
Filename 0800_0_Rutherford_380.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3637/0800_0_Rutherford_380.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
7 Title The Sexual Interest Matrix
Code 416
Type Poster Presentation
Description When individuals or couples present to therapy with sexual struggles, research has shown that these issues are correlated with a lack of partner communication and difficulties with sexual expression (Pazmany et al., 2015). The stigma surrounding sexual behaviors has stifled sexual conversations for too long. This poster will show a new theoretical model, based in the literature, that was developed to provide a framework upon which to visualize the interlaced aspects of desire, sex positivity, satisfaction, and expression.
Objective Participants will be able to compare and contrast similarities and differences of paraphilias, fetishes, and kinky sexual in|Participants will be able to describe the theory behind the Sexual Interest Matrix and its intention to provide broader accep| |
Prerequisite Sexual interests continue to be pathologized due to a binary system of assessment. Sexual interests are consistently subjected to rigid evaluation, with two main categories: "kinks," widely acknowledged but often accompanied by various concerns, and "paraphilias," believed to be associated with mental health issues (Herbenick et al., 2017). This can be harmful to many, as 'unconventional' sexual interests constitute as much as 46.8% of sexual behavior for US adults (Williams & Sprott, 2022). Unconventional sexual interests encompass a broad range of erotic preferences that include fantasies, fetishes, and atypical sexual behaviors (Herbenick et al., 2017). Sexual interests and behaviors that are considered "abnormal" are usually termed paraphilia. Paraphilia disorder is defined specifically as "an intense and persistent sexual interest other than sexual interest in genital stimulation or preparatory fondling with phenotypically normal, physically mature, consenting human partners," (APA, 2022). This definition is intended to be used by psychiatrists. However, the medicalization of sex has led to stigma and a narrowing of understanding around the complexity of human sexuality. This stigma impacts all levels of sexual health creating a large barrier for the individuals who may benefit from treatment to overcome (Randall & Sprott, 2016).
Inspired by the accessibility of visual representations of data, this presentation utilizes a queer approach to deconstruct our interpretation of sexual interests and desires. The etiology of sexual interests and behaviors involves a kaleidoscope of variables. The prominent models of understanding for paraphilias, kinks or behaviors do not recognize the contextual factors and spectrum of expression (Randall & Sprott, 2016). When individuals or couples present to therapy with sexual difficulties, research has shown that these issues are correlated with a lack of partner communication and difficulties with sexual expression (Pazmany et al., 2015). The stigma surrounding sexual behaviors has stifled sexual conversations for too long. This presentation will show a new theoretical model, based in the literature, that was developed to provide a framework upon which to visualize the interlaced aspects of desire, sex positivity, satisfaction, and expression. The spectrum was created with the overall intention to de-stigmatize sexual interests, and increase the ease of communication between clients and sex therapists. By utilizing this new empirically supported synthesis of information, sexologists will be able to apply a nuanced understanding of sexual interest and distress.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway West Foyer
Startson 2024-06-13 08:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Parent Poster Session A - Research & Therapy
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1102
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1102&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1102__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code B
Name B. Developmental sexuality from a bio-psycho-social perspective across the life course
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code F
Name F. Diversities in sexual expression and lifestyles including, but not limited to, polyamory, swinging, BDSM and tantra
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code SC1
Name SC-A. Theory and methods of personal/individual counseling.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
3 Code SC2
Name SC-B. Theory and methods of sexuality counseling approaches to specific populations (e.g., youth, older adult, couples, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities, ethnic/ cultural/ faith-based populations).
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
4 Code SC3
Name SC-C. Theory and methods of different approaches to intervention in relationship systems.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
5 Code SE4
Name SE-D. Theory and methods of approaches to sexuality education with specific populations (e.g., youth, older adults, couples, ethnic/ cultural/ faith-based populations, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
6 Code ST1
Name ST-A. Theory and methods of sex-related psychotherapy, including several different models.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
7 Code ST2
Name ST-B. Techniques of sex-related assessment and diagnosis of the ‘Psychosexual Disorders’ described in the current edition of the DSM.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
8 Code ST3
Name ST-C. Theory and methods of approach to intervention in relationship systems experiencing sex and intimacy problems.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
9 Code ST4
Name ST-D. Theory and method of approach to medical intervention in the evaluation and treatment of psychosexual disorders.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker Prefix
Firstname Jessica
Lastname Benge
Suffix MA
Designation T/S
Company Purdue Northwest
Title LMFT Intern
Biography As a cisgender white woman living in the U.S. I hold incredible privilege in a society still marked by systemic racism and transphobia. Because of these societal barriers, it can be difficult to claim some of my own identities as marginalized such as being neurodivergent and bisexual. At the age of 37, I am also a widow and therefore main breadwinner for my stepson. However, I cannot ignore how these parts of my identity influence my experience in the world. As these identities are often invisible, I know the unique feeling of never quite fitting into the boxes provided. This greatly impacts my perspective on people and systems, allowing me to find comfort and liberation in embracing nuance. Paired with this awareness, I am continually motivated to learn about the nuances of marginalized communities so that I can ethically use my power and experience to create change.
Currently, I am a LMFT Intern at Relationship Reality 312 where I mainly work with couples who have experienced infidelity and individuals with CPTSD. I am a graduate student at Purdue Northwest and anticipate graduating December 2024. I also work as an adjunct professor of psychology at Ivy Tech Community College where I teach undergraduate courses in Abnormal Psychology and Human Sexuality. Previously, I graduated from Texas A&M - Kingsville with a masters degree in Counseling Psychology and have worked as a therapist in a variety of settings including substance abuse, inpatient psychiatric care, and community health.
Email benge2@pnw.edu
Member Number 1465421
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Jessica%5FBenge%5F1040%2Ejpg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document Title Presentation
Document Tag
Filename 0800_0_Benge_416.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3616/0800_0_Benge_416.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
28 Title Students SIG Meeting
Type Special Interest Group (SIG)
Description The Student SIG provides a way for student members to connect and actively engage with one another. This group serves as a forum to share and discuss information regarding the various aspects of navigating a range of academic programs.
CE Credit
Special Interest Group participation does not count toward CE credit.
This is an AASECT members-only event and registration is not required. Must be a student to participate.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway 4
Startson 2024-06-13 08:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1220
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1014
Room Name Midway 4
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1220&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1220__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
29 Title Tantra SIG Meeting
Type Special Interest Group (SIG)
Description Connect with AASECT members who are interested in Tantra and other Sacred Sexualities. This is a forum for such members to discuss, explore, learn, and share their experiences practicing Tantra and other Sacred Sexualities Network with other practitioners and learn what, where, and how others are teaching, educating, and researching new developments in these areas Discuss ways the SIG can benefit AASECT members and the populations we serve.
CE Credit
Special Interest Group participation does not count toward CE credit.
This is an AASECT members-only event. Registration is not required.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway 10
Startson 2024-06-13 08:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1218
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1011
Room Name Midway 10
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1218&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1218__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
30 Title Whipple Plenary: Black Male Sexual Victimization
Type Plenary Session
Description Black males are disproportionately victims of sexual violence, intimate partner violence/homicide (IPV/IPH), and suicide. Recent data from the CDC's National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS/2022) indicate that 58 percent of Black males report sexual violence, physical violence, and or stalking by an intimate partner. Black males overwhelmingly report being made to penetrate, sexual coercion, and unwarranted sexual contact where the primary perpetrators are female. Frameworks such as intersectionality fail to adequately capture Black male vulnerability. Most frameworks that attempt to explain the experiences of Black males are deficit and pathology-oriented frameworks that lack empirical evidence and are inherently racist. This presentation provides comprehensive information on Black male sexual victimization that fills a critical and urgent void in the mental health field. Therefore, professionals will be able to begin to adequately recognize and articulate the sexual victimization of Black males and provide responsive care and clinical interventions that inform treatment approaches.
Intended Audience: All Audiences
Objective Describe the sexual victimization of Black men and boys.|Examine a prevailing racial script in the Black community.|Assess the clinical implications of the sexual victimization of Black men and boys|
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Grand Ballroom
Startson 2024-06-13 09:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 10:30:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 1.50
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1224
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1008
Room Name Grand Ballroom
Accreditation Bodies Accreditation 0 Accreditation Body AASECT
Credit Hours 1.5
1 Accreditation Body NASW
Credit Hours 1.5
2 Accreditation Body NBCC
Credit Hours 1.5
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1224&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1224__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Speakers Speaker Prefix
Firstname Yamonte
Lastname Cooper
Designation Ed.D, LPCC, NCC, CST-S
Company El Camino College
Title Professor of Counseling
Biography Dr. Yamonte Cooper is a scholar, author, professor of counseling, adjunct professor of clinical psychology, Clinical Director of the West Coast Sex Therapy Center, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC), and Certified Sex Therapist Supervisor (CST-S). He specializes in working with couples, trauma, sexual dysfunctions, gender & sexual identity, depression & anxiety, borderline personality, grief, and other mental health problems. Dr. Cooper is the author of Black Men and Racial Trauma: Impacts, Disparities, and Interventions and co-editor of Black Couples Therapy: Clinical Theory and Practice. Further, as a Fulbright scholar, Dr. Cooper has exchanged best practices globally in career counseling and development.
Email drcooper@dryamontecooper.com
Member Number 1268273
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Yamonte%5FCooper%5F1019%2Ejpg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 1
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document Title Whipple Plenary Presentation
Document Tag
Filename 0900_0_Cooper.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3763/0900_0_Cooper.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
31 Title Are Your Client's Sexual Values Aligned, or in a 69?
Code 413
Type Workshop
Description An exploration of the significance of sexual values, offering insights into the impact of sexual beliefs, preferences, and behaviors on one's well-being. It will delve into how sexual values are shaped and provide an evidence-based approach to assist therapy clients in examining their sexual values and gaining awareness of how they shape thoughts and actions. It will discuss the consequences of being out of alignment with these values and provide practical guidance on how to empower clients to navigate their sexual values consciously and make decisions that align with their core beliefs.
Intended Audience: Counselors, Therapists
Objective At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to demonstrate the impact of sexual beliefs, preferences, and behaviors on one's well-being and name one evidence-based approach to assist individuals in examining their sexual values in order to navigate their sexual values consciously and make decisions that align with their core beliefs.| | |
Prerequisite This presentation explores the concept of values-aligned sexuality, using an evidence-based approach of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) as a framework for sex therapists to help clients understand the significance of aligning sexual choices with core values and beliefs and to provide guidance on how to live in congruence with these values.
Dr. Rebbeca Lahann is an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist and Clinical Psychologist. Her presentation includes an exploration of sexual value formation and considerations for becoming more aware of one's core beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors regarding sexuality. The central theme is understanding how one can become misaligned with sexual values and how to make intentional choices that maintain alignment with these values.
It addresses common experiences and challenges individuals may encounter in their sexual relationships and attempts to manage or avoid distressing feelings through various coping mechanisms. It will also delve into why these coping mechanisms may not effectively address the core issues. This includes being "stuck" in negative thoughts and emotions, which can hinder personal growth and connection in relationships. It will highlight the concept that sexual values are a subset of one's broader values, specifically related to sexual beliefs, behaviors, preferences, and pleasure and that these values significantly shape one's thoughts, behaviors, and relationships.
It will emphasize the role of sexual values in shaping core beliefs, communication patterns, expectations, and judgments related to sexuality and how they serve as a compass for making decisions that align with one's deeply held values. It will discuss various influences on sexual values and explore signs that an individual may be out of alignment with them. It will introduce the concept of psychological flexibility, which enables individuals to observe present experiences and modify behaviors in line with their chosen values. This contrasts with psychological inflexibility, characterized by rigid thinking and resistance to accepting one's experiences. Dr. Lahann outlines a six-point approach to fostering psychological flexibility and will include experiential strategies to help sex therapists assist individuals in mapping their sexual values and recognizing whether they are currently living in alignment with these values or not.
This presentation is meant to help therapists guide their clients in developing a deeper understanding of their sexual values, align their choices and behaviors with them, and ultimately foster healthier, more fulfilling sexual relationships. The evidence-based approach of ACT provides a foundation for this exploration, encouraging mindfulness, flexibility, and commitment to personal values. By the end of the presentation, participants are equipped with the tools and knowledge to help clients make informed decisions about their sexuality and relationships based on their deeply held values.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway 10
Startson 2024-06-13 11:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 12:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 1.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1156
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1011
Room Name Midway 10
Accreditation Bodies Accreditation 0 Accreditation Body AASECT
Credit Hours 1
1 Accreditation Body APA
Credit Hours 1
2 Accreditation Body NASW
Credit Hours 1
3 Accreditation Body NBCC
Credit Hours 1
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1156&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1156__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code C
Name C. Socio-cultural, familial factors (e.g., ethnicity, culture, religion, spirituality, socioeconomic status, family values) in relation to sexual values and behaviors
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code ST1
Name ST-A. Theory and methods of sex-related psychotherapy, including several different models.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker Prefix
Firstname Rebbeca
Lastname Lahann
Suffix Doctor of Psychology
Designation Psy.D.
Company Spectrum Psychology and Wellness
Title Clinical Director; Psychologist
Biography Dr. Lahann is an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist, an award winning Clinical Psychologist, and speaker. She is focused on providing education, resources, and psychological services as the Clinical Director of Spectrum Psychology and Wellness in Gilbert. AZ. Her work specializes in individual counseling and holistic sex therapy, focusing on intersectional approaches to values-aligned living across the lifespan.
She has experience working with diverse bio-psycho-social-sexual backgrounds, relational dynamics, and a broad spectrum of mental health presentations. She is a sex positive, gender, sexuality and alternative lifestyle affirming therapist, and is a member of the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom (NCSF)'s Kink and Polyamory Aware Professionals Directory (KAP). Dr. Lahann has been a staff consultant at several Phoenix Metro area hospitals, and has been an active member of her professional community in various roles. She is Past-President of both the Arizona Psychological Association and the Arizona Psychology Training Consortium. You can find Dr. Lahann on Instagram: @DrRebbecaLahann and DrRebbecaLahann.com
Email rebbeca@spectrumwellnessaz.com
Member Number 1362917
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Rebbeca%5FLahann%5F1497%2Ejpg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document 0 Title Values Aligned Sexuality Handouts Dr. Lahann AASECT 6.2024
Document Tag
Filename 1100_0_Lahann_413.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3697/1100_0_Lahann_413.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
1 Title Values Aligned Sexuality References Dr.Lahann AASECT 6.2024.pdf
Document Tag
Filename 1100_0_Lahann_413_0611_163223.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3697/1100_0_Lahann_413_0611_163223.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
32 Title Sex on the Spectrum: Navigating Intimacy With Autism
Code 333
Type Workshop
Description Learn how to support autistic individuals in enjoying intimacy, working through sexual obstacles, building confidence, and more. Autistic people's sensory sensitivities, different ways of processing social and emotional information, cognitive rigidity, and passionate interests may present challenges but can also be leveraged as assets in the bedroom. This talk will cover how autistic people may approach sex differently from neurotypical people and how sexuality professionals can help them.
Intended Audience: All Audiences
Objective Describe how autistic people may approach sex differently and how they can leverage and enjoy these differences|Identify information that may need to be imparted to autistic clients about sex|Suggest solutions for common obstacles autistic people face in the bedroom|
Prerequisite Autistic people are often desexualized in the media and common discourse, leading to a cultural silence around autistic people's sexuality. As a result, many autistic people receive inadequate sex education, struggle with sexual confidence, and feel inhibited in expressing their true sexual selves (Joyal et al., 2021). Some may feel undesirable due to their autistic traits, and some may struggle to initiate sexual relationships or communicate with partners.
This talk will teach sex therapists, educators, and counselors how to assist autistic people with their sex lives. It will cover how sensory sensitivities show up in the bedroom, how to treat sexual dysfunctions in the autistic population, why kink can be a helpful tool for autistic clients, and how autistic traits can be an asset in bed (Weiss, 2022; Turner at al., 2019). I'll explain how to deliver information to autistic clients using the PLISSIT model and how to use sensitive language and uplifting words that empower them. I'll also offer some concrete scripts for how autistic people can communicate with their partners about consent, preferences, and feelings. I will discuss my own personal experience building confidence in my sex and love life as an autistic person, as well as my professional experience as an AASECT-certified sexuality educator, sex/love coach, and sexual assault counselor.
I'll also discuss the overlap between the autistic community and the non-monogamy, BDSM, and LGBTQ+ communities, as well as the sexual assault epidemic among autistic people and how to support survivors. Autistic people are disproportionately likely to identify as queer, gender-nonconforming, and non-monogamous, so affirming these identities is an essential part of working with autistic people (Sala et al., 2020; Sarris, 2020). It is also important to teach autistic people how they deserve to be treated and how to speak up if they are ever in a sexual situation where they feel uncomfortable (Hunter et al., 2014). This talk will take an empowering approach to neurodiversity that focuses on affirming autistic people's worthiness.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Regency C
Startson 2024-06-13 11:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 12:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 1.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1155
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1025
Room Name Regency C
Accreditation Bodies Accreditation 0 Accreditation Body AASECT
Credit Hours 1
1 Accreditation Body APA
Credit Hours 1
2 Accreditation Body NBCC
Credit Hours 1
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1155&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1155__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code C
Name C. Socio-cultural, familial factors (e.g., ethnicity, culture, religion, spirituality, socioeconomic status, family values) in relation to sexual values and behaviors
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code D
Name D. Issues related to sexual orientation and/or gender identity: heterosexuality; issues and themes impacting lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual people; gender identity and expression
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code E
Name E. Intimacy skills (e.g., social, emotional, sexual), intimate relationships, interpersonal relationships and family dynamics
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
3 Code F
Name F. Diversities in sexual expression and lifestyles including, but not limited to, polyamory, swinging, BDSM and tantra
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
4 Code H
Name H. Health/medical factors that may influence sexuality including, but not limited to, illness, disability, drugs, mental health, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, pregnancy termination, contraception, fertility, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infection, other infections, sexual trauma, injury and safer sex practices
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
5 Code I
Name I. Range of sexual functioning and behavior, from optimal to problematic including, but not limited to, common issues such as: desire discrepancy, lack of desire, difficulty achieving or maintaining arousal, sexual pain, penetration problems and difficulty with orgasm
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
6 Code J
Name J. Sexual exploitation including sexual abuse, sexual harassment and sexual assault
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
7 Code M
Name M. Pleasure enhancement skills
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
8 Code SC1
Name SC-A. Theory and methods of personal/individual counseling.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
9 Code SC2
Name SC-B. Theory and methods of sexuality counseling approaches to specific populations (e.g., youth, older adult, couples, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities, ethnic/ cultural/ faith-based populations).
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
10 Code SE4
Name SE-D. Theory and methods of approaches to sexuality education with specific populations (e.g., youth, older adults, couples, ethnic/ cultural/ faith-based populations, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
11 Code ST1
Name ST-A. Theory and methods of sex-related psychotherapy, including several different models.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
12 Code ST3
Name ST-C. Theory and methods of approach to intervention in relationship systems experiencing sex and intimacy problems.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
13 Code ST7
Name ST7. Practicum Experience: Exposure to treatment of clinical sex therapy cases through direct observation, demonstration, case review or role-playing. eLearning cannot be applied. Applicants must be very clear in their documentation as to how they gained exposure to sex therapy cases.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker Prefix
Firstname Suzannah
Lastname Weiss
Suffix CSE
Designation MPS, CSE
Title Writer and Sex Educator
Biography Suzannah Weiss is a writer and sexologist based in Los Angeles. She is the author of Subjectified: Becoming a Sexual Subject, which describes her search for sexual empowerment and her vision for a world where women are subjects, not just objects, of desire. She has written over 8800 articles, which have appeared in publications such as The New York Times and The Washington Post. As a sex educator certified by the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists, Suzannah has taught courses and given talks on topics including consent, orgasms, childbirth, non-monogamy, and neurodiversity. She is regularly quoted as an expert in publications like Cosmopolitan and Men's Health and also works as a sex/love coach, birth doula, and sexual assault counselor. She holds a Master of Professional Studies in Sexual Health from the University of Minnesota, a Bachelor of Science in Cognitive Neuroscience from Brown University, and a Bachelor of Arts in Gender & Sexuality Studies and Modern Culture & Media from Brown University. She likes crafting silly wordplay that taps into big truths.
Email suzannahlweiss@gmail.com
Member Number 1421843
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Suzannah%5FWeiss%5F1057%2Ejpg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document Title Presentation
Document Tag
Filename 1100_0_Weiss_333.pptx
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3696/1100_0_Weiss_333.pptx
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
33 Title The Bio Component of Bio-Psycho-Social: The Impact of Female Hormones on Sexuality Over the Lifespan
Code 379
Type Workshop
Description This 60-minute workshop explores the ways in which the hormonal changes of normal biological stages - puberty, pregnancy, lactation, and menopause - impact female sexuality. Taking a holistic approach and going beyond estrogen, Arya will help you better understand the relationship between sex hormones and all body systems that contribute to female sexual well-being. This is information that participants will be able to share with any client interested in understanding the role of hormones in women's sexual experiences.
Intended Audience: All Audiences
Objective At the conclusion of this workshop participants will be able to identify low-estrogen stages of life and explain the impact of low estrogen levels on sexual wellness.| | |
Prerequisite Women, clinicians, and educators are woefully under-informed when it comes to the role of hormones in female sexuality. While we are more than our biological components, understanding those components is critical to cultivating whole health, which includes sexual wellness. In my clinical practice, I often see women who were never taught how the normal fluctuation of their sex hormones impacts not only their reproductive life, but their mood, risk for chronic illness, and more. Once they learn this crucial information, they are able to use it to make informed decisions about how they handle the inter- and intra-personal discord that can result from hormone changes.
In this educational workshop, I will go beyond the estrogen paradigm, and provide insight into the ways in which estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, oxytocin, and prolactin impact sexual function. This will lay the foundation for an exploration of the major life stages during which these hormones deviate the most from "normal" (i.e. non-pregnant, reproductive-aged levels) and these changes affect sexual response. Finally, we will discuss evidence-based strategies for managing troubling symptoms. The participant will leave with a deeper understanding of the female reproductive hormone cycle and the physiologically normal changes it undergoes throughout the lifespan. My hope is that they will then share this information with clients as a foundational component of sexuality education.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Regency A
Startson 2024-06-13 11:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 12:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 1.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1153
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1022
Room Name Regency A
Accreditation Bodies Accreditation 0 Accreditation Body AASECT
Credit Hours 1
1 Accreditation Body APA
Credit Hours 1
2 Accreditation Body NASW
Credit Hours 1
3 Accreditation Body NBCC
Credit Hours 1
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1153&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1153__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code B
Name B. Developmental sexuality from a bio-psycho-social perspective across the life course
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code G
Name G. Sexual and reproductive anatomy/physiology
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code H
Name H. Health/medical factors that may influence sexuality including, but not limited to, illness, disability, drugs, mental health, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, pregnancy termination, contraception, fertility, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infection, other infections, sexual trauma, injury and safer sex practices
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
3 Code I
Name I. Range of sexual functioning and behavior, from optimal to problematic including, but not limited to, common issues such as: desire discrepancy, lack of desire, difficulty achieving or maintaining arousal, sexual pain, penetration problems and difficulty with orgasm
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker Prefix
Firstname Arya
Lastname Pretlow
Suffix DNP, MSN, BSN, BA
Designation DNP, CNM, ARNP, IBCLC
Title Dr.
Biography Dr. Arya Pretlow, DNP, is a Certified Nurse-Midwife (CNM) with a passion for client-centered, evidence-based, trauma-informed care. She cares for patients from all walks of life in various settings and circumstances. Arya's clinical practice focuses on integrative and functional medicine, with special emphasis on lifestyle interventions to promote quality of life throughout the lifespan. She is dedicated to cultural fluency and strives to build trust and provide a safe space for patients to receive the care they seek in the manner they desire to receive it. As a women's* health specialist, much of Arya's clinical work involves promoting sexual health through education and support. She is delighted to present at the AASECT conference this year!
* As a CNM, Arya provides care for individuals who self-identify as female or who require care for body parts that are generally considered "female" (e.g. cervix).
Email hello@apwellnessservices.com
Member Number 5249763
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Arya%5FPretlow%5F2125%2Ejpg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document Title Pretlow - The Bio Component of Bio-Psycho-Social
Document Tag
Filename 1100_0_Pretlow_379.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3692/1100_0_Pretlow_379.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
34 Title The Rise of Rough Sex: What Sexuality Professionals Need to Know About Today's Emerging Trends
Code 381
Type Workshop
Description In the past decade, rough sex (e.g., choking, smothering, face slapping, genital slapping, name-calling) has increased dramatically in prevalence. A 2020 campus-representative survey of nearly 5000 college students showed that 80% had ever engaged in rough sex. Also, 1 in 3 young adult women were choked/strangled during their most recent sexual encounter - usually consensually. This presentation will draw from several recent studies on rough sex to address its prevalence, frequency, styles, as well as implications for communication, consent, mental health, and physical health.
Intended Audience: All Audiences
Objective At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to describe the health consequences of engaging in sexual choking/strangulation, even when consensual. | | |
Prerequisite Over the past decade, rough sex behaviors have increased substantially in the general population and notably have moved into the mainstream. For example, the 2020 campus-representative Campus Sexual Health Survey found that about 80% of college students had engaged in rough sex. Also, a 2021 US nationally representative survey found that 1 in 3 young adult women had been choked/strangled during their most recent sexual encounter.
Although rough sex (e.g., choking, face slapping, genital slapping, consensual non-consent, smothering, etc.) have become more prevalent and also more normalized, they are often being engaged in by people who have no connection to kink or BDSM communities and thus are also lacking the benefit of education, mentorship, and modeling of values related to "safe, sane, and consensual" or to "risk-aware consensual kink."
Using data from US nationally representative surveys, campus-representative surveys, in-depth qualitative interviews, and content analyses, this presentation will address:
- The prevalence of rough sex behaviors in the US population, with a focus on sexual choking, smothering, slapping, name-calling, and punching
- The prevalence of sexual choking, smothering, slapping, and consensual non-consent (CNC) among undergraduate and graduate students
- Where people learn about rough sex
- Online misinformation related to rough sex
- Health consequences of sexual choking in terms of mental health as well as neurological changes (often described as the "hidden injuries" of strangulation)
- Implications for sexual consent, withdrawal of consent, and communication
- Harm reduction strategies for rough sex, with a focus on sexual choking/strangulation given its higher risk profile in terms of health
Attendees will learn:
- Terminology that they may have previously been unfamiliar with
- How to discuss rough sex with people in ways that are non-shaming and focused on supporting people in making choices about their sexual lives that feel good to them and their partners
- How to approach rough sex in ways that attend to care, communication, and consent
- About fact-based educational resources about rough sex (both youth-focused resources as well as adult-facing resources)
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Grand Ballroom
Startson 2024-06-13 11:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 12:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 1.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1152
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1008
Room Name Grand Ballroom
Accreditation Bodies Accreditation 0 Accreditation Body AASECT
Credit Hours 1
1 Accreditation Body APA
Credit Hours 1
2 Accreditation Body NASW
Credit Hours 1
3 Accreditation Body NBCC
Credit Hours 1
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1152&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1152__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code C
Name C. Socio-cultural, familial factors (e.g., ethnicity, culture, religion, spirituality, socioeconomic status, family values) in relation to sexual values and behaviors
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code D
Name D. Issues related to sexual orientation and/or gender identity: heterosexuality; issues and themes impacting lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual people; gender identity and expression
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code F
Name F. Diversities in sexual expression and lifestyles including, but not limited to, polyamory, swinging, BDSM and tantra
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
3 Code H
Name H. Health/medical factors that may influence sexuality including, but not limited to, illness, disability, drugs, mental health, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, pregnancy termination, contraception, fertility, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infection, other infections, sexual trauma, injury and safer sex practices
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
4 Code Q
Name Q. Principles of sexuality research and research methods
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
5 Code SE2
Name SE-B. Theory and methods of sexuality education (including curriculum development, delivery and evaluation).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
6 Code SE4
Name SE-D. Theory and methods of approaches to sexuality education with specific populations (e.g., youth, older adults, couples, ethnic/ cultural/ faith-based populations, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker Prefix
Firstname Chelsea
Lastname Jackson Garcia
Suffix PhD, MPH
Designation PhD, MPH, CSE
Company Indiana University
Title Provost Professor
Biography Dr. Debby Herbenick is a Provost Professor at the Indiana University School of
Public Health, Director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion, and an AASECT-
certified sexuality educator. Her research focuses on women’s sexual health, U.S.
population-representative research, vulvar and vaginal health, as well as the use of
sexual stimulation devices. Dr. Herbenick has published or has in-press more than
200 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals and serves as PI on the award-
winning National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior. Dr. Herbenick’s research,
books, and expertise have been featured in popular media including The New York
Times, Washington Post, Vogue, the Tyra Banks Show, the Tamron Hall Show,
Discovery Health, and in thousands of media articles and television show. Her latest
book is “Yes Your Kid: What Parents Need to Know About Today’s Teens and Sex.”
Email Chelsea.jacksongarcia@gmail.com
Member Number 1467445
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Debby%5FHerbenick%5F2132%2Ejpg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document Title Presentation
Document Tag
Filename 1100_0_Herbenick_381.pptx
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3691/1100_0_Herbenick_381.pptx
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
35 Title Understanding Trafficking Survivors and Consensual Sex Workers through Community-Led Research
Code 384
Type Original Research Session
Description This original research presentation provides recommendations for sexuality educators, counselors, therapists, social workers, allies and advocotes from a sex worker led community based participatory research project. Often, prostitution and trafficking in the sex industry are conflated by law enforcement and social service providers, which makes it increasingly difficult to meet individuals' needs and perpetuates cycles of shame and stigma. Hearing directly from people in the sex industry (consensual sex workers and survivors of trafficking), attendees can better provide services and resources applicable to all clients.
Intended Audience: All Audiences
Objective Participants will be able to identify the differences between adult consensual sex work and human trafficking and apply the evidence-based results and recommendations from participants with lived experiences to their work with clients.| | |
Prerequisite This original research presentation provides recommendations for sexuality educators from a sex worker led community based participatory research project. The objective of the study is to better understand how US legislative and carceral approaches to trafficking in the sex industry impacts victims of trafficking and adults consensually engaging in prostitution. This project focuses primarily on individual stories, which are then contextualized through critical analysis of current US legislation. We will briefly outline the purpose of the research and share evidence-based results and recommendations from participants with lived experiences, with a focus on intersectionality, advocacy, and solidarity.
We present our analysis of interviews with 69 individuals who have engaged in adult consensual sex work and identity as victims of trafficking and/or have been convicted of trafficking. These participants come from a variety of areas of the sex industry including escorts, street-based sex workers, and those who have worked in pornography. Our participants comprise people of color, people with disabilities, immigrants, and cis and trans men, women, and non-binary people. In particular, we highlight the perspectives of those who are marginalized on the basis of their incarceration history. Centering their voices, we explore how their experiences confront and contradict the legal, political, and media representations of trafficking and prostitution.
We show how the criminalization of prostitution impacts individuals engaged in consensual sex work as well as victims and survivors of trafficking. We offer specific recommendations for sexuality professionals and service providers that are framed by participants based on their lived experiences that do not simply reflect but move beyond the constrained "force" and "choice" categories in the sex industry.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Regency B
Startson 2024-06-13 11:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 12:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 1.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1154
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1023
Room Name Regency B
Accreditation Bodies Accreditation 0 Accreditation Body AASECT
Credit Hours 1
1 Accreditation Body APA
Credit Hours 1
2 Accreditation Body NASW
Credit Hours 1
3 Accreditation Body NBCC
Credit Hours 1
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1154&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1154__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code C
Name C. Socio-cultural, familial factors (e.g., ethnicity, culture, religion, spirituality, socioeconomic status, family values) in relation to sexual values and behaviors
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code J
Name J. Sexual exploitation including sexual abuse, sexual harassment and sexual assault
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code Q
Name Q. Principles of sexuality research and research methods
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker 0 Prefix
Firstname Jill
Lastname McCracken
Suffix PhD
Designation PhD
Company University of South Florida
Title Professor
Biography Jill McCracken, Ph.D. is a Professor of English and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at the University of South Florida. Dr. McCracken is also the Founder and Project Director of Choosing Myself, a comprehensive sexual health program that places individuals’ autonomy, choice, and values at the center to advance gender equity and to decrease and prevent sexual violence and trafficking. Her primary areas of research focus on sex work and trafficking in the sex industry, women and incarceration, and the impact of sexuality education on marginalized communities.
Email mccracken.jill@gmail.com
Member Number 1431307
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Jill%5FMcCracken%5F2131%2Ejpg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
1 Prefix
Firstname Stella
Lastname Jendrzejewski
Designation Ed.M., M.A.
Biography Stella Jendrzejewski, Ed.M., M.A., is a mental health care provider, researcher, and advocate whose work is dedicated to counteracting stigma and promoting competent, affirming practice with marginalized individuals and communities. Stella’s areas of focus include sex work and trafficking, queer and trans issues, and gender inclusivity.
Email smjendrzejewski@gmail.com
Member Number 1465427
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Stella%5FJendrzejewski%5F2136%2Ejpg
Role Label Co-Presenter
Sort Order 2
Confirmed Flag No Response
2 Prefix
Firstname LOVE Queen
Lastname Layla
Designation HCSE
Company 4L Solutions
Title Founder
Biography LOVE Queen Layla 勒辣女王 is the founder of 4L Solutions, a global social enterprise championing Human Rights, Mental Health and Sexual Freedom. We create cross cultural experiences to empower audiences, activate pleasure, and eradicate sexual stigma worldwide.
Born in San Francisco and raised in Beijing, NYC-based LOVE Queen Layla is an educator with 20 years of international teaching experience, focusing in ESL and Mandarin. Having started her career as a performer and public speaker, she transitioned into sexwork as a Professional Dominatrix before expanding into dual-language, pleasure-based sexuality education.
Awarded DomCon LA Mistress of Ceremonies 2022 and Keynote Speaker at the Global Thought Leaders Conference on Human Rights and Mental Health, LOVE Queen Layla is an exuberant FUN facilitator engaging audiences with workshops, performances, and events. Her research and development focuses on global sex education policies in relation to trafficking, sexual stigma and public health.
A survivor of human trafficking, LOVE Queen Layla is the host of Punani Productions sexuality podcast, where she uses her voice as a role model in her community to eradicate the stigma around sexuality, sex education, HIV+, STC's (Sexually Transmitted Conditions) and the BDSM/kink community. Her personal growth continues through her organizational work with Red Canary Song, and in the community led research study Complex Rights and Wrongs, speaking with survivors and consensual sex workers. She is honored to make a difference in this community, and grateful for the opportunity to present at AASECT, SSSS, IHTSJ and other global conferences.
She invites YOU to take action, educate, and empower yourself and others with compassion.
Upcoming book launch: "Build Your Best Brain and Body" in Venice, Italy July 17th 2024 at Palazzo Bernardo 6:00-9:00PM. RSVP required. Get on the list here.
Find your solution with 4L Solutions
Instagram @lovequeenlayla X @iamqueenlayla
Email lts14@usf.edu
Member Number 1464756
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/LOVEALLQueen%5FLayla%5F2050%2EJPG
Role Label Co-Presenter
Sort Order 3
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document Title Presentation
Document Tag
Filename 1100_0_McCracken_384.pptx
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3693/1100_0_McCracken_384.pptx
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
36 Title Lunch Break (on your own)
Type Lunch
Description Enjoy lunch at one of the great surrounding restaurants in the area!
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Startson 2024-06-13 12:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 14:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1225
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1225&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1225__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
37 Title A Collective Journey: Unlocking Existential Wisdom in Sex Therapy
Code 109
Type Roundtable
Description Join our roundtable discussion for a transformative perspective on sexual dysfunctions. Rather than treating them as isolated symptoms, we'll explore how they convey profound existential messages about our existence and being. From hyper-sexual activity to delayed ejaculation, inability to experience pleasure, or the complexities of infidelity, we'll uncover the deeper meanings within these challenges. Together, we'll discuss how therapists can attune themselves to these existential messages and create a space for clients to be heard, understood, and guided toward personal growth and healing.
Intended Audience: All Audiences
Objective By the end of the first 45minute session, participants will have a clear understanding of the fundamental principles of the existential approach in sex therapy and its application in addressing relationship and sexual struggles.
|After the second 45-minute session, participants will have engaged in meaningful discussions, shared valuable insights, and explored the therapist's pivotal role in uncovering existential wisdom in sex therapy.| |
Prerequisite Our roundtable presentation is designed to promote active participation, open discussions, and the sharing of valuable resources. This session is ideal for therapists seeking to deepen their understanding of existential approaches and their application in addressing sexual dysfunction and relationship struggles. This 90-minute session is divided into two segments for a comprehensive exploration. Together, we will explore various key topics, including:
Segment 1: Exploring Existential Wisdom through Literature and Case Studies
In the initial 45 minutes, we'll delve into the core principles of existential approaches in sex therapy. Our focus includes:
- Meaning, Purpose, and Adaptive Value: One of our fundamental tenets is that sexual problems and relationship struggles are not mere symptoms but rather multifaceted challenges. We will delve into the notion that these issues carry profound meaning and purpose, and that they may even possess adaptive value in the context of an individual's or a couple's life journey.
- Subjective Experiences: Shifting the lens from physical dysfunction to personal and emotional aspects.We believe that understanding the deeply personal, emotional, and psychological aspects of these challenges is critical to providing effective therapy.
- Beyond the Binary: Recognizing the intertwining of organic and psychological factors, along with relational, psychosocial, and socioeconomic dimensions.Our goal is to explore these multifaceted aspects of dysfunction and offer holistic solutions.
- Personal and Interpersonal Growth: Our approach is not limited to fixing the problem; rather, we view these challenges as opportunities for personal and interpersonal growth. We will discuss how therapists can guide clients in embracing these challenges as catalysts for personal development and achieving optimal erotic intimacy.
Segment 2: Open Discussions and Sharing Insights
In the next 45 minutes, we encourage:
- Sharing Clinical Insights: Foster collaborative discussions on the therapist's pivotal role in uncovering existential wisdom in sex therapy. We will explore the practical applications and the challenges therapists face when incorporating existential approaches.
- Therapist's Role: Encourage participants to share resources and tools for personal growth and development that have proven valuable in their journey of addressing sexual dysfunction from an existential perspective.
- Resource Sharing: Delve into resources and tools for therapists' personal growth and development. We understand the importance of ongoing self-improvement in effectively addressing clients' existential turmoil.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Grand Ballroom
Startson 2024-06-13 14:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 15:30:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 1.50
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1157
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1008
Room Name Grand Ballroom
Accreditation Bodies Accreditation 0 Accreditation Body AASECT
Credit Hours 1.5
1 Accreditation Body APA
Credit Hours 1.5
2 Accreditation Body NBCC
Credit Hours 1.5
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1157&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1157__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code A
Name A. Ethics and ethical behavior
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code B
Name B. Developmental sexuality from a bio-psycho-social perspective across the life course
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code C
Name C. Socio-cultural, familial factors (e.g., ethnicity, culture, religion, spirituality, socioeconomic status, family values) in relation to sexual values and behaviors
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
3 Code D
Name D. Issues related to sexual orientation and/or gender identity: heterosexuality; issues and themes impacting lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual people; gender identity and expression
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
4 Code H
Name H. Health/medical factors that may influence sexuality including, but not limited to, illness, disability, drugs, mental health, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, pregnancy termination, contraception, fertility, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infection, other infections, sexual trauma, injury and safer sex practices
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
5 Code I
Name I. Range of sexual functioning and behavior, from optimal to problematic including, but not limited to, common issues such as: desire discrepancy, lack of desire, difficulty achieving or maintaining arousal, sexual pain, penetration problems and difficulty with orgasm
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
6 Code L
Name L. Substance use/abuse and sexuality
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
7 Code O
Name O. Professional communication and personal reflection skills
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
8 Code SC1
Name SC-A. Theory and methods of personal/individual counseling.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
9 Code SC2
Name SC-B. Theory and methods of sexuality counseling approaches to specific populations (e.g., youth, older adult, couples, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities, ethnic/ cultural/ faith-based populations).
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
10 Code SC3
Name SC-C. Theory and methods of different approaches to intervention in relationship systems.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
11 Code SC5
Name SC-E. Ethical issues in sexuality counseling.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
12 Code SC6
Name SC-F. Theory and practice of consultation, collaboration, and referral.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
13 Code SE4
Name SE-D. Theory and methods of approaches to sexuality education with specific populations (e.g., youth, older adults, couples, ethnic/ cultural/ faith-based populations, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
14 Code SE5
Name SE-E. Theory and methods of different approaches to sexuality education delivery (e.g., small group work, one-on-one education, large group lectures or interaction, online delivery or use of other electronic means)
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
15 Code ST1
Name ST-A. Theory and methods of sex-related psychotherapy, including several different models.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
16 Code ST3
Name ST-C. Theory and methods of approach to intervention in relationship systems experiencing sex and intimacy problems.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
17 Code ST5
Name ST-E. Principles of consultation, collaboration, and referral.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
18 Code ST7
Name ST7. Practicum Experience: Exposure to treatment of clinical sex therapy cases through direct observation, demonstration, case review or role-playing. eLearning cannot be applied. Applicants must be very clear in their documentation as to how they gained exposure to sex therapy cases.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker Prefix
Firstname Chelsea
Lastname Yang
Designation MS, LCPC
Company Innerlight Intimacy Psychotherapy and Wellness
Title Owner, Therapist
Biography Chelsea (Zhe) Yang is a Baltimore-based therapist, with a focus on couples therapy and sex therapy. Committed to creating a safe, nonjudgmental space for clients to explore their sexuality and achieve life goals, Chelsea is excited to explore integrative approaches to sexual and attachment issues, believing they hold great potential for supporting individuals in their healing journey.
Chelsea earned her master's in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Johns Hopkins University in 2018, and have completed the Sexual Health Certificate program at the University of Michigan. In Fall 2024, Chelsea will start a doctoral program in Counselor Education at William & Mary. As a sex therapist and educator, Chelsea aspires to continue addressing the ways in which systemic barriers and discrimination impact access to sexual health and wellness, promoting greater equity and social justice in the field of sexual health.
Email Yzzitrone@gmail.com
Member Number 1438744
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Chelsea%5FYang%5F1654%2Ejpeg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document 0 Title Presentation Slides
Document Tag
Filename 1400_0_Yang_109.pptx
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3698/1400_0_Yang_109.pptx
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
1 Title Presentation AASECT 2024 Chelsea Yang
Document Tag
Filename 1400_0_Yang_109_0613_001210.pptx
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3698/1400_0_Yang_109_0613_001210.pptx
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
38 Title Assessing the Impact of LGBTQ Legislation on the Missouri Community and Healthcare Providers
Code 177
Type Original Research Session
Description In the state of Missouri, two laws were passed and enacted in the summer of 2023 for restricting gender affirming healthcare and athletic participation for transgender youth. The impact of these laws are being felt across the state. We utilized an online survey of Missouri LGBTQ community members, parents of LGBTQ youth, and healthcare professionals for assessing the impact on stress, discrimination, and intent to leave the state. Quantitative and qualitative data were gathered in the fall of 2023 and analyzed for within and between group findings.
Intended Audience: All Audiences
Objective At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to describe the impact of new anti-LGBTQ legislation on LGBTQ adults, parents of LGBTQ youth, and healthcare provider in the state of Missouri.| | |
Prerequisite Background
Misinformation became a national past-time in the United States after its discovery as a useful political tool during the 2016 presidential election [1, 2]. Currently, a new proliferation of misinformation is being used for writing laws, garnering support from voters and legislators, enacting policy changes in child welfare and school systems, and criminalizing the use of best practices in gender affirming medical interventions in healthcare [3]. In the state of Missouri, 15 bills were proposed in the 2023 legislative session seeking to limit the rights and visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) youth and adults in educational and healthcare systems [4]. Two significant laws passed in May 2023 for restricting gender affirming care for minors and the presence of transgender youth in sports. The impact of these laws are just now being realized. On September 11, 2023 the Washington University in St. Louis Children's Transgender Clinic announced its closing. No other gender affirming care exists for minor youth in the state of Missouri. To better understand its impact on the mental health of the LGBTQ community and their families in Missouri, and the desire of providers to continue practice in Missouri, this study has 5 aims: 1) Describe the mental health of LGBTQ adults in the state of Missouri; 2) Describe the mental health of parents of minor LGBTQ youth in the state of Missouri; 3) Describe the mental health of medical and mental health providers who provide care for LGBTQ youth in Missouri; and 4) Describe the intent of Missouri mental and medical providers to continue to provide care to the LGBTQ community; and 5) Describe the intent of LGBTQ adults and their families to remaining living and working in Missouri.
Method and Analysis
The design of the study is a mixed methods concurrent triangulation strategy [5]. The qualitative and quantitative data will be captured concurrently and then the results will be compared and integrated. A web-based survey was utilized for collecting data from across the state of Missouri. MTurk is being used to support recruitment. The study is currently in data collection. We anticipate reaching our needed sample by December 2023 and will commence analysis of the data. A descriptive analysis will begin the study for understanding the three groups in terms of demographics, means, and ranges of study variables. Correlational analysis will be analyzed in association with items and demographics (e.g., correlation between stress and mental health items, correlation between transgender identity and increased stress, etc.). Differences between subgroups (e.g., transgender adults, LGB adults, cisgender women, Black transgender adult, parent of transgender kids, parent of LGB kids) will be analyzed related to stress using simple t tests.
Future Results
We anticipate by spring 2024, to have a full report from the survey for dissemination.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Regency A
Startson 2024-06-13 14:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 15:30:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 1.50
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1158
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1022
Room Name Regency A
Accreditation Bodies Accreditation 0 Accreditation Body AASECT
Credit Hours 1.5
1 Accreditation Body NASW
Credit Hours 1.5
2 Accreditation Body NBCC
Credit Hours 1.5
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1158&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1158__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code C
Name C. Socio-cultural, familial factors (e.g., ethnicity, culture, religion, spirituality, socioeconomic status, family values) in relation to sexual values and behaviors
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code D
Name D. Issues related to sexual orientation and/or gender identity: heterosexuality; issues and themes impacting lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual people; gender identity and expression
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code SC5
Name SC-E. Ethical issues in sexuality counseling.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
3 Code ST6
Name ST-F. Ethical decision-making and best practice.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker 0 Prefix
Firstname Katie
Lastname Heiden-Rootes
Suffix PhD
Designation PhD
Company Saint Louis University
Title Associate Professor
Biography Dr. Katie Heiden-Rootes is a family scientist and mental health professional specializing in the advancement of training and research on health and healing with the LGBTQIA+ community and their families. She is an associate professor in the department of Family and Community Medicine in the School of Medicine and has a dual appointment as an Assistant Vice President in the Division of Diversity and Innovative Community Engagement at Saint Louis University (SLU). Her scholarship is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Missouri Foundation for Health, and Association of Schools Advancing Health Professions. Dr. Heiden-Rootes founded and supervises in the Queer & Trans Wellness Clinic @ SLU in the Center for Counseling and Family Therapy, a community-facing and accessible resource for mental health services. In her academic home, she teaches courses and lectures on human sexuality and gender, cultural humility, and qualitative research. Her work today is marked by the celebration of difference, engaging in difficult dialogue, and becoming comfortable in discomfort.
Email katie.heidenrootes@health.slu.edu
Member Number 1197851
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Katie%5FHeidenALLRootes%5F1992%2Ejpg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
1 Prefix
Firstname Michelle
Lastname Dalton
Suffix PhD
Designation PhD, LPC
Company Saint Louis University, Department of Family and Community Medicine
Biography Michelle R. Dalton (they/them/theirs), PhD, LPC is an assistant professor in the School of Medicine at Saint Louis University specializing in collaborative, interdisciplinary approaches to social determinants of health for LGBTQIA+ individuals, couples, and families. They serve as the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Liaison, developing and supporting initiatives related to the treatment of marginalized individuals in healthcare and across the School of Medicine in areas related to neurodiversity and health for transgender individuals. Dr. Dalton seeks to advance biopsychosocial lenses in research, training, and clinical work to enhance the well-being of the LGBTQIA+ community. Dr. Dalton has published and presented nationally in the areas of transgender health, healthcare access, HIV, and minority stress and internationally about provider stigma.
Email michelle.dalton@health.slu.edu
Member Number 1464340
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Michelle%5FDalton%5F1999%2Ejpg
Role Label Co-Presenter
Sort Order 1
Confirmed Flag No Response
2 Prefix
Firstname Whitney
Lastname Linsenmeyer
Suffix PhD, RD, LD
Designation PhD, RD, LD
Company Saint Louis University, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
Title Assistant Professor
Biography I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics at Saint Louis University and credentialed as a registered dietitian. I serve as a national spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics with expertise in transgender health and nutrition. My research centers on nutrition care for the transgender population. I utilize qualitative and mixed methods approaches to characterize the nutrition-related clinical and psychosocial aspects of transgender health, with attention to the role of registered dietitians in providing optimal nutrition care in an interprofessional environment. In 2020, my colleagues and I established the Transgender Health Collaborative at SLU. We are an interprofessional network of researchers and clinicians working with the transgender community throughout SLU and partner organizations. The goals of the collaborative are to 1) Advance respectful, inclusive, and patient-centered care for the transgender community, 2) Promote research productivity related to transgender health, and 3) Train future healthcare professions to be competent in gender-inclusive practices through clinical education.
Email whitney.linsenmeyer@health.slu.edu
Member Number 5250355
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Whitney%5FLinsenmeyer%5F2001%2Ejpg
Role Label Co-Presenter
Sort Order 2
Confirmed Flag No Response
3 Prefix
Firstname Yamilet
Lastname Campos
Suffix MA
Email yamilet.campos@health.slu.edu
Member Number 1464570
Role Label Co-Presenter
Sort Order 3
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document 0 Title Handout
Document Tag
Filename 1400_0_HeidenRootes_177.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3699/1400_0_HeidenRootes_177.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
1 Title Presentation
Document Tag
Filename 1400_0_HeidenRootes_177.pptx
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3699/1400_0_HeidenRootes_177.pptx
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
39 Title Let's Talk About Size Diversity in Sex: A Collaborative Exploration of the Known, Unknown, and Bias
Code 377
Type Roundtable
Description Body size diversity and fatness are diversity dimensions often unacknowledged in the field of sex therapy and education. Many of our clients are larger-bodied and/or engaging in size-diverse sexual encounters. Yet frequently we prescribe thin sex techniques and perspectives that our clients cannot relate to, resulting in further marginalization due to lack of representation and person-specific treatment plans. At this roundtable, Rose Lange will present a brief review of current research on fat sex and will then facilitate a lively discussion to gather group expertise and explore our biases.
Intended Audience: Educators, Counselors, Therapists, Supervisors
Objective At the end of this roundtable, participants will be able to identify three interventions to use specifically with larger-bodied and size-diverse clients.|At the end of this roundtable, participants will be able to describe their particular biases towards larger-bodied people and identify practical and tangible next steps for themselves in addressing their biases and providing more equitable care for larger-bodied and size-diverse people.| |
Prerequisite Body size diversity and fatness are diversity dimensions often unacknowledged in the field of sex therapy and education. As the emphasis on serving marginalized identities and having a multicultural intersectional perspective grows in our field, many fat people are feeling left behind in the conversation (Bergen & Mollen, 2019; Kasardo, 2018). At the same time, there is a growing body of research coming out of fat liberation and critical fat studies fields that applies directly to the sex therapy and education work we do (Bacon & Aphramor, 2011; Davis-Coelho et. al., 2000; Gordon, 2020; Lawrence et. al., 2012; Wann, 2009).
Many of our clients are larger-bodied and/or engaging in size-diverse sexual encounters. (Size-diverse is defined as one or more person having sex has a conventionally smaller body and one or more person has a larger body). Yet frequently we prescribe thin sex techniques and perspectives that our clients cannot relate to or execute. This results in further marginalization due to lack of representation and person-specific treatment interventions. For example, many fat people believe they cannot have fulfilling, orgasmic sex or even simply have sex at all; the truth is, they are attempting to have what the presenter has labeled "thin sex" which does not work for their bodies. They are not taught positions specifically designed for their unique body types, or how to move their flesh around during sex to engage in different sensations and offer access to different areas of the body. This roundtable is important for any sex therapist or educator who wants to diversify their offerings.
The purpose of this roundtable is to briefly educate on current research and therapeutic practices with larger-bodied individuals and size-diverse intimate relationships. This Powerpoint-driven brief lecture will drive the remainder of the roundtable, which will be spent discussing as a group our work with this population, including evidence-based and research-informed experiences (Bacon & Aphramor, 2011; Bergen & Mollen, 2019; Gordon, 2020; Lawrence et. al., 2012; Pratt et. al., 2016). The facilitator will also create space for an exploration of our biases with this population. As we know, good therapeutic and educational work cannot be done unless the provider is actively exploring and addressing their biases with a marginalized population. This roundtable will provide space for participants to either start or continue that important work of addressing internalized and externalized fatphobia and bias and the impact it has on their sex therapy and education work.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway 10
Startson 2024-06-13 14:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 15:30:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 1.50
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1161
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1011
Room Name Midway 10
Accreditation Bodies Accreditation 0 Accreditation Body AASECT
Credit Hours 1.5
1 Accreditation Body APA
Credit Hours 1.5
2 Accreditation Body NASW
Credit Hours 1.5
3 Accreditation Body NBCC
Credit Hours 1.5
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1161&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1161__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code A
Name A. Ethics and ethical behavior
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code C
Name C. Socio-cultural, familial factors (e.g., ethnicity, culture, religion, spirituality, socioeconomic status, family values) in relation to sexual values and behaviors
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code G
Name G. Sexual and reproductive anatomy/physiology
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
3 Code H
Name H. Health/medical factors that may influence sexuality including, but not limited to, illness, disability, drugs, mental health, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, pregnancy termination, contraception, fertility, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infection, other infections, sexual trauma, injury and safer sex practices
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
4 Code M
Name M. Pleasure enhancement skills
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
5 Code O
Name O. Professional communication and personal reflection skills
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
6 Code Q
Name Q. Principles of sexuality research and research methods
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
7 Code ST1
Name ST-A. Theory and methods of sex-related psychotherapy, including several different models.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
8 Code ST3
Name ST-C. Theory and methods of approach to intervention in relationship systems experiencing sex and intimacy problems.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
9 Code ST6
Name ST-F. Ethical decision-making and best practice.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker Prefix
Firstname Rose
Lastname Lange
Suffix MSMFT
Designation LCPC
Company Rose Lange Counseling, PLLC
Biography Rose Lange is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) in the state of Illinois. Her training background is in marriage and family therapy from Fuller Seminary in California, and she especially values working with individuals, couples, families and teens in order to help them improve their relationships with themselves and those around them. She is currently working on her Ph.D. in couple and family therapy at Adler University in Chicago as well as her certificate in sex therapy.
Rose is experienced in working with clients, intimate relationship dynamics, and families. For Rose, the benefit of therapy lies in the building of a unique relationship between client and therapist that fosters insight and growth, allowing for the client to achieve their goals. She integrates a variety of therapeutic models into her work with clients, including-- but not limited to-- contextual and restoration therapy, mindfulness, emotionally-focused therapy, and long-term focused therapy with a collaborative approach.
Rose's scholarly and research agenda prioritizes the multicultural expansion of human identity and the promotion of liberation. Fat liberation and body size diversity education is her priority, especially in the sex therapy arena. Many identities continue to be "left behind" as our therapeutic fields advance, fatness and body size being one of them. Rose believes that all body sizes and shapes deserve to experience pleasure and good sex if they so choose, and education and research including these people needs to be prioritized.
When she isn’t working with clients or working on Ph.D. tasks, you can find her at home with her husband and three house-bunnies, watching movies and reading books.
Email rose@roselangecounseling.com
Member Number 5250363
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Rose%5FLange%5F2130%2Epng
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document 0 Title Handout - Body Size Values and Diet Culture Genogram
Document Tag
Filename 1400_0_Lange_377.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3706/1400_0_Lange_377.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
1 Title Powerpoint - Body Size Diversity in Intimate Relationships
Document Tag
Filename 1400_0_Lange_377.pptx
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3706/1400_0_Lange_377.pptx
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
40 Title Psychiatry and Sex: From Pathology to Pleasure
Code 255
Type Roundtable
Description Psychiatrists are in a unique position to address sexuality given their focus on psychosocial and medical well-being. In this literature review, we examined the intersection between psychiatry and sexual health. Literature suggests that psychiatrists to not prioritize sexuality, and patients feel uncomfortable bringing up sexual health concerns. The data reported above in conjunction with psychiatry's fraught history with sex emphasizes the need for psychiatrists to collaborate with sex educations in discussing sex with their patients.
Intended Audience: All Audiences
Objective Identify gaps in the integration of sexual health in psychiatric practice.|Explain why it is important for psychiatrists to collaborate with experts in the sexual health field.| |
Prerequisite Introduction: Sexual health is vital to the overall state of psychosocial and physical wellbeing in relationship to sexuality, and not merely the absence of dysfunction. Most adults (94%) believe that sexual pleasure improves quality of life. Psychiatry has a history of targeting individuals as abnormal, and more recently, has taken the realm of "normal" into its domain when it diverges from the social fantasy of normativity. Despite psychiatry's complex relationship with sex, we argue that psychiatrists are in a unique position to address sexual health concerns given their focus on both psychosocial and medical well-being. In this study, we examine the current intersection between psychiatry and the field of sexual health.
Methods: A literature review of the topic was performed.
Results: Firstly, literature reveals that psychiatrists do not adequately prioritize their patients' sexual health concerns and report discomfort and lack of competence in this area. In a cross-sectional study of 100 psychiatrists, less than a third reported that they ask over 80% of their patients about sexual health, although half of them suspected sexual problems in 41-80% of patients. Barriers included "lack of time", "embarrassment", and gender or cultural differences. Secondly, literature shows that psychiatric patients feel uncomfortable bringing up sexual health concerns when psychiatrists do not initiate the topic, despite a clear association between sexual function and psychiatric comorbidities. In a study of patients on selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, only 14% spontaneously reported sexual dysfunction, while 55% reported dysfunction when asked directly by their provider. This discrepancy significantly impacts the functioning of psychiatric patients. In a study of 73 women diagnosed with female sexual dysfunction, 98.6% were found to have psychiatric comorbidities (i.e., anxiety, depression).
Conclusions: Psychiatry and sex have been linked since the time of Freud, who emphasized the importance of libido in psychological functioning. However, psychiatry historically viewed sex from a pathologizing perspective rather than emphasizing sexual health or pleasure and continues to stumble with its relationship to sexuality. Medicine has a history of exploiting BIPOC individuals and psychiatric research continues to prioritize non-BIPOC bodies. The data reported above in conjunction with psychiatry's fraught history with sex emphasizes the need for psychiatrists to take the lead in discussing sex with their patients, with cultural humility and attention to the disruption of cultural normativity. Psychiatrists are in a unique position to work with sexual health experts in treating sexual health concerns because 1) they focus on psychological and medical aspects of health and disease, and 2) they utilize pharmacology and psychotherapy. Psychiatrists must discuss sex from a non-pathologizing lens if they want to address the "whole" patient.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Regency B
Startson 2024-06-13 14:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 15:30:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 1.50
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1159
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1023
Room Name Regency B
Accreditation Bodies Accreditation 0 Accreditation Body AASECT
Credit Hours 1.5
1 Accreditation Body APA
Credit Hours 1.5
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1159&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1159__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code O
Name O. Professional communication and personal reflection skills
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code P
Name P. History of the discipline of sex research, theory, education, counseling and therapy
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code Q
Name Q. Principles of sexuality research and research methods
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker Prefix
Firstname Nikki
Middlename R
Lastname Haddad
Designation MD
Company Brigham & Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Title Psychiatry Resident Physician
Biography Nikki was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA. She is currently a psychiatry resident physician in the Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School Psychiatry Residency Program, with a clinical focus in women’s mental health. She completed Brown University’s eight-year combined baccalaureate-M.D. medical program with a B.A. in Health and Human Biology and sub-focus in Brain and Biology (2012-2016) and an M.D. from the Warren Alpert Medical School with a concentration in Women’s Reproductive Health (2016-2020). In June 2020, she joined the faculty at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. She completed the One-Year Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Fellowship (Adult Track) of the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute in 2023. In July 2024, she will begin a one-year Fellowship in the Division of Women's Mental Health at McLean Hospital in Boston, MA.
During her senior year of college, Nikki created and led her own course “Music as Medicine.” At Brown Medical School, she created an arts-based curriculum in medical education and was an advocate at a sexual assault and trauma center. In psychiatry residency, Nikki’s clinical interests and expertise have revolved around women’s mental health, trauma, relational therapy, and sexuality. She works in Brigham’s Women’s Mental Health Clinic, which has helped her build a foundation in treating psychiatric disorders that disproportionately affect women such as trauma disorders, eating disorders, and reproductive-based disorders (perimenstrual, perinatal, and perimenopausal). She is currently enrolled in the South Shore Sexual Health Center (SSSHC) AASECT Certificate Program to become a certified sex-therapist. She sees patients for sex and couples therapy in her general outpatient clinic and is passionate about the intersection between reproductive health, sexuality, and psychiatry. Her hobbies include singing jazz/R&B, guitar, spin/barre classes, and playing with her orange tabby.
Email nikkihad@gmail.com
Member Number 1458139
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Nikki%5FHaddad%5F1908%2Ejpeg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document 0 Title Handout NHaddad
Document Tag
Filename 1400_0_Haddad_255.docx
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3703/1400_0_Haddad_255.docx
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
1 Title Presentation
Document Tag
Filename 1400_0_Haddad_255.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3703/1400_0_Haddad_255.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
41 Title General Plenary: Intersex Narratives: Navigating Identity, Advocacy, and Sexual Health
Type Plenary Session
Description This presentation explores the journey towards intersex liberation, encompassing the complexities of identity, advocacy, and sexual health. Pidgeon Pagonis, a prominent intersex activist, shares personal anecdotes and societal insights to shed light on the challenges faced by intersex individuals. By delving into historical contexts and contemporary narratives, attendees gain a deeper understanding of the intersections between intersex rights and sexual health. Through empowering discourse, Pidgeon invites participants to envision a future where intersex individuals are fully recognized, respected, and embraced within society.
Intended Audience: All Audiences
Objective Understand the historical and present-day challenges of intersex individuals in asserting their identities and rights.|Explore systemic barriers and societal challenges faced by intersex individuals in accessing inclusive sexual health services.|Identify strategies for amplifying intersex voices, challenging stigma, and fostering supportive environments for sexual well-being and advocacy.|
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Grand Ballroom
Startson 2024-06-13 16:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 17:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 1.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1226
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1008
Room Name Grand Ballroom
Accreditation Bodies Accreditation 0 Accreditation Body AASECT
Credit Hours 1
1 Accreditation Body NBCC
Credit Hours 1
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1226&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1226__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Speakers Speaker Prefix
Firstname Pidgeon
Lastname Pagonis
Biography Pidgeon Pagonis has worked for over a decade as an intersex advocate, speaker, consultant, photographer and filmmaker to shed light on the human rights violations endured by intersex people. Their goal is to help end the non-consensual irreversible medical procedures meant to discipline unruly intersex bodies. Pidgeon’s accessible advocacy helps people complicate their preconceived binary notions about “biological differences”. Their work has been essential for those who want to show up for intersex people in their lives, but aren’t sure where to start.
Whether advancing the intersex cause as the co-founder of the Intersex Justice Project (IJP), co-producing viral informational videos, creating art that centers intersex voices, appearing on the cover of National Geographic “Gender Revolution” special issue or being honored as a LGBTChampion of Change in by the Obama White House, Pidgeon has staked out a place at the fore of debates on intersexuality. In 2020, IJP’s #EndIntersexSurgery campaign succeeded in getting Lurie Children’s to become the first hospital in the nation to apologize and halt surgeries. Currently, they’re working on their memoir slated to be published in 2023 by Little A Press.
Email katie@collectivespeakers.com
Member Number 1475669
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Pidgeon%5FPagonis%5F2202%2Ejpg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 1
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document Title Presentation
Document Tag
Filename 1600_0_Pagonis.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3789/1600_0_Pagonis.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
42 Title Consent Games in Sex Education
Code 137
Type Workshop
Description A student-centered approach helps people invest in the learning process and retain information. Active learning is also fun and increases engagement. This interactive workshop will help participants learn three different sex education lessons to teach consent in the classroom. Consent is an essential lesson for adolescents to learn throughout the lifespan as they navigate negotiating everything from sharing to sexual intimacy. This workshop promises to be both fun and engaging while offering tangible resources for educators to implement with their own students.
Intended Audience: All Audiences
Objective Define consent|demonstrate three interactive ways to teach consent| |
Prerequisite Teaching consent from a student-centered approach helps people invest in the learning process and retain information. Participants will learn three different sex education games to foster learning and discussion among their students. They will also learn how intersectionality affects dynamics of consent. Black women, trans women, and people with disabilities are all assaulted at higher rates than their white counterparts. Acknowledging this is essential. It allows people to talk about consent and power as it relates to race, gender, and age. While the lesson plans being taught are geared at youth, it prompts the conversation early to implement intersectionality as it relates to consent. This engaging workshop will teach participants additional methods for teaching consent.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway 10
Startson 2024-06-13 17:30:00
Endson 2024-06-13 18:30:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 1.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1166
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1011
Room Name Midway 10
Accreditation Bodies Accreditation 0 Accreditation Body AASECT
Credit Hours 1
1 Accreditation Body NASW
Credit Hours 1
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1166&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1166__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code B
Name B. Developmental sexuality from a bio-psycho-social perspective across the life course
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code E
Name E. Intimacy skills (e.g., social, emotional, sexual), intimate relationships, interpersonal relationships and family dynamics
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code N
Name N. Learning theory and its application
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
3 Code SE1
Name SE-A. Sexuality education training will include, but is not limited to: theory and methods of general education (including curriculum development, delivery and evaluation).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
4 Code SE2
Name SE-B. Theory and methods of sexuality education (including curriculum development, delivery and evaluation).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
5 Code SE5
Name SE-E. Theory and methods of different approaches to sexuality education delivery (e.g., small group work, one-on-one education, large group lectures or interaction, online delivery or use of other electronic means)
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker Prefix
Firstname Kristen
Lastname Lilla
Designation LCSW, CST-S, CSE-S
Biography Kristen Lilla LCSW, CST-S, CSE-S (she/they) is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, AASECT Certified Sex Therapist, AASECT Certified Sexuality Educator, and AASECT Certified Supervisor (for both therapists and educators). Kristen is a queer therapist working in private practice and serving clients in Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, and Wisconsin. She currently serves as the AASECT Mid-Continent Section Leader for the state of Nebraska and holds a position as the Chair of the Sex Education Certification Committee for the national AASECT organization. They are also on the AASECT Ethics Advisory Committee. Kristen is an international speaker and has spoken at conferences worldwide including the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS), Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS), National Sex Education Conference (CSE), Bangladesh Sex Therapy Training, and AASECT Annual Conference. In 2020, Kristen Lilla won the AASECT Sexuality Educator award and in 2023, won the AASECT Book Award for Children under 18. In addition to their numerous accomplishments Kristen Lilla has published three books; Boxes and How We Fill Them: A Basic Guide to Sexual Awareness, Vaginas and Periods 101: A Pop-Up Book, and Colors of You: Lesson Plans for Teachers and Parents about Sex Education and Identity. She was published in the 4th edition of Unequal Partners: Teaching About Power, Consent, and Healthy Relationships as well as Orientation: Teaching About Identity, Attraction, and Behavior, both published by the Center for Sex Education. Kristen is frequently quoted in articles for prominent websites including Refinery29, Cosmopolitan, and CNN.
Email klilla813@gmail.com
Member Number 1197783
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Kristen%5FLilla%5F1273%2Epng
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document Title Presentation
Document Tag
Filename 1730_0_Lilla_137.pptx
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3712/1730_0_Lilla_137.pptx
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
43 Title Ethical Debate & Restorative Justice: Community, Compromise & Repairing Harm for Adolescents
Code 412
Type Session
Description Engage in ethical debate, practicing civil discourse. Explore tools from Harvard's "Project Zero" to build compromise. Discover why this theory- and evidence-based approach works: collaboration in positive, inclusive, safe learning communities where every voice matters. Use developmental characteristics of adolescence to bolster critical thinking, engagement, and equity. Interact in a unique form of restorative circle to engage with student voice. Use the community of the classroom to build interpersonal skills for adolescents to handle sensitive topics in an emotionally safe setting.
Objective At the end of this session, participants will be able to exercise with students how to work in harmony with others who have different opinions, using ethical debate as a form of culturally responsive pedagogy to enact equity, have students support their ideas, take turns sharing their thoughts, and build compromise.|Participants will have the tools to delve deeply into sensitive and controversial issues in a safe, supportive, positive, collaborative community.|Participants will understand the core principles of these activities to be able to apply these activities and similar ones in effective ways in groups with adolescents.|
Prerequisite Purpose: Participants will go experience how the methods affect students by participating themselves, and be able to critically analyze their experience to understand the principles behind the methods, how and why they work.
Content/Skills: Participants will learn the format of ethical debate,
fostering civil discourse, and how to evolve debate into restorative
circles, forming compromises between differing points of view, and
building communication skills around sensitive topics.
Participants will come away with a new teaching method that works with
both homogenous and heterogenous groups of learners.
Participant Experience:
1. Community Check-In, groups agreements
2. Abbreviated demonstration and description of Lesson: Participate,
Engage, Share, Connect
Phase 1 - Jigsaw Learning
After learners are divided into "home" groups, each person is
assigned a letter (a,b,c,d) which represents their "letter" group.
Facilitator will pose a question to the large group.
Learners get into their "letter groups" and together review
information on one of four handouts, each supporting a different
Learners return to "home groups" to share with each other what they
learned in their "letter groups".
Phase 2 - Ethical Debate
Learners are posed the same question for debate. Four viewpoints they
just learned about in the jigsaw session are given as response
options. Each learner goes to the group that represents their own
viewpoint based on what they learned from their group members in their
home groups.
The teams go through 3 rounds:
Round 1 - Why is your choice the right choice?
Round 2 - Why are the other choices wrong?
Round 3 - What is the most likely outcome if your choice were chosen?
(Presented in a brief skit)
Phase 3, Debate Extensions: Listen and Learn
~ Compromise: The Options Diamond
Learners form two opposing teams based on extremes, building Tug of
War Charts.
Learners form new teams with opponents to create compromises using the
Options Diamond.
~ Restorative Justice Circle
Learners write and submit questions/thoughts in the following realms:
- Questions about the topic of the ethical debate
- Personal hurt, frustration, or confusion by ideas or actions of
other learners during the ethical debate
- Connections to personal situations in real life that the learners
would like the chance to discuss with others in the circle.
Facilitator chooses questions/comments for discussion in the
restorative circle, maintaining making sure all voices are heard.
4. Theoretical and Research underpinnings for educational approach.
Explore the basis and reasoning behind the activities done so far.
5. Deconstruct
Participants will discuss how they felt throughout the activities 1-3: how each made them feel, what was positive/negative, if they agree or disagree on the research based on their experience and if they have remaining questions to work through as a group, revisiting activity 1.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Regency C
Startson 2024-06-13 17:30:00
Endson 2024-06-13 18:30:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 1.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1274
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1025
Room Name Regency C
Accreditation Bodies Accreditation Accreditation Body AASECT
Credit Hours 1
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1274&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1274__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code A
Name A. Ethics and ethical behavior
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code E
Name E. Intimacy skills (e.g., social, emotional, sexual), intimate relationships, interpersonal relationships and family dynamics
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code N
Name N. Learning theory and its application
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
3 Code SE1
Name SE-A. Sexuality education training will include, but is not limited to: theory and methods of general education (including curriculum development, delivery and evaluation).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
4 Code SE2
Name SE-B. Theory and methods of sexuality education (including curriculum development, delivery and evaluation).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
5 Code SE3
Name SE-C. Ethical issues in sexuality education.
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
6 Code SE4
Name SE-D. Theory and methods of approaches to sexuality education with specific populations (e.g., youth, older adults, couples, ethnic/ cultural/ faith-based populations, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
7 Code SE5
Name SE-E. Theory and methods of different approaches to sexuality education delivery (e.g., small group work, one-on-one education, large group lectures or interaction, online delivery or use of other electronic means)
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker Prefix
Firstname Wendy
Lastname Maskin
Suffix M.S.Ed
Designation M.S.Ed
Company New York City Department of Education
Title Teacher
Email wendymaskin@gmail.com
Member Number 1453215
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
44 Title Halal Sex T.A.L.K.S. : Improving Parent-child Sexual Communication amongst Muslim Parents
Code 397
Type Original Research Session
Description Parents play a fundamental role in their children and teens' positive sexual development, but generally have great difficulty discussing sexuality topics. This research session will review the study titled, "Halal Sex T.A.L.K.S.- Improving Parent-child Sexual Communication amongst Muslim Parents" which used an online faith-based course for Muslim parents to teach them age-appropriate sex ed, infused with their values and beliefs. This safe space allowed Muslim parents to learn what to say and how to say it (something many Muslim parents were never taught growing up).
Intended Audience: All Audiences
Objective Participants will be able to describe one to three specific societal and religious challenges for Muslim parents and communities in regards to sex and sexuality education.
|Participants will be able to identify one to three age-appropriate faith-based sexuality education methods to be provided to parents to teach their Muslim children and teens sex education in the home. | |
Prerequisite The purpose of this study was to better understand if faith-based sexuality education can assist Muslim parents with engaging in parent-child sexual communication with their children and teens. The intervention provided sexuality education to Muslim parents about implementing parent-child sexual communication in a way consistent with their religious values and beliefs. This study aims to review the effectiveness of a faith-based online sexuality education program for this population.
Parents play a fundamental role in their children and teens' positive sexual development, but generally have great difficulty discussing sexuality topics (Astle, Toews, et al., 2021). Many parents, who commonly did not receive any sexuality education themselves from their own parents or guardians, allow feelings of discomfort to impede communication (Kee-Jiar & Shih-Hui, 2020). The ongoing silence of sex and sexuality within the home can create a sense of embarrassment and shame surrounding the topic (Othman et al., 2020). Such feelings further prevent children and teens from seeking reliable information from parents (Walker, 2004). Research has shown that parent-child sexual communication has been linked to improved sexual behaviors among youth, such as delayed sexual debut, increased contraceptive use, decreased teen pregnancy, and decreased risk of STIs. There is currently no known evidence-based sexual education program for Muslim parents to increase PCSC.
Sexual Values in Islam
Over the past century, western society has undergone a societal shift and sexual revolution in which one's sexual behaviors are considered synonymous with one's identity (Trueman, 2020). Additionally, apart from sexual consent, the sexual revolution does not restrict sex through religiously moral boundaries, such as marital and heterosexual sex (Trueman, 2022). In contrast, the religion of Islam is rooted in the Quran and Sunnah (the life of the Prophet Muhammad) and constitutes a way of life governed by morals, values, and submission to God (Esposito, 2004). Muslims, followers of Islam, are expected to diligently strive to please God through worship, exemplifying good character, and abiding by His rules (Waines, 2003). Muslims seek to maintain proper sexual behaviors, as identified by Islamic rulings, in effort to please God, obey Him, and ultimately earn Paradise in the afterlife (Al-Ghazali, 2007). Culturally competent sexuality education for Muslims should be offered through the framework of Islamic beliefs and values (Seward & Khan, 2016). This study evaluated the effectiveness of a faith-based sexuality education online intervention in increasing Muslim parent's PCSC intentions and frequency with their children and teenagers.
Research methods and findings will be shared within the research session.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Regency B
Startson 2024-06-13 17:30:00
Endson 2024-06-13 18:30:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 1.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1164
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1023
Room Name Regency B
Accreditation Bodies Accreditation 0 Accreditation Body AASECT
Credit Hours 1
1 Accreditation Body APA
Credit Hours 1
2 Accreditation Body NASW
Credit Hours 1
3 Accreditation Body NBCC
Credit Hours 1
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1164&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1164__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code A
Name A. Ethics and ethical behavior
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code C
Name C. Socio-cultural, familial factors (e.g., ethnicity, culture, religion, spirituality, socioeconomic status, family values) in relation to sexual values and behaviors
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code D
Name D. Issues related to sexual orientation and/or gender identity: heterosexuality; issues and themes impacting lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual people; gender identity and expression
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
3 Code E
Name E. Intimacy skills (e.g., social, emotional, sexual), intimate relationships, interpersonal relationships and family dynamics
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
4 Code G
Name G. Sexual and reproductive anatomy/physiology
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
5 Code J
Name J. Sexual exploitation including sexual abuse, sexual harassment and sexual assault
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
6 Code K
Name K. Cyber sexuality and social media
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
7 Code M
Name M. Pleasure enhancement skills
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
8 Code O
Name O. Professional communication and personal reflection skills
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
9 Code Q
Name Q. Principles of sexuality research and research methods
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
10 Code SE1
Name SE-A. Sexuality education training will include, but is not limited to: theory and methods of general education (including curriculum development, delivery and evaluation).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
11 Code SE2
Name SE-B. Theory and methods of sexuality education (including curriculum development, delivery and evaluation).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
12 Code SE3
Name SE-C. Ethical issues in sexuality education.
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
13 Code SE4
Name SE-D. Theory and methods of approaches to sexuality education with specific populations (e.g., youth, older adults, couples, ethnic/ cultural/ faith-based populations, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
14 Code SE5
Name SE-E. Theory and methods of different approaches to sexuality education delivery (e.g., small group work, one-on-one education, large group lectures or interaction, online delivery or use of other electronic means)
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker Prefix
Firstname Shaakira
Lastname Abdullah
Designation PhD, DNP, FNP-BC
Company The Halal Sexpert, LLC
Title CEO, Faith-Based Sexologist
Biography Dr. Shaakira Abdullah, also known as The Halal Sexpert, is a Sexologist with a Ph.D. in Human Sexuality from Widener University and a Family Nurse Practitioner with a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree from Rutgers University. She is passionate about providing sexuality education to the Muslim community from an Islamic Perspective based on their beliefs and values. Dr. Shaakira is a world-renowned speaker who teaches courses for couples, singles, and parents and facilitates life-changing international retreats. Her goal is to help Muslims around the world learn how to maintain a comfortable balance between their sexuality and spirituality in a way a pleasing to God.
Email shaakira@thehalalsexpert.com
Member Number 1465394
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Shaakira%5FAbdullah%5F2124%2Ejpg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document Title Presentation/ Digital handout
Document Tag
Filename 1730_0_Abdullah_397.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3710/1730_0_Abdullah_397.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
45 Title Stigma, Disability, Sexuality: Using Language and Values Clarification to Enhance Your Practice
Code 117
Type Workshop
Description Individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities are often left out of sexuality education due to caregivers, parents, and professionals restricting access to education and sexual expression, and prevailing ableist views on how sexuality should be experienced. Relational Frame Theory and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy provide avenues to address the harmful biases and stigmas associated with individual and group-based learning. Presenters will discuss original research that can change individual bias and values driven inclusionary efforts that expand access for this population.
Intended Audience: All Audiences
Objective Assess and integrate strategies that allow for inclusivity of disabilities, both on an individual level and organization level.| | |
Prerequisite Meg is a PhD student at The Chicago School in Behavior Analysis, who has been an advocate, sibling, and supporter of the disability community for all of their life. They are focused on improving accessibility of sexuality education, working with individuals, parents, guardians, and support staff to address the need for sexuality education for all. Their current research highlights one small path to, at least temporarily, improve the perceptions of sexuality and disability.
Christy is the owner of New Moonrise Therapies, LLC and holds multiple degrees and certificates. As a queer disabled woman, she is passionate about access for all, and challenging the systems that deny access on many levels. Christy is a co-host on the Disability Tangent Podcast, a newly formed podcast focused on all things disability, from education to sex, to therapy, to technology, which focuses on fostering collaborative efforts of community organizations, people, and systems.
The World Health Organization has declared that sexuality education is a basic human right for all individuals. Individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities (IDD) are often left out of sexuality education (Gomez, 2012; Stein et al., 2017; Campbell, 2017).As a part of the audience participation, the Attitudes Toward Sexuality of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ASEXID) questionnaire will be included for audience participation. Developed by Gil Lario and colleagues (2021), the ASEXID questionnaire assesses individuals' attitudes and beliefs towards individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Presenters will review the assessment tool, and describe its usefulness for individual practitioners to develop their competencies and need for consultation when supporting individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
The research conducted by Meg will be reviewed. This will include a data share from a pilot study from November 2023 - December 2023, that analyzes the effectiveness of Relational Frame Theory (RFT) principles and procedures at changing the stigma associated with sexuality and disability. A brief overview of (RFT) will be provided, along with the procedures, results from the study, and applications of the work.
Then, Christy will share a brief overview of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), focusing on a few components of ACT, followed by a translation from current AASECT positions to align with the potential values that clinicians, therapists, and educators could include in their practice as it relates to sexuality and disability. Understanding perspective taking skills, as defined by ACT, audience members will have the opportunity to adapt and incorporate the more values-consistent behaviors that promote accessibility to sexual education, counseling and therapies for individuals with intellectual, development, physical, and invisible disabilities
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Regency A
Startson 2024-06-13 17:30:00
Endson 2024-06-13 18:30:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 1.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1163
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1022
Room Name Regency A
Accreditation Bodies Accreditation 0 Accreditation Body AASECT
Credit Hours 1
1 Accreditation Body APA
Credit Hours 1
2 Accreditation Body NASW
Credit Hours 1
3 Accreditation Body NBCC
Credit Hours 1
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1163&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1163__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code C
Name C. Socio-cultural, familial factors (e.g., ethnicity, culture, religion, spirituality, socioeconomic status, family values) in relation to sexual values and behaviors
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code D
Name D. Issues related to sexual orientation and/or gender identity: heterosexuality; issues and themes impacting lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual people; gender identity and expression
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code F
Name F. Diversities in sexual expression and lifestyles including, but not limited to, polyamory, swinging, BDSM and tantra
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
3 Code H
Name H. Health/medical factors that may influence sexuality including, but not limited to, illness, disability, drugs, mental health, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, pregnancy termination, contraception, fertility, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infection, other infections, sexual trauma, injury and safer sex practices
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
4 Code O
Name O. Professional communication and personal reflection skills
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
5 Code SC2
Name SC-B. Theory and methods of sexuality counseling approaches to specific populations (e.g., youth, older adult, couples, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities, ethnic/ cultural/ faith-based populations).
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
6 Code SE4
Name SE-D. Theory and methods of approaches to sexuality education with specific populations (e.g., youth, older adults, couples, ethnic/ cultural/ faith-based populations, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
7 Code ST5
Name ST-E. Principles of consultation, collaboration, and referral.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
8 Code ST6
Name ST-F. Ethical decision-making and best practice.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker 0 Prefix
Firstname Megan
Middlename K
Lastname Valesey
Suffix MPsy, BCBA, PhD Candidate
Designation MPsy, BCBA
Company The Chicago School
Biography Meg Valesey, MPsy, BCBA, (she/they) is a PhD Student at The Chicago School in the Behavior Analysis Department. Meg has been an advocate, nibling, and supporter of the disability community for all of their life. They are focused on improving accessibility of sexuality education, working with individuals, parents, guardians, support staff, and funders to address the need for sexuality education for all. Their current research highlights one small path to, at least temporarily, improve the perceptions of sexuality and disability.
Email valesey.megan@gmail.com
Member Number 1462741
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Megan%5FValesey%5F1923%2Epng
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
1 Prefix
Firstname Christy
Middlename T
Lastname Bloemendaal
Suffix MA, M.Div.
Designation MA, M.Div.
Company New Moonrise Therapies
Biography Christy is the current co-host of The Disability Tangent Podcast, the co-director of the Global Accessibility and Inclusion Network (GAIN), and the founder of New Moonrise Therapies where she provides coaching and therapeutic services to adolescent and adult clients seeking to overcome barriers and increase joy. Having studied at numerous institutions, including Dordt University, Fuller Theological Seminary, Loyola University Chicago, and The Chicago School for Professional Psychology, Christy holds a number of advanced degrees and certificates in philosophy, theology, community development, social justice, and behavioral analysis. She has global certifications in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy(ACT), Forgiveness and Ho'oponopono Practice, Happy For No Reason (HFNR) Training, and Narrative Therapy in addition to her degrees and is constantly seeking out new research and practices that can offer her clients and the community more and better solutions. As a queer, disabled woman Christy is most passionate about the intersection of disability and other aspects of life and society. She is a fierce advocate for accessibility, equality, and lasting change that creates a society where all persons have full inclusion and rights.
Email justct40@gmail.com
Member Number 5249460
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Christy%5FBloemendaal%5F2058%2Ejpeg
Role Label Co-Presenter
Sort Order 1
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document 0 Title Presentation Slides
Document Tag
Filename 1730_0_Valesey_117.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3708/1730_0_Valesey_117.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
1 Title Additional Resources Handout
Document Tag
Filename 1730_0_Valesey_117_0613_023536.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3708/1730_0_Valesey_117_0613_023536.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
2 Title Presentation
Document Tag
Filename 1730_0_Valesey_117.pptx
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3708/1730_0_Valesey_117.pptx
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
46 Title The Complex Interplay: Sexual Response & Sexual Functioning within Reproductive Grief and Loss
Code 170
Type Workshop
Description This workshop will offer an evidence based treatment model for practitioners who are serving in the reproductive grief and loss community. Practitioners will leave this workshop feeling empowered to implement innovative treatment with practical application for healing in sexual response and functioning in the reproductive grief and loss community.
Intended Audience: All Audiences
Objective Participants will be able to implement trauma informed treatment for sexual functioning and response when working with an individual or partnership that has been impacted by grief or loss in the reproductive community. | | |
Prerequisite Grief and loss within the reproductive community present a unique set of challenges that extend beyond the emotional spectrum. This evidence-based workshop delves into the intricate dynamics of how the experience(s) of grief and loss can significantly affect individuals' sexual response and sexual functioning and desire within this context. The workshop will cover acknowledging and integrating the reproductive justice trauma and ethics of our current political landscape, offer visibility and practice implications of serving the trans community within reproduction, as well as offer transdisciplinary responses in working with sexual response and functioning. Participants will leave with a variety of innovative evidence-based ways of addressing response and functioning within the reproductive grief and loss community and will be able to implement treatment modalities to meet the needs of reproductive grief across the lifespan.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Grand Ballroom
Startson 2024-06-13 17:30:00
Endson 2024-06-13 18:30:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 1.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1162
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1008
Room Name Grand Ballroom
Accreditation Bodies Accreditation 0 Accreditation Body AASECT
Credit Hours 1
1 Accreditation Body NASW
Credit Hours 1
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1162&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1162__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code A
Name A. Ethics and ethical behavior
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code B
Name B. Developmental sexuality from a bio-psycho-social perspective across the life course
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code C
Name C. Socio-cultural, familial factors (e.g., ethnicity, culture, religion, spirituality, socioeconomic status, family values) in relation to sexual values and behaviors
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
3 Code D
Name D. Issues related to sexual orientation and/or gender identity: heterosexuality; issues and themes impacting lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual people; gender identity and expression
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
4 Code E
Name E. Intimacy skills (e.g., social, emotional, sexual), intimate relationships, interpersonal relationships and family dynamics
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
5 Code F
Name F. Diversities in sexual expression and lifestyles including, but not limited to, polyamory, swinging, BDSM and tantra
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
6 Code G
Name G. Sexual and reproductive anatomy/physiology
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
7 Code H
Name H. Health/medical factors that may influence sexuality including, but not limited to, illness, disability, drugs, mental health, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, pregnancy termination, contraception, fertility, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infection, other infections, sexual trauma, injury and safer sex practices
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
8 Code I
Name I. Range of sexual functioning and behavior, from optimal to problematic including, but not limited to, common issues such as: desire discrepancy, lack of desire, difficulty achieving or maintaining arousal, sexual pain, penetration problems and difficulty with orgasm
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
9 Code J
Name J. Sexual exploitation including sexual abuse, sexual harassment and sexual assault
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
10 Code K
Name K. Cyber sexuality and social media
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
11 Code L
Name L. Substance use/abuse and sexuality
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
12 Code M
Name M. Pleasure enhancement skills
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
13 Code N
Name N. Learning theory and its application
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
14 Code O
Name O. Professional communication and personal reflection skills
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
15 Code SC1
Name SC-A. Theory and methods of personal/individual counseling.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
16 Code SC2
Name SC-B. Theory and methods of sexuality counseling approaches to specific populations (e.g., youth, older adult, couples, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities, ethnic/ cultural/ faith-based populations).
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
17 Code SC3
Name SC-C. Theory and methods of different approaches to intervention in relationship systems.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
18 Code SC4
Name SC-D. Theory and methods of decision-making concerning sexually related medical interventions.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
19 Code SC5
Name SC-E. Ethical issues in sexuality counseling.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
20 Code SC6
Name SC-F. Theory and practice of consultation, collaboration, and referral.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
21 Code SE1
Name SE-A. Sexuality education training will include, but is not limited to: theory and methods of general education (including curriculum development, delivery and evaluation).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
22 Code SE2
Name SE-B. Theory and methods of sexuality education (including curriculum development, delivery and evaluation).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
23 Code SE3
Name SE-C. Ethical issues in sexuality education.
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
24 Code SE4
Name SE-D. Theory and methods of approaches to sexuality education with specific populations (e.g., youth, older adults, couples, ethnic/ cultural/ faith-based populations, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
25 Code SE5
Name SE-E. Theory and methods of different approaches to sexuality education delivery (e.g., small group work, one-on-one education, large group lectures or interaction, online delivery or use of other electronic means)
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
26 Code ST1
Name ST-A. Theory and methods of sex-related psychotherapy, including several different models.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
27 Code ST2
Name ST-B. Techniques of sex-related assessment and diagnosis of the ‘Psychosexual Disorders’ described in the current edition of the DSM.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
28 Code ST3
Name ST-C. Theory and methods of approach to intervention in relationship systems experiencing sex and intimacy problems.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
29 Code ST4
Name ST-D. Theory and method of approach to medical intervention in the evaluation and treatment of psychosexual disorders.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
30 Code ST5
Name ST-E. Principles of consultation, collaboration, and referral.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
31 Code ST6
Name ST-F. Ethical decision-making and best practice.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
32 Code ST7
Name ST7. Practicum Experience: Exposure to treatment of clinical sex therapy cases through direct observation, demonstration, case review or role-playing. eLearning cannot be applied. Applicants must be very clear in their documentation as to how they gained exposure to sex therapy cases.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker Prefix
Firstname Emily
Middlename Grace
Lastname Morehead
Suffix MA/Current PhD student at TWU
Designation MA, LPC-S, PMH-C
Company The Couch Therapy, PLLC
Title Group Practice Owner and Psychotherapist
Biography Emily Morehead
Co-Owner of The Couch Therapy
Currently a PhD Student at Texas Woman’s University (Marriage and Family Therapy)
Completed Graduate Certificate Program Sexual Health Certificate at The University of Michigan
I specialize in working with Perinatal Mental Health specifically, postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety, and postpartum obsessive-compulsive disorder, as well as general adjustments to parenthood. I work with relationships (traditional and non-traditional) that are hoping to build a stronger foundation in their relationship. I am a passionate advocate for supporting individuals and/or couples who are hoping to explore and nurture their relationship with sexuality. I believe knowledge is power when it comes to your relationship with your sexual self and partnership(s).
I have a background in working with individuals and couples who are hoping to build their families and struggling with fertility, adoption, and/or different roads to parenthood. I offer reproductive clinical support to couples who are exploring their options of using donor gametes (donated sperm or eggs). I also perform evaluations for prospective gestational carriers. I enjoy the opportunity to support the relational dynamic of intended parents and gestational carrier. I am clinically trained by The American Society of Reproductive Medicine and follow the best practice requirements of the organization.
Email emily@thecouchtherapy.org
Member Number 1450020
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Emily%5FMorehead%5F1983%2Ejpg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 1
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document Title Presentation
Document Tag
Filename 1730_0_Morehead_170.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3707/1730_0_Morehead_170.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
47 Title Fireside Chat - Reimagining Menopause and Beyond: A Journey of Empowerment and Clarity
Code 120
Type Fireside Chat
Description For generations, menopause has been shrouded in negative stereotypes, misconceptions, and societal false beliefs. These biases, deeply embedded in our collective psyche, have detrimentally influenced how women perceive, approach, and experience this transformative life stage. The misconceptions have further impacted sexual well-being, intimacy, and overall quality of life for many. This talk aims to debunk myths surrounding menopause, reinvent its narrative, and highlight its potential as an empowering, vibrant phase of life, free from ageism and societal biases.
Intended Audience: Counselors, Therapists, Medical Professionals
Objective Understand and reframe 5 common but unhelpful menopausal and midlide narratives, and be an agent for positive change in the perception of menopause. |Identify methods to support women emotionally and physically through perimenopausal and menopausal transitions, including a) assisting clients in reframing this time as a time of increased power and purpose, and b) assisting clients in stepping into their current sexual authenticity |Identify the most common physical challenges to sexual pleasure in women and men in menopause and andropause, and will have a guide to commonly available solutions.|
Prerequisite Abstract:
Reimagining Menopause and Beyond: A Journey of Empowerment and Clarity
For generations, menopause has been shrouded in negative stereotypes, misconceptions, and societal false beliefs. These biases, deeply embedded in our collective psyche, have detrimentally influenced how women perceive, approach, and experience this transformative life stage. The misconceptions have further impacted sexual well-being, intimacy, and overall quality of life for many.
This talk aims to debunk myths surrounding menopause, reinvent its narrative, and highlight its potential as an empowering, vibrant phase of life, free from ageism and societal biases.
Discussion Points:
Historical and Cultural Lens: A brief examination of how various cultures and epochs have viewed and portrayed menopause, underlining its evolution from reverence to taboo.
The Science Behind the Symptoms: Demystifying the physiological changes occurring during menopause and dispelling the myths surrounding them. Emphasizing the naturalness of the process and its significance in the continuum of women's health.
Sexuality and Intimacy: Highlighting the importance of understanding, adapting, and flourishing during this phase in the context of sexual health and relationships. Breaking the silence around post-menopausal sexuality.
Empowerment and Self-Actualization: Reimagining menopause as a period of self-awareness, growth, and redefinition. Encouraging women to harness this period for self-discovery, exploration, and fulfillment.
Role of AASECT: How sex educators, counselors, and therapists can lead the way in reshaping narratives, offering evidence-based information, and advocating for positive change in society's perception of menopause.
Menopause, far from being a decline or an end, can be an invitation to a new chapter filled with growth, understanding, and rejuvenation. By challenging societal misconceptions and providing accurate, empowering information, we can guide women and their partners to embrace this stage with confidence, positivity, and enthusiasm. Through collective efforts, we can create a world where menopause and beyond is recognized as a time alive with potential, free from biases, and clear of unfounded fears.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Grand Ballroom
Startson 2024-06-13 19:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 20:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 1.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1167
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1008
Room Name Grand Ballroom
Accreditation Bodies Accreditation Accreditation Body AASECT
Credit Hours 1
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1167&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1167__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code B
Name B. Developmental sexuality from a bio-psycho-social perspective across the life course
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code C
Name C. Socio-cultural, familial factors (e.g., ethnicity, culture, religion, spirituality, socioeconomic status, family values) in relation to sexual values and behaviors
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code E
Name E. Intimacy skills (e.g., social, emotional, sexual), intimate relationships, interpersonal relationships and family dynamics
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
3 Code I
Name I. Range of sexual functioning and behavior, from optimal to problematic including, but not limited to, common issues such as: desire discrepancy, lack of desire, difficulty achieving or maintaining arousal, sexual pain, penetration problems and difficulty with orgasm
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
4 Code M
Name M. Pleasure enhancement skills
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker Prefix
Firstname Christine
Middlename Marie
Lastname Mason
Suffix BA, MA
Company Rosebud
Title CEO
Biography Christine is the founder of Rosebud Woman, a leader in intimate wellness and midlife health and pleasure, and the host of The Rose Woman Podcast on Love and Liberation. She is the co-founder of Sundari Gardens on Hawai’i, and Radiant Farms, a provider of gentle, legal healing plant medicines. Christine has written 8 books on connection, meaning, activism and embodiment. Her most recent book, Reverence: Creating Ritual in Modern Life, was released in December, 2021. BA, MBA, PhD candidate in Philosophy and Consciousness. She is a mother and a grandmother.
Christine has invested three decades in starting, growing and selling companies in tech and wellness, along with two decades of training and teaching in yoga, philosophy, trauma healing, eco-spirituality and embodied sexuality. She has spoken or taught at hundreds of events and conferences, including the Visionaries Summit, TiE, Summit Series, TEDx and many women’s events, has been featured in press such as Forbes, Vogue, the New York Times, Modern Luxury, W, The Weave and Angeleno, and been a guest on dozens of podcasts, talking about living from unity consciousness.
Intimate and Sexual Wellness Throughout the Life Cycle
Christine Marie Mason is the Founder and CEO of Rosebud Woman, a leading intimate skincare company, making sustainable, plant-based products to support all the stages of a women’s sensual, sexual and reproductive life. Christine formulated and conceived the products, crafted the brand and brand voice, hired the core team, and innovated a new category in intimate wellness. The company reached a million dollars in sales in its first year. Since its founding in 2018, the company has gained customers in all 50 states in US and distribution in Saks, Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom, as well as in OBGYN offices, and in clean beauty outlets in the US, Canada, and Australia. A percent of profits from the sale of Rosebud products goes into the company’s Reverence Fund, which supports human rights, women’s rights, and environmental joy. Christine also hosts Rhe Rose Woman Podcast on Love and Liberation. The pod focuses on conversations with a wide variety of experts and inspirers – from doctors to therapists, artists to founders – to help all of us know and love our bodies more and discover more freedom, joy, and power in our lives.
Yoga, Philosophy, Tantra & Mantra
Christine began teaching yoga in 2002. Her primary teacher is Mark Whitwell. She has completed teacher training with Rod Stryker (ParaYoga Level 1 & 2), Maya Yoga (500 hours), Baron Baptiste (Level 1) and continued training with other senior teachers, including a Thai massage certification, Love and Ecstasy Training, and Yoga Anatomy coursework. She has been YACEP and YA E-RYT certified. She holds a certificate in the practices and philosophy of yoga from the Mattamayura Institute. She trained in ZEGG forum facilitation, has completed 5 years of training with Thomas Huebl in collective, energetic, and subtle healing. She is currently studying with Patrick Connor at Sharmada Foundation, exploring Tamil Siddhanta and frequencies. As a yogi, she has presented, along with her colleague Adam Bauer, around the world at Renew Yoga Festival, Blessfest, BhaktiFest, Jivamukti Hamburg and Berlin, YogaWorks, Yoga Tree, Prasada, YogaSource, Jewel in the Lotus, LoveSpringSF, Yoga Center Amherst, the Throckmorton Theater, the Centers for Spiritual Living, and many more venues worldwide from Buenos Aires to the International Yoga Festival in Rishikesh.
Sundari Gardens and Ecological Sustainability
In 2017, Christine cofounded Sundari as an experiment in eco-spiritual community, communication, and eco-conscious living. Stretched across multiple properties, it’s home to 16 long term residents. The farm is off grid, with solar and its own well, and grows food and medicinal herbs for the community, many of which find their way into new formulas for Rosebud and Radiant Farms. It's the home of a kind of celebratory spirituality that returns us to earth and to the body.
Prior Tech Founder
From 1996 to 2016, Christine was a tech founder and venture-backed CEO in B2B software. She has conceived, resourced, and built multiple organizations with $100M+ exits. From 2011 to 2016, she served as a futurist and innovation advisor for global companies, such as Estee Lauder, Autodesk, and Panasonic. Christine’s areas of investigation include technologies as far-ranging as the human brain to machine interface, biologic patents, and short and midterm potentials for synthetic biology applications, 3D printing, unmanned aerial vehicles, cloud computing, big data, and video analytics. From 2009 to 2013, Christine curated and led 12 TEDxSanFrancisco events and convene gatherings worldwide. She has a patent pending for care drones, and is an early-stage investor in the cloud, blockchain and biologics, and a mentor to young businesses and nonprofits. She continues to write on the intersection of tech and human culture.
Christine is the author of eight books, including Reverence: A Guide to Ritual in Modern Life (2021); The Nine Gifts: A First Aid Kit for Mind, Body and Spirit (2020); Bending the Bow: How Ordinary People Spark Visionary Social Movements (2019); Body Love: A Companion Journal to The Invitation (2019); The Invitation: Daily Love for Your Intimate Self (2018); Indivisible: Putting Connection First (2017); and Twisted: Yoga in America Since 1965 (2019).
She has presented or spoken at numerous conferences, including Summit LA, TEDx, Wharton Fellows, Thiel Fellows, Hewlett Packard Innovation Center, San Francisco Curator Network, TEDxEast (NYC), Success Boston, Sierra Nevada Alliance (winner of Sun Tzu award), TIE Midwest Chicago Technology Leadership Forum (TechForum), Union League Club of Chicago. Midwest Entrepreneurs Forum, Kellogg Venture Forum, Kellogg Entrepreneurship Forum, Kellogg Innovation Network, Illinois Venture Capital Association, Illinois Technology Association, Illinois Information Technology Roundtable, SIIA Content Forum, SIIA Software Division Conference, and Springboard.
She holds an MBA from the JL Kellogg School at Northwestern University and is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Northwestern, in French and Political Science, with a senior thesis in Arab Nationalism. In 2023, she completed her Phd coursework in Philosophy and Consciousness from CIIS, and is working on her dissertation.
Her social service work focuses on yoga in action: women’s equity, ecologies, transformative justice, and cognitive liberty, which includes prior board service for The Guiding Rage Into Power (GRIP) Program in the California State Prisons, a year-long transformative program that provides the tools that enable prisoners to “turn the stigma of being a violent offender into a badge of being a non-violent Peacekeeper.” She supports many women’s health and opportunity initiatives through the Reverence Fund. She is an active supporter of the Oslo Freedom Forum.
Christine grew up bilingual, in a German-American household, and has lived and traveled all over the world. She is a bio mother of 4, a bonus mom to 2, and a grandmother. She is an enthusiastic adventurer, and a science nerd who studies plant medicine and biohacking.
Email christine@rosewoman.com
Member Number 1399149
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Christine%5FMason%5F1931%2EJPG
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document Title V3 Reimagining
Document Tag
Filename 1900_0_Mason_120_0613_183850.pptx
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3713/1900_0_Mason_120_0613_183850.pptx
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
48 Title President's Reception (Invite Only)
Type Special Event
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Lobby Bar
Startson 2024-06-13 19:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 20:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1227
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1033
Room Name Lobby Bar
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1227&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1227__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
49 Title Gender Diverse Members SIG Meeting
Type Special Interest Group (SIG)
Description Are you transgender and/or gender diverse (nonbinary, genderqueer, genderfluid, bigender, etc.) or gender questioning? If yes, this is the SIG for you! Join us for collaborating, peer support, resource sharing, and a touch of activism.
CE Credit
Special Interest Group participation does not count toward CE credit.
This is an AASECT members-only event. Registration is not required.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway 4
Startson 2024-06-13 19:30:00
Endson 2024-06-13 20:30:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1229
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1014
Room Name Midway 4
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1229&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1229__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
50 Title People of Color (POC) SIG Meeting
Type Special Interest Group (SIG)
Description The People of Color (POC) SIG is an intentionally curated space for AASECT members who identify as a person of color (non-White racial/ethnic identities of Black/African, Indigenous, Latino/x/a, Asian, Middle Eastern, or another cultural identity).
While this is the newest iteration of the SIG; we honor the founding POC SIG members who created the space we now hold. This group intends to:
• Bring AASECT members who hold intersectional identities relating to race (POC) together in community
• Provide a safe space (POC specific) to share experiences, research & support
• Discuss the visibility & engagement of POC folks within & outside of AASECT
• Provide networking opportunities among POC members of AASECT.
This SIG meeting is designed to be a safe space for conference participants who identify as people of color; the SIG organizers respectfully request this be a closed space.
CE Credit
Special Interest Group participation does not count toward CE credit.
This is an AASECT members-only event open to those who identify as a person of color. Registration is not required.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway 3
Startson 2024-06-13 19:30:00
Endson 2024-06-13 20:30:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1228
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1013
Room Name Midway 3
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1228&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1228__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
51 Title Game Room
Type Special Event
Description Join us for a fun and exciting game room night! Get ready for an evening of friendly competition and laughter as we dive into a variety of classic and modern games. Whether you're a board game enthusiast or just looking to have a good time, this event is perfect for you. Bring your competitive spirit and get ready to test your skills against friends old and new. Let's make some unforgettable memories!
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway 5
Startson 2024-06-13 21:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 23:30:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1270
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1015
Room Name Midway 5
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1270&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1270__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
52 Title Kinky BINGO
Type Special Event
Description Get ready for a night like no other! Join us for Kinky Bingo, an evening filled with laughter, surprises, and cheeky fun. This isn't your missionary style bingo night – prepare for a bold and tantalizing twist on a classic game. See you there!
What to Expect:
Engaging Bingo Rounds: Play multiple rounds of bingo with a twist, where every call brings a mix of excitement and playful antics.
Fabulous Prizes: Win risqué prizes ranging from sexy toys to seductive accessories and more. Our prizes are sure to add a spark to your evening!
Entertaining Hosts: Our lively and charismatic hosts will keep you entertained all night long with their witty banter and outrageous outfits.
Themed Attire (Optional but Welcomed!): Have fun and dress to impress with playful attire! Think leather, lace, boots, collars, & corsets! When choosing your outfit, please keep in mind that the AASECT Conference is held in a public space shared with people of all ages and backgrounds, including hotel staff, bystanders and other non-consenting parties who may not be aware of the event theme. We ask all attendees dress as they would in any indoor public space, avoiding nudity or excessively revealing outfits, to respect other hotel guests and our hotel partners. Thank you in advance for making the event a hit for the second year in a row!
Lively Libations: Enjoy the convenience of a cash bar available throughout the evening, allowing you to sip on your favorite drinks while immersing yourself in the vibrant and empowering world of kink.
Social and Safe Environment: Meet like-minded individuals in a welcoming and open atmosphere. We prioritize a respectful and inclusive environment where everyone can feel comfortable exploring their playful side.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Grand Ballroom
Startson 2024-06-13 21:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 23:30:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1230
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1008
Room Name Grand Ballroom
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1230&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1230__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
53 Title Meditation & Quiet Reflection Time
Type Quiet/Processing Space
Description Calling all introverts and those in need of low-stimulation peace and quiet. We are thrilled this year to be offering an intentional place to settle while Kinky Bingo and the Game Room are open. This room will be a designated area to express some excited energy or find your balance. Stop by to unwind, decompress, get creative, and recharge.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway 8
Startson 2024-06-13 21:00:00
Endson 2024-06-13 23:30:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1271
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1018
Room Name Midway 8
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1271&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1271__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
54 Title Lactation Room
Type Lactation Room
Description A welcoming space designed to provide comfort and privacy for individuals who are breastfeeding or expressing milk.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway 9
Startson 2024-06-14 00:00:00
Endson 2024-06-14 23:59:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1199
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1019
Room Name Midway 9
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1199&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1199__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
55 Title Quiet/Processing Space
Type Quiet/Processing Space
Description Calling all introverts and those in need of low-stimulation peace and quiet. We are thrilled this year to be offering an intentional place to settle at this year's annual conference. This room will be a designated area to express some excited energy or find your balance. Stop by to unwind, decompress, get creative, and recharge.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway 8
Startson 2024-06-14 00:00:00
Endson 2024-06-14 23:59:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1195
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1018
Room Name Midway 8
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1195&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1195__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
56 Title Breakfast with the Exhibitors
Type Exhibits
Description Enjoy a variety of continental breakfast delights to energize you for a day filled with learning and networking.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway West Foyer
Startson 2024-06-14 07:30:00
Endson 2024-06-14 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1231
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1032
Room Name Midway West Foyer
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1231&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1231__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
57 Title Registration: Badge Pick-up and Information
Type Registration
Description Welcome, attendees!
For a seamless badge pickup and onsite registration experience,
Step 1: Please come to the registration area to print your badge containing your unique QR code that was emailed to you.
Step 2: Grab your tote bag, which includes your lanyard, badge holder, and important conference information.
Step 3: Don't forget to visit the badge swag station to customize your badge with ribbons and pronoun pins.
Enjoy the conference!
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway West Foyer
Startson 2024-06-14 07:30:00
Endson 2024-06-14 16:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1214
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1032
Room Name Midway West Foyer
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1214&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1214__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
58 Title Alternative Sex SIG Meeting
Type Special Interest Group (SIG)
Description The Alternative Sexuality SIG provides a professional forum for members to inquire, exchange insights, and share resources on alternative sexuality topics.
CE Credit
Special Interest Group participation does not count toward CE credit.
This is an AASECT members-only event. Registration is not required.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway 3
Startson 2024-06-14 08:00:00
Endson 2024-06-14 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1232
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1013
Room Name Midway 3
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1232&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1232__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
59 Title Eastern Region Meet-up
Type Special Interest Group (SIG)
Description Join us for the Eastern Region Meet-up, where like-minded individuals from the Eastern region will come together to discuss trends, share insights, and network with one another. This meet-up is a great opportunity to connect with professionals from the region and build valuable relationships. Don't miss out on this chance to engage with the Eastern Region community and gain new perspectives on the latest developments in our industry.
CE Credit
Meet-up participation does not count toward CE credit.
This is an AASECT members-only event. Registration is not required.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway 7
Startson 2024-06-14 08:00:00
Endson 2024-06-14 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1234
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1017
Room Name Midway 7
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1234&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1234__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
60 Title International Region Meet-up
Type Special Interest Group (SIG)
Description Join us for the International Region Meet-up, where like-minded individuals from the International region will come together to discuss trends, share insights, and network with one another. This meet-up is a great opportunity to connect with professionals from the region and build valuable relationships. Don't miss out on this chance to engage with the International Region community and gain new perspectives on the latest developments in our industry.
CE Credit
Meet-up participation does not count toward CE credit.
This is an AASECT members-only event. Registration is not required.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway 4
Startson 2024-06-14 08:00:00
Endson 2024-06-14 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1233
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1014
Room Name Midway 4
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1233&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1233__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
61 Title Poster Session B - Counseling & Therapy
Type Poster Presentation
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway West Foyer
Startson 2024-06-14 08:00:00
Endson 2024-06-14 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 1.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1099
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments Room Assignment Room I D 1032
Room Name Midway West Foyer
Accreditation Bodies Accreditation Accreditation Body AASECT
Credit Hours 1
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1099&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1099__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code A
Name A. Ethics and ethical behavior
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code B
Name B. Developmental sexuality from a bio-psycho-social perspective across the life course
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code C
Name C. Socio-cultural, familial factors (e.g., ethnicity, culture, religion, spirituality, socioeconomic status, family values) in relation to sexual values and behaviors
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
3 Code D
Name D. Issues related to sexual orientation and/or gender identity: heterosexuality; issues and themes impacting lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual people; gender identity and expression
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
4 Code E
Name E. Intimacy skills (e.g., social, emotional, sexual), intimate relationships, interpersonal relationships and family dynamics
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
5 Code F
Name F. Diversities in sexual expression and lifestyles including, but not limited to, polyamory, swinging, BDSM and tantra
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
6 Code G
Name G. Sexual and reproductive anatomy/physiology
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
7 Code H
Name H. Health/medical factors that may influence sexuality including, but not limited to, illness, disability, drugs, mental health, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, pregnancy termination, contraception, fertility, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infection, other infections, sexual trauma, injury and safer sex practices
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
8 Code I
Name I. Range of sexual functioning and behavior, from optimal to problematic including, but not limited to, common issues such as: desire discrepancy, lack of desire, difficulty achieving or maintaining arousal, sexual pain, penetration problems and difficulty with orgasm
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
9 Code J
Name J. Sexual exploitation including sexual abuse, sexual harassment and sexual assault
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
10 Code L
Name L. Substance use/abuse and sexuality
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
11 Code N
Name N. Learning theory and its application
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
12 Code O
Name O. Professional communication and personal reflection skills
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
13 Code P
Name P. History of the discipline of sex research, theory, education, counseling and therapy
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
14 Code SC1
Name SC-A. Theory and methods of personal/individual counseling.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
15 Code SC2
Name SC-B. Theory and methods of sexuality counseling approaches to specific populations (e.g., youth, older adult, couples, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities, ethnic/ cultural/ faith-based populations).
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
16 Code SC3
Name SC-C. Theory and methods of different approaches to intervention in relationship systems.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
17 Code SC4
Name SC-D. Theory and methods of decision-making concerning sexually related medical interventions.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
18 Code SC5
Name SC-E. Ethical issues in sexuality counseling.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
19 Code SC6
Name SC-F. Theory and practice of consultation, collaboration, and referral.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
20 Code SE1
Name SE-A. Sexuality education training will include, but is not limited to: theory and methods of general education (including curriculum development, delivery and evaluation).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
21 Code SE3
Name SE-C. Ethical issues in sexuality education.
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
22 Code SE4
Name SE-D. Theory and methods of approaches to sexuality education with specific populations (e.g., youth, older adults, couples, ethnic/ cultural/ faith-based populations, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
23 Code SE5
Name SE-E. Theory and methods of different approaches to sexuality education delivery (e.g., small group work, one-on-one education, large group lectures or interaction, online delivery or use of other electronic means)
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
24 Code ST1
Name ST-A. Theory and methods of sex-related psychotherapy, including several different models.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
25 Code ST4
Name ST-D. Theory and method of approach to medical intervention in the evaluation and treatment of psychosexual disorders.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
26 Code ST5
Name ST-E. Principles of consultation, collaboration, and referral.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
27 Code ST6
Name ST-F. Ethical decision-making and best practice.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
Presentations Presentation 0 Title Can You Keep a Secret? : Ethics of Secrets Policies and STD/STI Disclosure for Relational Therapists
Code 422
Type Poster Presentation
Description This poster presentation presents an ethical decision-making model and guidelines for creating a secrets policy to address potential STD/STI disclosure in intimate relational therapy. We will explore the ethical nuances that address the AASECT Code of Conduct, the AAMFT Code of Ethics, HIPAA standards, and STD/STI stigma. Our aim is to help relational therapists include such insights into their own development of a secret policy for when couples disclose STD/STI health information.
Objective Apply a model for ethical decision-making and secrets policy creation that addresses potential disclosure of STDs/STIs within|Discuss how disclosure of STDs/STIs within relational therapy may impact client safety, client confidentiality, and therapeut| |
Prerequisite Whether or not to keep secrets within intimate partner therapy is a sensitive subject that can complicate treatment and the therapeutic alliance. Many relational therapists approach cases with their personal policy regarding secrets that may be disclosed when meeting with partners individually. These policies state what information a therapist is or is not willing to keep confidential between partners and steps for disclosure or termination if the therapist's position is compromised. Common issues addressed in these policies include ongoing infidelity or major financial secrets–topics that may directly affect the therapeutic alliance or the wellbeing of the other partner. What might a therapist do if the secret pertains to private health information that may threaten the health or safety of the other partner, specifically, the disclosure of an STD or STI? Safety, confidentiality, informed consent, and ethical and legal guidelines are all challenged with this particular disclosure, applying pressure for therapists to explore their own options on how to ethically go about creating a secrets policy to fit this type of secret disclosure. Oftentimes therapists are encouraged to develop their own secrets policies for their own practice, but such policies are never required within therapeutic practices, and are typically developed based on the therapist's own preferences for their therapeutic practice. Currently, the literature addressing this form of secret disclosure within relational therapy is very limited, as is literature addressing STDs and STIs with intimate partners in a therapeutic setting. This study will review the AASECT Code of Conduct and AAMFT Code of Ethics, philosophical approaches, HIPAA guidelines, and recent literature to further examine the decision-making process for developing a secret policy addressing STD/STI disclosure. Our research will aim to better understand how decisions about a secret policy for STDs/STIs in couples therapy can be developed and structured for therapeutic practice. We will also create helpful guidelines for how therapists can undergo making their own decisions that can best fit their therapeutic practice, minimize potential harms for the clients, and align with the AASECT and AAMFT ethical guidelines. This poster presentation will present a decision-making model and provide resources for therapists to develop their own secrets policy addressing sexual health and informed consent in intimate relationship cases.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway West Foyer
Startson 2024-06-14 08:00:00
Endson 2024-06-14 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Parent Poster Session B - Counseling & Therapy
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1267
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1267&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1267__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code A
Name A. Ethics and ethical behavior
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code C
Name C. Socio-cultural, familial factors (e.g., ethnicity, culture, religion, spirituality, socioeconomic status, family values) in relation to sexual values and behaviors
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code D
Name D. Issues related to sexual orientation and/or gender identity: heterosexuality; issues and themes impacting lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual people; gender identity and expression
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
3 Code F
Name F. Diversities in sexual expression and lifestyles including, but not limited to, polyamory, swinging, BDSM and tantra
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
4 Code G
Name G. Sexual and reproductive anatomy/physiology
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
5 Code H
Name H. Health/medical factors that may influence sexuality including, but not limited to, illness, disability, drugs, mental health, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, pregnancy termination, contraception, fertility, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infection, other infections, sexual trauma, injury and safer sex practices
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
6 Code I
Name I. Range of sexual functioning and behavior, from optimal to problematic including, but not limited to, common issues such as: desire discrepancy, lack of desire, difficulty achieving or maintaining arousal, sexual pain, penetration problems and difficulty with orgasm
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
7 Code J
Name J. Sexual exploitation including sexual abuse, sexual harassment and sexual assault
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
8 Code O
Name O. Professional communication and personal reflection skills
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
9 Code SC5
Name SC-E. Ethical issues in sexuality counseling.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
10 Code SC6
Name SC-F. Theory and practice of consultation, collaboration, and referral.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
11 Code SE3
Name SE-C. Ethical issues in sexuality education.
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
12 Code ST5
Name ST-E. Principles of consultation, collaboration, and referral.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
13 Code ST6
Name ST-F. Ethical decision-making and best practice.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker 0 Prefix
Firstname Olivia
Lastname McLeod
Designation B.A.
Company Purdue Northwest Couple and Family Therapy & Balanced Life Counseling
Title Graduate Student and Psychotherapy Intern
Biography Olivia McLeod is a graduate student in the Purdue Northwest Couple & Family Therapy Program and a Psychotherapy Intern at Balanced Life Counseling in Chicago. Her clinical work takes an experiential focus, prioritizing action, creativity, and deep emotional experience to promote healing within individuals and relationships of diverse structures and identities. Her current research focuses on the experiences of trans-including relationships and ethics in couple and family therapy. She aspires to contribute to research and clinical knowledge on underrepresented intimate relationships for years to come.
Email omcleod@pnw.edu
Member Number 1450683
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Olivia%5FMcLeod%5F1041%2Ejpg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
1 Prefix
Firstname Gabrielle
Lastname Soe
Designation MS, T/S
Biography Gabrielle Soe (she/her) is a master’s student at Purdue University Northwest in the Couple & Family Therapy Program. She holds an M.S. degree in General Psychology from Purdue University Global and has worked on various research projects within biology and life sciences. She is beginning her career path towards practicing relational therapy as a pre-licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT). She aims to continue her interests and focus in relational and sex therapy on topics specific to sexual trauma, consensual non-monogamy, and gender affirming care.
Email gshafer18@gmail.com
Member Number 5249746
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Gabrielle%5FSoe%5F1545%2Ejpg
Role Label Co-Presenter
Sort Order 1
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document Title Can You Keep a Secret?: Ethics of Secrets Policies and STD/STI Disclosure for Relational Therapists
Document Tag
Filename 0800_0_McLeod_422.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3786/0800_0_McLeod_422.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
1 Title Challenging Amatonormativity: Re-introducing the Hidden World of Biology
Code 419
Type Poster Presentation
Description We constantly battle heteronormativity, colonial notions of sexuality, gender politics and reproductive autonomy. This presentation delves into the hidden world of genetics, neuroscience and medicine. We shall be discussing 11 sex chromosomal compositions that we know of today, presented alongside brain imaging studies of hypothalamic areas (BNST and SDN-POA/INAH 3 Cluster) that recognize gender change in an individual. Neural bases of monogamous and non-monogamous behaviors and advanced medical research into in-vitro gametogenesis and parthenogeneis, shall also be presented.
Objective To generate an understanding of the importance of the limbic system with respect to sex. |To be able to elucidate the development of new technologies in ART|To identify and characterize several brain areas responsible for gender identity and sexual partner preference.|
Prerequisite Gender as a social construct. Interactions of genes, chromosomes, hormones, internal sex organs and external secondary sexual characteristics with the environment: the roles individuals are conditioned to play, the roles they'd like to play, how they are socialized, stereotypes and sexism they have been exposed to, and even religion and faith based systems they are surrounded by contribute to the development of the gender complex. Sex is also non-binary. The chromosomal combinations accounted for thus far include 46 XX, 46 XY, 45X, 47XXY, 47XYY, 47XXX, 48XXXX, 48XXXY, 48XXYY, 49XXXXX, 49XXXXY.
Furthermore, our brain acknowledges gender change irrespective of whether or not an individual has gone through HRT or gender-affirming surgery. The size of the bed nucleus stria terminalis (BNST) was initially recorded in 2 different ranges within the binary: the males had a larger BNST in comparison to the females. However, in 2004, a remarkable study done by Swaab indicated that the brain wasn't subjected to changes due to testosterone/estrogen treatment but however was influenced by a person's perception of their gender.
In 1991, LeVay introduced us to the Sexually Dimorphic Nucleus which was documented to play a role in sexual partner preference. This study was later replicated in 2008 by Swaab to indicate that individuals attracted to females had a larger SDN-POA while those attracted to males had a smaller one.
With respect to pair-bonded behaviors, humans seem to have both the monogamous and the non-monogamous gene for a Vasopressin receptor. The positioning of this receptor on Dopamine neurons (D1 & D2) determines the behavioral expression of an individual in a relationship. As our brain is plastic, we are constantly changing our behavioral expressions.
This presentation provides us with the necessary knowledge for challenging amatonormativity.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway West Foyer
Startson 2024-06-14 08:00:00
Endson 2024-06-14 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Parent Poster Session B - Counseling & Therapy
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1265
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1265&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1265__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code B
Name B. Developmental sexuality from a bio-psycho-social perspective across the life course
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code D
Name D. Issues related to sexual orientation and/or gender identity: heterosexuality; issues and themes impacting lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual people; gender identity and expression
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code G
Name G. Sexual and reproductive anatomy/physiology
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
3 Code H
Name H. Health/medical factors that may influence sexuality including, but not limited to, illness, disability, drugs, mental health, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, pregnancy termination, contraception, fertility, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infection, other infections, sexual trauma, injury and safer sex practices
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
4 Code SC2
Name SC-B. Theory and methods of sexuality counseling approaches to specific populations (e.g., youth, older adult, couples, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities, ethnic/ cultural/ faith-based populations).
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
5 Code SE4
Name SE-D. Theory and methods of approaches to sexuality education with specific populations (e.g., youth, older adults, couples, ethnic/ cultural/ faith-based populations, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
6 Code SE5
Name SE-E. Theory and methods of different approaches to sexuality education delivery (e.g., small group work, one-on-one education, large group lectures or interaction, online delivery or use of other electronic means)
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker Prefix
Firstname Nishita
Lastname Raghu Rao
Suffix MSc. Neuroscience
Designation MS, CHSE
Title Sexuality Researcher/ Certified Holistic Sexuality Educator
Biography With a decade long of experience as a Sexuality Educator and a Pleasure Activist, Nishita, with a background in Neuroscience and Genetics, through Pillow Talk Institute provides courses ranging from Human Sexuality, Anthropology, Neuroscience, Behavioral Sciences, Psychology, Tantra to Biopolitics. Additionally, she is trained as a Reiki Grandmaster, Mandala Art Therapist, Raga (Ancient Indian Music) Therapist and a Hypnotherapist. She aims to integrate your physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual development with mind-body stability, alongside introducing educational modalities pertaining to human sexuality.
You can check out her website at https://www.pillowtalkwithnixi.com/
You can reach her through social media (IG@pillowtalkwithnixi) or at https://www.instagram.com/pillowtalkwithnixi/
Moreover, you could contact her via email at nixi@pillowtalkwithnixi.com
Email nishitarrao@gmail.com
Member Number 1428471
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Nishita%5FRaghuALLRao%5F1940%2Ejpg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document Title Raghu Rao, Nishita_Challenging Amatonormativity
Document Tag
Filename 0800_0_RaghuRao_419.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3784/0800_0_RaghuRao_419.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
2 Title Clinical experience with testosterone supplementation in mid-life women
Code 140
Type Poster Presentation
Description A review of clinical experience using testosterone in midlife women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) after starting a menopause center. After opening a menopause center in April 2021, we began prescribing compounded testosterone for perimenopausal and menopausal women with a decrease in libido and a diagnosis of HSDD.This will review the the effects of this treatment in terms of clinical improvement, serological changes in testosterone levels and impacts upon liver function testing.
Objective At the conclusion of this session, participants will have an appreciation for the effect of testosterone on hypoactive sexual|At the conclusion of this session, participants will have an appreciation for contributing factors to a decrease in libido in| |
Prerequisite The content of the presentation will be our clinical experience using testosterone in midlife women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) after starting a menopause center. Within the gynecology department, we started a menopause center in April 2021 treating perimenopausal and menopausal women with a variety of symptoms including vasomotor symptoms, urogenital symptoms, and decreased libido. These symptoms often impact each other as the fatigue from frequent night wakening and dyspareunia can both affect libido.
Prior to recommending testosterone for decreased libido, we assessed for possible contributing factors such as fatigue, sexual pain, depression, medications and relationship concerns. We attempted to decrease fatigue and pain prior to initiating testosterone therapy. Vasomotor symptoms can be managed with expectant management, hormone therapy or non-hormonal medications. Urogenital symptoms can be treated with a variety of vaginal estrogen products (tablets, creams, suppositories, rings) or with an oral medication (Osphena).
For women with depression or relationship concerns, we referred them to appropriate resources. For women on medications that can cause a decrease in libido, we discussed changing medications, if this was clinically appropriate.
In addition, for women with persistent HSDD despite good control of contributing factors, we discussed the option of testosterone supplementation. Because there is no form of testosterone approved by the FDA for women, a compounded testosterone was prescribed. Baseline labs were obtained with a testosterone level, liver function tests and a lipid panel. One month after beginning testosterone, a follow up visit occurred to assess if the patient chose to continue using testosterone, for clinical improvement and testosterone level. Six months after beginning testosterone, labs were obtained with a testosterone level, liver function tests and a lipid panel.
We will review the the effects of testosterone in midlife women with HSDD in terms of clinical improvement, serological changes in testosterone levels and impacts upon liver testing.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway West Foyer
Startson 2024-06-14 08:00:00
Endson 2024-06-14 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Parent Poster Session B - Counseling & Therapy
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1130
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
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Canceled False
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Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1130&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1130__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code B
Name B. Developmental sexuality from a bio-psycho-social perspective across the life course
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code G
Name G. Sexual and reproductive anatomy/physiology
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code H
Name H. Health/medical factors that may influence sexuality including, but not limited to, illness, disability, drugs, mental health, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, pregnancy termination, contraception, fertility, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infection, other infections, sexual trauma, injury and safer sex practices
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
3 Code I
Name I. Range of sexual functioning and behavior, from optimal to problematic including, but not limited to, common issues such as: desire discrepancy, lack of desire, difficulty achieving or maintaining arousal, sexual pain, penetration problems and difficulty with orgasm
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker 0 Prefix
Firstname Dawn
Lastname Anderson
Suffix MD
Designation MD
Biography I trained as an ob-gyn and then practiced at MIT Medical and Mount Auburn Hospital in Cambridge, Massachusetts from 2004 to 2012. I began practicing gynecology at Lahey Clinic in 2012 and became a certified menopause practitioner through The Menopause Society in 2014. I opened a Menopause Center in 2021 and continue to provide gynecologic care with an emphasis on care in the mid-life.
Email dawndanderson@gmail.com
Member Number 5238127
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Dawn%5FAnderson%5F1943%2EJPG
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
1 Prefix
Firstname Rebecca
Lastname Anderson
Email therebeccaanderson@gmail.com
Member Number 1463955
Role Label Co-Presenter
Sort Order 1
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document Title Testosterone therapy in HSDD
Document Tag
Filename 0800_0_Anderson_140.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3655/0800_0_Anderson_140.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
3 Title Let’s Talk About Feelings: Addressing Male Normative Alexithymia in Men with Sexual Dysfunction
Code 246
Type Poster Presentation
Description Alexithymia, or the inability to label emotions with words, negatively impacts sexual functioning. The proposed program is a therapeutic group for men in couples therapy designed to address male normative alexithymia and provide EQ skills training. The program also serves as a tool to aid sex therapists working with men who struggle with these issues. Emotional identification, connection, and expression are central to sexual satisfaction; this program will ultimately contribute to improved therapeutic outcomes and aid in treating sexual dysfunction and enhancing sexual well-being in men.
Objective At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to describe the relationship between male normative alexithymia| | |
Prerequisite Male normative alexithymia refers to men in nonclinical populations who have difficulty identifying and labeling their emotions, which contributes significantly to underdeveloped emotional intelligence (EQ). An inability to accurately identify emotions can result in communication difficulties, which jeopardizes relational and sexual satisfaction. A large body of evidence has identified a link between alexithymia and sexual dysfunction. Researchers have found higher incidences of alexithymia among patients with lifelong erectile dysfunction (ED) and a positive correlation between alexithymia and symptom severity among patients with acquired ED, suggesting that alexithymia is related to both the origin and symptom manifestation of ED. Similar results were found among men who struggle with premature ejaculation (PE), suggesting that addressing alexithymia may be a key component of treatment. Further, examining alexithymia among individuals at an outpatient clinic for sexual disorders showed that rates of alexithymia were higher in men than women, and alexithymia was commonly observed among men with sexual disorders. These findings highlight the emotional dimension of human sexuality and, specifically, the importance of feeling and communicating emotions with regard to sexual satisfaction.
There is a need for a structured program designed to address alexithymia in men, given its negative impact on relational and sexual functioning. The development of EQ skills is imperative for the success of long-term sexual relationships. While emotion-focused couples therapy (EFTC) is an empirically supported modality that can address these concerns, men with under-developed EQs who struggle to express and communicate their emotions may struggle to engage in it. As such, this program is designed to be used alongside couples therapy to provide additional psychoeducation, support, and EQ skills training for men.
The program will help men struggling with alexithymia, as well as couples therapists and sex therapists. The program's structure allows men to better understand their emotions through psychoeducation and skill-building exercises, which in turn heightens EQ. This will augment the work being done by couples therapists, specifically those utilizing the EFTC modality. As men develop a deeper understanding of their emotions and those of their partners, couples therapists can spend less time providing psychoeducation and can instead focus on integrating the newly developed skills into their couples' work to address the presenting concerns. Given the link between alexithymia and sexual dysfunction, this program also serves as a tool to aid sex educators working with men who struggle with these issues. Emotional identification, connection, and expression are central to sexual satisfaction; therefore, the program is a supplemental tool for treating sexual dysfunction and enhancing sexual well-being in men.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway West Foyer
Startson 2024-06-14 08:00:00
Endson 2024-06-14 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Parent Poster Session B - Counseling & Therapy
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1260
Pre Test Url
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Canceled False
Room Assignments
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Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1260&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1260__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code E
Name E. Intimacy skills (e.g., social, emotional, sexual), intimate relationships, interpersonal relationships and family dynamics
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code SC3
Name SC-C. Theory and methods of different approaches to intervention in relationship systems.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker 0 Prefix
Firstname Kate
Lastname Jansen
Suffix Ph.D.
Biography Dr. Kate Jansen completed her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at the University of Toledo and post-doctoral fellowship in integrated healthcare and health psychology at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. She is currently an Associate Professor at Midwestern University, Glendale (MWU). Her research interests include integrated healthcare services, healthcare communication, and sexual health and wellbeing. She has previously published and presented on ethical research practices in sex related research, healthcare stigma and discrimination in kink communities, and interdisciplinary collaboration in sexual healthcare services.
Email kjanse@midwestern.edu
Member Number 1268282
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Kate%5FJansen%5F1937%2Ejpg
Role Label Co-Presenter
Sort Order 1
Confirmed Flag No Response
1 Prefix
Firstname Brady
Lastname Klapman
Suffix BA
Company Midwestern University
Title Let's Talk About Feelings: Addressing Male Normative Alexithymia in Men with Sexual Dysfunction
Biography Brady Klapman is a Clinical Psychology Doctoral Candidate at Midwestern University in Glendale, Arizona. She completed a Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, with a major in Psychology and a minor in Health and Society. Her research interests include integrated healthcare, sexual health, and couples therapy. She has previously presented research on the relationship between closeness to parents in adolescence and relationship satisfaction in adulthood. She currently facilitates group therapy for adolescents with moderate to severe substance use disorders and comorbid mental health conditions. Brady hopes to work in a healthcare setting, specifically in women's health.
Email brady.klapman@midwestern.edu
Member Number 5250505
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Brady%5FKlapman%5F2045%2Ejpg
Role Label Co-Presenter
Sort Order 2
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document 0 Title Presentation
Document Tag
Filename 0800_0_Klapman_246.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3826/0800_0_Klapman_246.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
1 Title Presentation
Document Tag
Filename 0800_0_Klapman_246_0603_144458.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3826/0800_0_Klapman_246_0603_144458.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
2 Title Presentation
Document Tag
Filename 0800_0_Jansen_246.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3777/0800_0_Jansen_246.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
4 Title Menses, Contraception, & Preventive Screenings Among Women with SCI: A Thematic Literature Review
Code 401
Type Poster Presentation
Description Disability stigma affects reproductive health access and bodily autonomy for women with spinal cord injuries (SCI). An area underexplored is menstrual well-being, contraception, and preventive screenings. A review of 21 articles showed 67% focused on at least one concept, revealing variability in health experiences among this population. Barriers include clinician biases, inaccessible infrastructure, and financial obstacles. More research needs to focus on the unique reproductive health challenges faced by women across the lifespan post-injury to improve healthcare equity and quality.
Objective By the end of this session, attendees will gain insights into the unique menstrual difficulties, contraceptive options, and p| | |
Prerequisite While existing research shows that women with spinal cord injuries (SCI) can regain reproductive functions post-injury, there is a gap in scholarly work focusing on their ability to access and navigate reproductive health services. This thematic literature review aims to collate, synthesize, and evaluate the impact of SCI on women's reproductive health, specifically menstrual well-being, contraceptive care, and preventive health screenings. The review highlights environmental obstacles that compromise access to quality care to guide the development of interventions aimed at enhancing menstrual health, expanding contraceptive awareness, and promoting routine health screenings.
A search of five databases including PubMed, EBSCO, PsychInfo, ProQuest Central, and Google Scholar using the terms "physical disability," "spinal cord injury," "women's health," "reproductive health," "menstruation," and "contraception" was conducted. Studies published from 1966 to 2022 in English featuring women 18+ were considered. The researcher synthesized the information from eligible studies both descriptively and thematically. Twenty-one articles met inclusion criteria: 14 quantitative, 4 qualitative, and 3 mixed-methods studies.
Majority of research was conducted in high-income, Western countries, and explored reproductive health for women with various physical disabilities and SCI. Three overarching themes were identified: (1) Menstruation (M), (2) Contraception (C), and (3) Preventive Screenings (PS). Of the 21 articles analyzed, 67% addressed one theme (M=33%, C=24%, PS=10%), 24% addressed two themes (M&C=5%, M&PS=19%, C&PS=0%), and only 10% discussed all three themes.
In the articles focused on Menstruation, four subthemes were identified: 100% discussed variability in menstrual health (1a), 50% covered period management (1b), 30% examined healthcare provider (HCP)-derived barriers (1c), and 10% explored attitudes towards amenorrhea and menstruation (1d). Of the articles centered on Contraception, four subthemes emerged: 75% discussed contraception management (2a), 58% identified HCP-derived barriers to contraceptive use (2b), 33% highlighted infrastructure-derived barriers (2c), and 25% addressed financial obstacles (2d). Two subthemes emerged from Preventive Screenings: 38% identified HCP-derived barriers to preventive screenings (3a) and 50% infrastructure-derived barriers (3b).
This thematic analysis connects reproductive health and contraceptive care for women with SCI. The field requires nuanced investigations, emphasizing menstrual experiences and access to contraception across the lifespan post-injury. This would provide greater clarity of the particular challenges and needs faced by women with SCI, informing the development of targeted interventions, policies to alleviate financial obstacles to care, specialized HCP training, and access to educational resources and therapeutic aids that can improve healthcare equity and quality for this population.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway West Foyer
Startson 2024-06-14 08:00:00
Endson 2024-06-14 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Parent Poster Session B - Counseling & Therapy
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1264
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
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Canceled False
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Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1264&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1264__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code C
Name C. Socio-cultural, familial factors (e.g., ethnicity, culture, religion, spirituality, socioeconomic status, family values) in relation to sexual values and behaviors
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code G
Name G. Sexual and reproductive anatomy/physiology
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code H
Name H. Health/medical factors that may influence sexuality including, but not limited to, illness, disability, drugs, mental health, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, pregnancy termination, contraception, fertility, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infection, other infections, sexual trauma, injury and safer sex practices
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker Prefix
Firstname Nicole
Lastname Sharf
Suffix M.A.
Designation M.A. Clinical Psychology
Company The Chicago School
Title Doctoral Student
Biography Nicole Sharf, M.A. (she/her) is a third-year clinical psychology doctoral student at The Chicago School. She received her B.S. in Psychology at the University of Florida. Her clinical and research interests include women’s health, sexuality, and rehabilitation outcomes in the context of injury, chronic conditions, and disability. She is currently writing her dissertation on the lived experiences of women with SCI in accessing SRH services post-injury.
Email sharfnicole@gmail.com
Member Number 5250503
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Nicole%5FSharf%5F1960%2EJPG
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document Title Poster Presentation
Document Tag
Filename 0800_0_Sharf_401.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3783/0800_0_Sharf_401.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
5 Title Obstetric Violence: The Impact of Westernized Medicine on Pregnant People
Code 151
Type Poster Presentation
Description The purpose of this presentation is to highlight the historical and contemporary impacts of obstetric violence (OV), emphasizing the ways in which gendered violence perpetuated against birthing people by medical professionals negatively impacts physical and mental health. It is important to highlight the ways in which systemic oppression and discrimination within the medical field work to disenfranchise individuals with marginalized identities. Further, understanding the negative impacts of Westernized and medicalized birthing practices cultivates an understanding of why OV is so devastating.
Objective At the conclusion of this poster presentation, participants will demonstrate an ability to recognize obstetric violence and i| | |
Prerequisite This poster addresses the enduring effects of obstetric violence (OV) on pregnant and birthing people. Though it lacks a single, unified definition, OV is understood as violence- be it physical, sexual, verbal, emotional, psychological, etc.- perpetuated against birthing bodies pre-, peri-, and/or postpartum. Several studies have been conducted on the reasons behind and effects of OV, particularly since its criminalization in Venezuela in 2007 and its condemnation by the World Health Organization in 2015. These studies have taken sociological, psychological, anthropological, and philosophical approaches to exploring OV, and this presentation offers a review of much of that research. OV takes many forms, has long lasting, negative effects on survivors' mental health and well-being, and has become more problematic since the Westernization of medicine, the birthing process in particular. Some examples of OV may include, but are not limited to: nonconsensual medical procedures such as C-sections, episiotomies, and the "husband stitch," forced birthing positions, birth rape and sexual violations during labor, restricted access to vaginal birth after cesarean (VBACs), anti-abortion laws and sentiment, verbal attacks for noncompliance, medical paternalism, stigma and discrimination of the birthing body, lack of or denial of privacy, and the forced passivity of birthing people. Experiences of OV are associated with increased medical complications during childbirth, increased rates of PTSD, depression, and anxiety postpartum, increased maternal morbidity and mortality, as well as increased neonatal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Keeping in mind that those with minority identities and those with multiple, intersecting marginalized identities are at a greater risk of experiencing OV, interest in OV has grown since it has been recognized as an issue experienced by White women. In any case, it is essential to understand why OV persists. Feminist theorists suggest that this enduring form of gendered violence has roots in misogyny and Westernized, patriarchal societies. Looking at OV through the lens of medicalized birth, it has been proposed that midwifery, which emphasizes the relational aspects of birth and the autonomy of both mother and baby, helps to ameliorate experiences of birth-related violence. When obstetrics was medicalized during the Industrial Revolution, however, and cisgender men took over the newly organized world of medicine, patient-physician relationships suffered, became less personal, and reinforced power dynamics between men and women that already existed in society. By better understanding the causes of OV, we can seek access points through which to dismantle it. By better understanding the effects of OV, we can seek avenues through which to incite change. Implementing programs in medical facilities to educate doctors on OV and reemphasizing midwifery have been offered as possible solutions in reducing OV worldwide.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway West Foyer
Startson 2024-06-14 08:00:00
Endson 2024-06-14 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Parent Poster Session B - Counseling & Therapy
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1118
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1118&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1118__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code G
Name G. Sexual and reproductive anatomy/physiology
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code H
Name H. Health/medical factors that may influence sexuality including, but not limited to, illness, disability, drugs, mental health, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, pregnancy termination, contraception, fertility, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infection, other infections, sexual trauma, injury and safer sex practices
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code J
Name J. Sexual exploitation including sexual abuse, sexual harassment and sexual assault
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker Prefix
Firstname Morgan
Middlename Elisabeth
Lastname Watkins
Suffix B.S. in Psychology
Designation B.S. in Psychology
Company Center of Relational Empowerment (CORE)
Title Diagnostician
Biography Morgan Watkins (She/They) is a second-year doctoral student in the Clinical PsyD program at The Chicago School. Morgan was drawn to the field of mental health after recognizing the trauma that systems of oppression inflict upon the LGBTQIA+ community. From this realization, Morgan recognized a lack of mental health services that provide queer affirming and sex positive care. Morgan is interested in working with the queer community by promoting inclusive sexual justice, health, equality, and education. Morgan strives to identify and dismantle oppressive systems that perpetuate discrimination, prejudice, violence, ignorance, and hatred, and they seek to grow a knowledgebase that will allow them to provide comprehensive, exhaustive, and culturally competent care. In aspiring toward a more progressive and inclusive world that celebrates the natural diversity of humankind, they seek to uplift historically silenced voices in order to bring attention to inequity and inequality.
Email mwatkins3@ego.thechicagoschool.edu
Member Number 5250388
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Morgan%5FWatkins%5F1961%2Ejpeg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 1
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document Title Presentation
Document Tag
Filename 0800_0_Watkins_151.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3640/0800_0_Watkins_151.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
6 Title Psychodelic-Assisted Sex Therapy
Code 265
Type Poster Presentation
Description Explore the intersection between psychedelics and sex therapy. A look into the historical and scientific foundations of psychedelic substances progresses to modern sex therapy techniques and culminates in the study of their neurochemical and emotional interplay. Addressing practical considerations in implementing Psychedelic-Assisted Sex Therapy, including clinical models, safety protocols, legal concerns, and ethical nuances.
Objective Describe the potential of Psychedelic Assisted Sex Therapy (PAST) in addressing a variety of sexual dysfunctions and traumas|Evaluate the ethical and legal considerations crucial for the responsible practice of PAST. Attendees will analyze elements l|Recognize the neurochemical mechanisms that underscore the interplay between psychedelics and sexual function. This will allo|
Prerequisite This presentation delves deeply into the clinical applications of Psychedelic-Assisted Sex Therapy (PAST), a nascent yet promising therapeutic model. While the presentation touches on the historical and scientific foundations of both psychedelics and sex therapy, its core focus remains on the tangible and practical clinical intersections between them.
It outlines the pharmacology of key psychedelic substances such as MDMA, psilocybin, and LSD, mapping their neurochemical effects on the brain. This sets the stage for understanding how these substances could play a role in addressing a range of sexual dysfunctions and traumas. The content examines modern sex therapy techniques and interventions, identifying places where psychedelics may augment or revolutionize existing treatment paradigms.
The presentation dives into the neurochemical interplay between psychedelic experiences and sexual function, emphasizing how neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin could be manipulated to facilitate better sexual health from a psychedelic-assisted model. It further addresses how psychedelics can contribute to emotional breakthroughs, opening new pathways to intimacy and helping to navigate relational complexities.
A section of the presentation is devoted to the practicalities of PAST, featuring various therapeutic models such as psychodynamic, humanistic, and trauma-informed approaches. Safety protocols and ethical considerations take center stage, discussing the essential requirements for medical pre-screening, informed consent, and crisis management. Topics like vulnerability to exploitation and medical contraindications are candidly addressed to offer a holistic view of the risks and challenges involved in PAST.
The purpose of this presentation is not only to foster a deeper understanding of the potentialities in combining psychedelics with sex therapy but also to ignite discussions around responsible clinical practice. It aims to equip clinicians, researchers, and enthusiasts alike with a structured understanding of this emerging field, opening the door for further research and therapeutic possibilities.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway West Foyer
Startson 2024-06-14 08:00:00
Endson 2024-06-14 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Parent Poster Session B - Counseling & Therapy
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1261
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1261&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1261__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code A
Name A. Ethics and ethical behavior
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code L
Name L. Substance use/abuse and sexuality
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code P
Name P. History of the discipline of sex research, theory, education, counseling and therapy
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
3 Code SC3
Name SC-C. Theory and methods of different approaches to intervention in relationship systems.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
4 Code SC4
Name SC-D. Theory and methods of decision-making concerning sexually related medical interventions.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
5 Code SC5
Name SC-E. Ethical issues in sexuality counseling.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
6 Code SC6
Name SC-F. Theory and practice of consultation, collaboration, and referral.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
7 Code ST1
Name ST-A. Theory and methods of sex-related psychotherapy, including several different models.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
8 Code ST4
Name ST-D. Theory and method of approach to medical intervention in the evaluation and treatment of psychosexual disorders.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
9 Code ST6
Name ST-F. Ethical decision-making and best practice.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker Prefix
Firstname Jeff
Lastname Lundgren
Suffix MS
Designation CMHC, CST, PATP
Company Oak Branch Counseling
Title Psychotherapist
Biography Jeff Lundgren brings a wealth of experience as a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor (CMHC), an AASECT-certified sex therapist (CST), and a psychedelic-assisted therapy provider (PATP). He runs a private practice based in Salt Lake City, Utah, assisting couples and individuals with relationship challenges, sexual issues, and faith transitions. Jeff's approach to therapy is deeply influenced by his diverse background, integrating his professional expertise with a personal journey that transitioned from a successful two-decade career in software development to the field of psychology. His desire to make a more meaningful impact motivated this shift, leading him to earn a Master's in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.
Jeff's commitment to mental health extends beyond his clinical work. He has developed various resources and tools aimed at supporting those dealing with mental health issues. He is the author of "Unfolding Eros: A Journey into Psychodelic-Assisted Sex Therapy," which explores the clinical application of psychedelic medicines in addressing sexual concerns. As a certified provider of psychedelic-assisted therapy, he has extensive training and experience in supporting individuals who legally use psychedelic substances for therapeutic purposes. Jeff's multifaceted expertise and passion for helping others navigate their mental health journeys make him a distinctive voice in mental health counseling.
Beyond his professional life, Jeff is a father to five children and has many interests, including outdoor adventures, DIY projects, competitive autocross, and photography.
Email jalundgren@gmail.com
Member Number 1368171
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Jeff%5FLundgren%5F2061%2Ejpg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 1
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document Title Presentation
Document Tag
Filename 0800_0_Lundgren_265.pdf
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3778/0800_0_Lundgren_265.pdf
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
7 Title Rooted in Recovery: Unearthing the Dynamics of Incest through Internal Family Systems
Code 421
Type Poster Presentation
Description The proposed poster presentation will seek to provide therapists with an overview of how to conceptualize incest trauma within the framework of Internal Family Systems (IFS). In this visually engaging and informative display, we will explore the complexities of incest trauma through the lens of IFS and offer insights into therapeutic approaches that can facilitate healing and growth. We will include four fictional case studies, each representing a distinct aspect of incest trauma, including varying family dynamics and individual experiences.
Objective Participants will learn how IFS views the human psyche as a system of subpersonalities, offering a holistic perspective on tr| | |
Prerequisite Survivors of childhood sexual abuse, particularly incest, have higher rates of dissociative disorders, complex trauma, and betrayal trauma (Morrison et al., 2018). Worldwide incidence of all types of incest range from 5% to 62% (Stroebel et al., 2012). This proposed poster presentation will provide therapists with a comprehensive understanding of how to conceptualize incest trauma within the framework of Internal Family Systems (IFS). This poster will delve into practical therapeutic approaches and techniques that can be applied to support clients in their journey toward healing from incest trauma. We will highlight the importance of self-compassion, inner exploration, and the development of a safe, nurturing internal environment. We will also discuss ethical responsibilities and boundaries that therapists must uphold when working with clients who have experienced incest trauma. Using Internal Family Systems theory an analysis of the various aspects of incest trauma will be explored through parts work with clients and will be applied through 4 fictional case studies.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway West Foyer
Startson 2024-06-14 08:00:00
Endson 2024-06-14 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Parent Poster Session B - Counseling & Therapy
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1266
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1266&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1266__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code J
Name J. Sexual exploitation including sexual abuse, sexual harassment and sexual assault
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code N
Name N. Learning theory and its application
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
2 Code SC1
Name SC-A. Theory and methods of personal/individual counseling.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
3 Code SC3
Name SC-C. Theory and methods of different approaches to intervention in relationship systems.
Parentname Sexuality Counseling (SC) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
4 Code SE4
Name SE-D. Theory and methods of approaches to sexuality education with specific populations (e.g., youth, older adults, couples, ethnic/ cultural/ faith-based populations, LGBTQ people, people with disabilities).
Parentname Sexuality Education (SE) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
5 Code ST1
Name ST-A. Theory and methods of sex-related psychotherapy, including several different models.
Parentname Sex Therapy (ST) Training
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker Prefix
Firstname Jessica
Lastname Benge
Suffix MA
Designation T/S
Company Purdue Northwest
Title LMFT Intern
Biography As a cisgender white woman living in the U.S. I hold incredible privilege in a society still marked by systemic racism and transphobia. Because of these societal barriers, it can be difficult to claim some of my own identities as marginalized such as being neurodivergent and bisexual. At the age of 37, I am also a widow and therefore main breadwinner for my stepson. However, I cannot ignore how these parts of my identity influence my experience in the world. As these identities are often invisible, I know the unique feeling of never quite fitting into the boxes provided. This greatly impacts my perspective on people and systems, allowing me to find comfort and liberation in embracing nuance. Paired with this awareness, I am continually motivated to learn about the nuances of marginalized communities so that I can ethically use my power and experience to create change.
Currently, I am a LMFT Intern at Relationship Reality 312 where I mainly work with couples who have experienced infidelity and individuals with CPTSD. I am a graduate student at Purdue Northwest and anticipate graduating December 2024. I also work as an adjunct professor of psychology at Ivy Tech Community College where I teach undergraduate courses in Abnormal Psychology and Human Sexuality. Previously, I graduated from Texas A&M - Kingsville with a masters degree in Counseling Psychology and have worked as a therapist in a variety of settings including substance abuse, inpatient psychiatric care, and community health.
Email benge2@pnw.edu
Member Number 1465421
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Jessica%5FBenge%5F1040%2Ejpg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
8 Title Understanding Older Homeless Adults Sexual Expression and Behavior in Homeless Shelter Settings
Code 131
Type Poster Presentation
Description The aim of this qualitative systematic review is to synthesize the literature exploring the experiences of older homeless adults' sexual expression and behavior in homeless shelter settings, while also analyzing the perspectives of homeless shelter workers on practices that promote sexual health well-being. Practitioners need to be aware of the unique sexual health needs of older homeless adults living in shelter settings when providing care. Shelter policy and clinical practices relating to older homeless adults' sexuality are discussed.
Objective At the conclusion of this poster session, participants will be able to identify four themes pertaining to older homeless adul| | |
Prerequisite Aims and Objectives: The aim of this qualitative systematic review is to synthesize the literature exploring the experiences of older homeless adults' sexual expression and behavior in homeless shelter settings, while also analyzing the perspectives of homeless shelter workers on practices that promote sexual health well-being.
Background: Aging, homelessness, and sexuality are now intersecting fields of study as major cities witness increasingly older adults living in homeless shelters around the United States. Despite this, much of the existing literature either examines sexual risk behaviors among homeless youth, drug users, and adults with severe mental illness or solely focuses on older adults' sexual expression in aged care settings (e.g., nursing homes, assisted living, adult daycares). Within the homeless population, there exists a higher prevalence of functional and cognitive impairment, co-occurring behavioral and medical health problems, and premature mortality at an earlier age than in the general population. As such, this review will consider homeless older adults to be those who are 50 years and older.
Methods: A search of relevant electronic databases was carried out and included articles published between August 2013 and August 2023. Included studies specifically address the homeless experiences of older adults and/or shelter worker perspectives. The systematic review was conducted in accordance with the 'SPIDER' search tool and PRISMA checklist. A quality assessment instrument was used to review all the selected papers and for narrative methods utilized in the synthesis of the research evidence.
Results: The search resulted in 245 papers, and after applying distinct inclusion criteria, a total of 10 papers were considered suitable for the systematic review. Following analysis, the four main themes identified among older homeless adult narratives were pleasure and intimacy to mitigate loneliness; sexual risks and vulnerability; mental health issues and substance use; and intersecting markers of age, gender, and sexuality. The main theme among shelter workers was lack of support to combat oppressive social practices regarding sexuality and sexual expression.
Conclusion: Homelessness among older adults is a growing concern that has significant consequences for later life physical, psychosocial, and sexual well-being. Shelter settings are commonly used by older homeless adults and can be an important resource in addressing sexual health needs.
Relevance to clinical practice: Practitioners need to be aware of the unique sexual health needs of older homeless adults living in shelter settings when providing care. Shelter policy and clinical practices for working with older homeless adults are discussed.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway West Foyer
Startson 2024-06-14 08:00:00
Endson 2024-06-14 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Parent Poster Session B - Counseling & Therapy
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1104
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1104&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1104__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code B
Name B. Developmental sexuality from a bio-psycho-social perspective across the life course
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code H
Name H. Health/medical factors that may influence sexuality including, but not limited to, illness, disability, drugs, mental health, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, pregnancy termination, contraception, fertility, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infection, other infections, sexual trauma, injury and safer sex practices
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker 0 Prefix
Firstname Orlando
Lastname Parrales
Suffix Bachelors and Masters in Social Work
Designation LCSW
Company School of Social Welfare UC Berkeley
Title PhD Student
Biography Orlando Parrales is a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) in the state of New York and a Ph.D. student in the School of Social Welfare at UC Berkeley. His research and practice focuses on homeless shelter utilization and quality of care for older adults.
Email op2229@berkeley.edu
Member Number 1463430
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Orlando%5FParrales%5F1949%2Ejpg
Role Label Presenter
Sort Order 0
Confirmed Flag No Response
1 Prefix
Firstname Tiffany
Lastname Luo
Suffix MSW, BA
Designation MSW
Company University of California, Berkeley
Biography Tiffany Luo is a PhD Student in the School of Social Welfare at UC Berkeley. She earned her BA in Psychology and her Master’s in Social Welfare from UC Berkeley. Tiffany has experience working in healthcare settings, community-based health and mental health organizations, school settings, and digital health startups. Broadly, her research focuses on health equity and access, digital health interventions, digital health social justice, implementation science, and integrated behavioral health care. She has designed mobile apps, conversational agents, and text message-based interventions for physical and mental health promotion. Through her work and research, Tiffany seeks to develop and expand access to digital health solutions for medically underserved populations.
Email tiffany.luo@berkeley.edu
Member Number 1476027
Photo https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/attendees/Tiffany%5FLuo%5F2205%2Ejpg
Role Label Co-Presenter
Sort Order 1
Confirmed Flag No Response
Documents Document Title Understanding Older Adults’ Sexual Health in Homeless Shelter Settings: A Systematic Review
Document Tag
Filename 0800_0_Parrales_131.pptx
Fullpath https://files.aievolution.com/prd/sec2301/events/3618/0800_0_Parrales_131.pptx
Alternate Path
Availability Starts On
Availability Ends On
Timezone America/Chicago
Public Use True
Approved True
9 Title Which Way Do You Swing?: The Intersection of Lindy Hop and Sex Therapy
Code 366
Type Poster Presentation
Description This presentation explores how lindy hop, a partnered swing dance, can be utilized in both individuals' and couples' sex therapy treatment as an intervention to explore gender, sexuality, trust, physical touch, and somatics. Because swing is a partnered dance with two different roles ("lead" and "follow"), participants can explore how the physical mechanics of the dance differ according to which role they prefer. This presentation also includes original ethnographic, interview, and survey data detailing the role that gender, sexuality, and queerness play in lindy hop.
Objective Analyze the applicability of lindy hop as a sex therapy intervention. |Integrate research on lindy hop, somatics, and sex therapy interventions. |Demonstrate how lindy hop can be utilized as a treatment tool for both individual and relational cases. |
Prerequisite The lindy hop is an American dance born in Harlem in the late 1920s, later growing in popularity as a type of swing dance throughout the 1930s and 1940s. Originating in the Black American community in Harlem, lindy hop rose in popularity to the point that it is now widely considered the American folk dance. (Note: Throughout this presentation, I use the terms "swing dance" and "lindy hop" interchangeably. "Swing" refers to both the off-beat nature of the music as well as the momentum with which partners are swung around the dance floor.)
There are two roles in a swing dancing partnership: the lead and the follow. The lead is historically the role enacted by men, while the follow is historically enacted by women. However, today's lindy hop community now refers to each role by its title, rather than "men" and "women," as it is encouraged to dance whatever role one prefers, regardless of gender. The lead's job is to initiate and suggest moves via physical cues on the follow's body, and it is the follow's job to feel these cues and follow through with the maneuver. As a result, dancing the lindy hop requires constant physical contact and trust in one another. Because of the gender-progressive nature of lindy hop, many people dance the role they feel aligns most with their identity. This is influenced by two factors: one may dance according to their gender identity (lead for masculinity, follow for feminity, or both someone between or outside the binary), or one might dance according to their sexual preferences of being dominant versus submissive (lead for dominance, follow for submissiveness, or both for switch). The physical mechanics of lindy hop are also more accessible for those who may be approaching it through the lens of sex therapy. Dancers make physical contact by holding hands and placing the other hand on one another's shoulders, while other styles of partnered dances tend to involve close-together torsos and the placement of hands on the waist or hips. As a result, lindy hop poses itself as an effective method of exploring both gender and sexuality in a generally non-sexual context.
With all of this in mind, I propose that lindy hop be implemented as an intervention to explore physical touch, trust, communication, gender roles, and sexual preferences. Due to its relatively "unsexy" nature, lindy hop provides the perfect opportunity for both individuals and couples to explore physical touch, gender, sexuality, and intimacy in a controlled setting outside of an overtly sensual or sexual context. Additionally, the utilization of dance includes the added benefit of vagus nerve stimulation. Participants of lindy hop report feeling more secure in their bodies, more comfortable with physical touch, and more affirmed in their gender identity and sexuality. In combination with sex therapy, lindy hop provides an on-the-ground but still experimental means for clients to explore any of these topics as they relate to their treatment plans.
Location St. Louis Union Station Hotel
Room Midway West Foyer
Startson 2024-06-14 08:00:00
Endson 2024-06-14 09:00:00
Timezone America/Chicago
Meeting Time
Sortorder 0
Capacity 0
Estimated Attendance 0
Actual Attendance 0
Credits 0.00
Creditsalt 0.00
Planner AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Activity AASECT 2024 Annual Conference
Parent Poster Session B - Counseling & Therapy
Ceu Documents Required Flag False
Publicuse True
Approved Flag False
Itinerary Flag True
Enduring Flag No
Self Assessment Flag No
Spacelimited False
Contributions False
Status Active
Source Key
Previewurl https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ev.viewEv&src=ext&ev=1133
Pre Test Url
Pre Test Gateway Next Step
Post Test Url
Post Test Gateway Next Step
Map Link Url
Canceled False
Room Assignments
Accreditation Bodies
Attendance Url https://ww5.aievolution.com/aasect/index.cfm?do=ip.confirmCEU&verifyFlag=false&eventId=1133&attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Attendance Gateway Next Step ip.confirmCEU__verifyFlag=false__eventId=1133__attendeeID=AI_ATTENDEEID
Evaluation Urls
Anonymous Survey Url
Categories Category 0 Code D
Name D. Issues related to sexual orientation and/or gender identity: heterosexuality; issues and themes impacting lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual people; gender identity and expression
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
1 Code E
Name E. Intimacy skills (e.g., social, emotional, sexual), intimate relationships, interpersonal relationships and family dynamics
Parentname Core Knowledge Area
Admin Use Only Flag No
Speakers Speaker Prefix
Firstname Sophie
Lastname Tobin
Biography Sophie Tobin is a second-year Master's student in Adler University's Couple and Family Therapy Department. Currently in the midst of her clinical practicum at Sage Therapy Chicago, Sophie is also working toward completi