Speaker Bio

Zelaika S. Hepworth Clarke MSW, MEd, PhD
(they/them; zie/zir; she/her)
Session: African Centered Sex Therapy (Virtual)
Dr. Zelaika Hepworth Clarke Carnagie is the first Jamerican ( Jamaican-American) to receive 3 degrees in sexuality studies from accredited universities in the USA: Bachelors of Arts from NYU in Sexuality, Culture and Oppression (2007); Masters of Education in Human Sexuality(2012) and Doctorate of Philosophy in Human Sexuality (2015) from the Center for Human Sexuality Studies at Widener University. Dr.Clarke is also a graduate of the International School of Transnational Decolonial Black Feminism in Cachoeira, Brazil, and from Decolonizing Knowledge and Power Summer School in Barcelona, Catalonia. Dr.Clarke cofounded an anti-racist sexuality studies program at Goddard College and co-created with Dr. Herukhuti the Decolonial Sexual Attitude Restructuring/ Reassessment (D-SAR). The D-SAR is a unique and innovative sexuality training program that assists participants understand the impact of settler-colonialism, imperialism, white supremacy, capitalism, and cisheterpatriarchy on their and other’s relationships to sex, gender, sexuality, and relationships. Dr.Clarke is an anti-colonial sexuality educator, African-centered social worker, co-liberator, loveologist, decolonial eroticologist, sexosopher, autoethnographer, clinical and cultural sexologist, & sexual epistemologist.