AASECT Virtual Awards Ceremony

May 23 at 4:00 pm ET.

Additional information coming soon!

We look forward to celebrating the 2025 winners for their remarkable contributions of our community.

AASECT Annual Awards: Amplifying Voices of Excellence in Sexual Health Education, Counseling, and Therapy

Digital Media Awards

AASECT Social Media / Web Series Award (YouTube, Instagram, etc.)
This award is for the producer(s) of a web series (YouTube, Instagram, Facebook Live, TikTok, etc.) that makes a significant contribution to increasing sex-positive online content and information. The nominated web series can be developed for a professional audience or for a general audience.


  • Published in 2024.
  • For a general or professional target audience.
  • This award is open to all professionals and AASECT Membership is not required.

Nomination checklist:

  • Minimum of three (3) media links representing the nominated work may be uploaded to the nomination form. Please ensure that the materials provided will be viewable to our committee members, check your share settings as needed.
  • Contact information for the producer and/or creators.
  • Please make sure that share settings enable viewing by the review committee.
AASECT Podcast Award

This award is for the creators of a Podcast that makes a significant contribution to AASECTs vision of sexual wellbeing, education, and which elevates the standards of the field. The nominated Podcast can be developed for a professional or general audience, and must have been produced in 2024. To nominate a Podcast send three linked episodes for review to the committee members along with contact information for the producer and / or creators. Include a brief letter of support at no more than 250 words. Please make sure that the committee can access and view the episodes suggested, or the nomination will not be considered. This award is open to all. Nominations due January 24, 2025


  • Published in 2024.
  • For a general or professional target audience.
  • This award is open to all professionals and AASECT Membership is not required.

Nomination checklist:

  • Contact information for the producer and/or creators.
  • Minimum of three (3) episodes for consideration. Please ensure that the materials provided will be viewable to our committee members, check your share settings as needed.
  • Please make sure that share settings enable viewing by the review committee.
AASECT Film Award
This award is for the producer(s) of an explicit or non-explicit film, video, or DVD that makes a significant contribution to AASECT’s vision of sexual health: “AASECT affirms the fundamental value of sexuality as an inherent, essential, and beneficial dimension of being human.” The nominated work will amplify diverse voices while expanding the clinical and educational standards of the sexual health field. The nominated film can be developed for a general or professional audience. It must be produced in 2023-2024. Please make sure that the committee can access and view the links and/or DVDs or the nomination will not be considered. This award is open to all. Nominations are due by January 24, 2025.


  • Produced in 2023-2024.
  • For a general or professional target audience.
  • This award is open to all professionals and AASECT Membership is not required.

Nomination checklist:

  • Nominated content for committee review. Please make sure that share settings enable viewing by the review committee.
  • Contact information for the producer and/or creators.


AASECT Award for Emergent Professional
This award is presented to an AASECT member (educator, counselor, or therapist) who currently has made impactful contributions in the field of sexuality within their first 3 years of stepping into the sexuality field. This may include students as well as recently graduated AASECT members. This award may be considered for any practical or theoretical body of work, including (but not limited to) providing trainings, retreats, online courses, videos or publishing a paper or book. The nominee should have 1 letter of support, no more than 500 words, from individuals familiar with their work. Nominations due January 24, 2025.


  • Current AASECT Member (within first 3 years of membership.)
  • Have 3 years or less of sexuality professional experience

Nomination Checklist:

  • 1 letter of support of up to 500 words from folks who are familiar with their work.
  • Send up to 3 links to resources like the nominee’s website, bio, social media, or projects.
AASECT Sexuality Educator Award
This award is presented to a current Sexuality Educator who has made long standing contributions, outstanding achievements, or otherwise had a major impact in one or more areas of sexuality education. Areas of impact may include, but are not limited to: teaching in the community, teaching in higher education, raising public awareness of sexual issues or public advocacy / lobbying policy-makers. The nominee should have (at minimum) 1 letter of support (letter must not be more than 500 words) from folks who are familiar with their work, and must be submitted along with the application for nomination. 
Nominations due January 24, 2025.


  • Sexuality educator
  • Current AASECT Member

Nomination Checklist:

  • 1 letter of support (minimum) of up to 500 words from folks who are familiar with their work.
  • 1-3 items (documents or media) representing the nominee’s work may be uploaded to the nomination form. Please ensure that the materials provided will be viewable to our committee members, check your share settings as needed.
AASECT Award for Integrative Approaches to Sex Therapy

This award recognizes exceptional creativity in applying integrative and interactive approaches to addressing sexual issues in clinical work with individuals, couples, groups, and/or supervisees across diverse ages, genders, and other identities. Eligible works may include (but are not limited to) practical or theoretical contributions such as trainings, retreats, online courses, videos, or published papers/books that demonstrate a holistic understanding of sexuality. Submissions should reflect a thoughtful integration of physical, emotional, cognitive, and/or spiritual dimensions of sexual experience, as well as relational and/or social contexts. The nominee should have one letter of support, at no more than 500 words, in addition to relevant documentation which may include links to websites, event pages, photo, and/or video documentation. The committee will view a maximum of 5 minutes of video documentation, so please cut your media accordingly, or include a time signature to reference for longer submissions. This award is open to AASECT Certified Sex Counselors and Therapists. Nominations due January 24, 2025


  • AASECT Certified Membership
  • For a general or professional target audience.

Nomination Checklist:

  • 1 letter of support of up to 500 words
  • Relevant documentation may include links to websites, event pages, photos, and/or video documentation.
  • The committee will view a maximum of 5 minutes of video documentation, so please cut your media accordingly, or include a time signature to reference for longer submissions.
AASECT Award for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

This award recognizes a sexuality professional whose work is building towards a more sexually liberated world. Nominate your colleagues and friends who are disrupting systems of oppression by raising awareness about and transforming harm, injustice, or inequity in our professions and our world. The AASECT DEI Award celebrates the accomplishments of historically marginalized sexuality professionals enacting real change in our communities. Areas of impact may include, but are not limited to, art, activism, organizing, leadership, education, public advocacy, or media. The nominee should have one letter of support, no more than 500 words, from individuals familiar with their work. Tell us about sexuality professionals centering disability, racial, gender, and reproductive justice. Nominations are due January 24, 2025.


  • This award is open to all professionals and AASECT membership is not required.

Nomination Checklist:

  • 1 letter of support (minimum) of up to 500 words from folks who are familiar with their work.
  • Send up to 3 links to resources like the nominee’s website, bio, social media, or projects.
AASECT Professional Standard of Excellence Award

The recipient of this award is a highly regarded expert in their field, recognized by their peers as an accomplished and visionary colleague, and a role model for professional and personal ethics, as well as excellence in achievement. This award honors work that includes, but is not limited to, the development and implementation of sexuality education curriculum, clinical programs or other original clinical contributions, scientific research, and media contributions through art, print, radio, television, or the internet. The nominee should submit one letter of support, no more than 500 words, from someone familiar with their work. This award is open to all. Nominations due by January 24, 2025.


  • This award is open to all professionals and AASECT membership is not required.

Nomination Checklist:

  • 1 letter of support of up to 500 words from folks who are familiar with their work.
  • Send up to 3 links to resources like the nominee’s website, bio, social media, or projects.
Humanitarian Award

This award is presented to a group or individual who have contributed to the field of human sexuality through private endeavor, charitable event(s), public awareness campaign, organizing effort, sex-positive educational offering, and / or political platform. Please submit a brief justification for your nomination at no more than 500 words, in addition to relevant documentation which may include links to websites, event pages, photo, and/or video documentation. The committee will view a maximum of 5 minutes of video documentation, so please cut your media accordingly, or include a time signature to reference for longer submissions. This award is open to all. Nominations due January 24, 2025.


  • Any professional or organization. AASECT Membership is not required.

Nomination Checklist:

  • 1 letter of support of up to 500 words
  • Relevant documentation may include links to websites, event pages, photos, and/or video documentation.
  • The committee will view a maximum of 5 minutes of video documentation, so please cut your media accordingly, or include a time signature to reference for longer submissions.
Distinguished Service to AASECT Award
This award is presented to a certified AASECT member in good standing who has worked to promote the mission of AASECT, advocating for sexual health through the development and advancement of sexuality education, counseling or therapy. This individual will have served the organization through activities including, but not limited to, recruitment of new members;  presentation of a paper or workshop at AASECT meetings; serving on the Board of Directors, a committee or task force; developing publications for or about the organization; assistance in the development of AASECT policy; and representation of AASECT in the public sector. The nominee should have 1 letter of support, no more than 500 words, from individuals familiar with their work. Nominations due January 24, 2025.


  • Current AASECT Member

Nomination Checklist:

  • 1 letter of support of up to 500 words from folks who are familiar with their work.
  • Send up to 3 links to resources like the nominee’s website, bio, social media, or projects.
Schiller Prize Award

The Schiller Prize is given to the best conference abstract proposal demonstrating innovative, pioneering work dealing with group approaches to sexuality education, sexuality counseling or sex therapy. 


  • Presenting a session at the 2025 AASECT Annual Conference 
Student Presentation Award

The Student Presentation Award is given to the best student conference abstract proposal demonstrating innovation and leadership potential for the future.  


  • AASECT Student Member 
  • Presenting a session/poster at the 2025 AASECT Annual Conference 

Book Awards

AASECT Book Award for Children under 18 years old (audience focus)
This award is presented to the author(s) of a book that makes a significant contribution to AASECT’s vision of sexual wellbeing and education, specifically as it applies to children/adolescents (kids) and teens (young adult), and which elevates the standards of the field. The nominated book must be intended for an audience under the age of 18 and have been published in 2021-2024. Please include a brief description of why the book is nominated for the award (no more than 250 words). This award is open to all. Each subcommittee member must receive a copy (either hard copy or digital copy) of the book to read/review no later than Friday, February 7, 2025.

Please note that submitting materials may accrue a cost (i.e. hard copies and shipping). Nominees will be provided with the list of members including mailing address for those who wish to mail a hard copy in the confirmation email.


  • Published in 2021-2024.
  • For an audience under the age of 18
  • This award is open to all professionals and AASECT Membership is not required.
AASECT Book Award for Sexuality Professionals (professional focus)

This award recognizes the author(s) of a book that makes an outstanding contribution to the fields of clinical sexology, sexual health, or sexuality education. To be eligible, the book must be authored by sexuality professionals and specifically written for an audience of other professionals in the field, with the goal of advancing and elevating professional standards. Please include a brief description of why the book is being nominated for the award (no more than 250 words). Each subcommittee member must receive a copy (either hard copy or digital copy) of the book to read/review no later than Friday, February 7, 2025.

Please note that submitting materials may accrue a cost (i.e. hard copies and shipping). Nominees will be provided with the list of members including mailing address for those who wish to mail a hard copy in the confirmation email.


  • Published in 2021-2024.
  • For sexuality professionals.
  • This award is open to all professionals and AASECT Membership is not required.

Each subcommittee member must receive a copy of the book to read/review no later than Friday, February 7, 2025. While we suggest contacting the author(s) and/or publisher to have the book sent directly to the subcommittee members, nominators are ultimately responsible for ensuring all copies are received by January 5, 2025, in order for a book to be considered. Please note that submitting the materials may accrue a cost (i.e. hard copies and shipping). Some committee members require a hard copy, while others on the committee are willing to accept a PDF/digital version. Nominees will be provided with the list of members including the mailing address of the members that require a hard copy in the confirmation email.

AASECT’s Sexuality Professionals Book Award for General Audience (audience focus)
This award is presented to the sexuality professional(s) who authored a book that makes a significant contribution to the general public’s knowledge of sexuality. The nominated book written for a general audience must have been published between 2021 – 2024. Please include a brief description of why the book is nominated for the award (no more than 250 words). Each subcommittee member must receive a copy (either hard copy or digital copy) of the book to read/review no later than Friday, February 7, 2025

Please note that submitting materials may accrue a cost (i.e. hard copies and shipping). Nominees will be provided with the list of members including mailing address for those who wish to mail a hard copy in the confirmation email.


  • Published in 2020-2024.
  • For the general public.
  • This award is open to all professionals and AASECT Membership is not required.

Awards Committee

Co-chairs: Xuan Ho, LMFT, CST Claudia Johnson, LMFT, CST

Alice Ripberger
Jonathan Grammatico, LCSW
Dorian Head LPC, ACS
Terri Barrios, PhD, LMFT, CST
Kimberly Holloway, Psy.D., CST
Kelly Scherger, PhD, CST
Heather Alberda BA CSE CSES S.
Marissa Stein, MS, LMHC, CST, NCC
Kelvin Pace, LPC-S, CST-S
Shanna Katz Kattari, PhD, MEd, CSE